MATH I: Class Information, Rules & Regulations
Supplies Needed:
Ø Three ring binder with paper and dividers or spiral notebook with folders
Ø graph paper
Ø pencils and eraser
Ø suggested: calculator (recommend TI-83 Plus is what’s available for use in-classonly)
Ø suggested: colored pencils or pens, highlighter
Ø Assigned daily.
Ø Due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise specified.
Ø Assignments are written daily on the board.
Ø Homework grades will be awarded based on the number of problems completed, not the number right or wrong.
Ø Must be labeled with name, date, page and problem numbers or minus 5 points.
Ø Each day assignment is late, minus 10 pts.
Ø Will be announced at least 2 days in advance.
Ø ALWAYS staple your work to the BACK of your test or quiz.
Ø Tests missed because of absence must be made up within one week of the original day of the test.
Ø Make up tests must be scheduled by the student, and will only be done after school or during Wednesdays Pride Period.
Ø All work must be shown in order to receive credit!
Pride on Wednesdays:
Students who are falling behind on their work or who have missed a Test, Project or Lab will be put on the Zap list. This list is sent out to all Pride teachers to send these students to me. If the assignments are not completed during this time, the student is responsible to schedule another time to complete the work.
Ø Check the board for missed homework assignments
Ø It is the students’ responsibility to ask for the make-up work and to set up a time to make-up tests with the teacher, upon returning to school.
Ø Get the missed notes from another student or see me after school for help.
Ø Missed homework must be made up within two (2) days of returning to class.
Ø Students accumulating absences over several consecutive days should plan to see me so a schedule of due dates can be arranged.
Ø Keep the class rules sheet and the class information sheet in your notebook.
Ø All notes should be dated and labeled with the objective or section number for the lesson. Notes will be given everyday.
Ø Homework should always be started on a new sheet of paper since it will be collected periodically and I don’t want notes.
Ø Notebook checks may be done randomly throughout the semester and counted as a quiz grade.
Ø Notebooks should go in the following order and each section will be chronologically including Information and Rules sheets, Warm-Up, Notes, Homework, Quizzes/Projects
Extra Help:
Everyday one of the math teachers at DHS stays after school. Therefore if you need help, and I am not available after school, someone else will be. Please ask the teachers in advance
There will be numerous supplemental materials given, including notes, but you will not have a text book. So please understand how absolutely important your notes are going to be, in your success with this class.
Grading Policy:
Ø Tests 50%
Ø Quizzes/Projects /Labs 30%
Ø Homework/Classwork 20%
Tests: 75, 83, 90
Quizzes: 80, 85, 94, 81, 60, 78
Homework: 100, 100, 100, 50, 0, 80, 70
Test avg (T): 82.67
Quiz avg (Q): 79.67
Hw avg (H): 71.43
Total average = .5T + .3Q + .2H
Total avg = .5(82.67) + .3(79.67) + .2(71.43)
This student’s average would be 79.5 which would round off to 80.
Homework is important to your grade!!
Fail tests/do homework:
If you average 65 on all your tests, and 65 on all your labs, but turn in all your homework (hw avg is 100) your grade will be passing (72).
Pass tests/don’t do homework:
If you average 85 on all your tests, and 85 on all your labs, but turn in NO homework
(hw avg is 0) your grade will be failing (68)
Progress/Report Cards:
Grades will be sent home in the form of a progress report or report card every three weeks. All progress reports need to be signed and returned. Please note that all dates for progress reports and report cards are on the school calendar.
1:1 Laptop Initiative:
All freshmen students will receive a laptop for the school year. There is a $25 insurance fee. Laptops will be used daily. We will go over the technology etiquette in class.
State Test:
Math I is a high school math class the student must take and pass in order to graduate. I want to inform you and your student that this class has an EOC (End of Course) Exam, a state test at the end of the course that counts for 25% of their final grade in this class.
Overall Class Grade:
1st/4th six weeks: 25%
2nd/5th six weeks: 25%
3rd/6th six weeks: 25%
State Test (EOC Exam): 25%
Grading Scale:
A 100 – 93%
B 92 – 85%
C 84 – 77%
D 76 – 70%
F 69% – below