Allerton Bywater Parish Council Minutes No 220
Minutes of meeting held at St Mary’s Church Annexe, Vicars Terrace,
Allerton Bywater
Thursday 14th December 2017 at 7pm.
Councillor S Murray (Chairman)
Councillor J Taylor
Councillor L Tomlinson
Councillor J Trayer
Councillor G Vickers
Councillor M Weaver
Apologies for Absence
Councillor K Asprey
Councillor J Coe
Councillor A Jabin
Councillor M Townsend
Prior to the start of the meeting a member of the public spoke to the Parish Council regarding his housing difficulties and the lack of assistance he is receiving from Leeds City Council. The resident was provided with contact details for both Ward Councillors Mary Harland and James Lewis and the Chairman also agreed to take this up on his behalf.
2. Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 9th November 2017 (219)
Proposed by Councillor G Vickers, seconded by Councillor J Trayer and accepted by Council.
3. Matters arising from these minutes
- Dog Fouling – Councillor M Weaver reported that no response has been received from the Leeds City Council dog warden, Councillor K Asprey to be asked to chase this up. Councillor J Trayer reported that dog fouling was still a problem at the Millennium Community Development and that dogs are continuing to be walked off the lead.
- Christmas Tree Lights – It was noted that the Christmas tree lights look much better this year. Councillor J Trayer suggested that the Parish Council look at the possibility of Christmas lights being put onto lamp posts for next year.
- Miners Welfare – The Chairman advised that Parks and Countryside have provided a quote which is unacceptably high so the Parish Council will not be taking this any further.
- Footpaths – Councillor L Tomlinson read out correspondence received regarding the section of disused railway behind Kind Edward Avenue(Garforth Bridleway No. 33) that she had reported as being impassable in bad weather. It was noted that as there is no drainage on the path this can take some time to drain away naturally and it may not be something that can be resolved due to the lie of the land and underlying ground surface. Ward Councillor James Lewis has advised that this would require significant technical investigation and funding and due to council budgets money cannot be found for this. It was agreed to ask Councillor K Asprey to look at the possibility of Darren Duxby putting gravel down to even out the surface.
- Doctors Lane – It was noted that Doctors Lane has been dug up again.
- Royal Visit – It was noted that the Princess Royal will be visiting Samuel Valentines on Thursday 25th January 2018.
4. Declaration of disclosable pecuniary and other interests
To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members' Code of Conduct. Also to declare any other significant interests which the Member wishes to declare in the public interest, in accordance with paragraphs 19-20 of the Members' Code of Conduct.
5. Finance Report
i. Balance to date
Petty Cash £ 27.96
Current account £ 39,514.34
Miners Memorial a/c £ 3,186.22
14 day account £ 17,015.63
Total £ 59,744.15
ii. Reconciliation of accounts
To be completed by Councillor K Asprey
iii. Audit of stamp book and petty cash
To be completed by Councillor K Asprey
iv. Consider any requests for donations and approval– No donation requests received
v. Payments for approval
All payments for approval were approved by Councillorsas per attached list.
vi. Budget Update
Current underspend of @ £263 per month at present.
6. Reports from:
Council Surgery
Councillor M Weaver reported that a number of residents had spoken to him regarding their housing issues.
No Update
Planning Sub Group
No Update
Allerton in Bloom
Councillor G Vickers reported that the group have received a grant of £1750 from Kippax Housing to purchase more planters. It was also noted that the summer plants have been ordered and that they were still looking into the purchase of six signs to promote that the group are Village in Bloom Gold Award winners.
The Parish Council briefly discussed the budget for Allerton in Bloom
7. Planning applications/planning matters
17/07929/FU/E – Single storey side extension at 4 Blands Crescent, Allerton Bywater
No Objections
Appeal against refusal noted
17/01600/DTM – Determination for 17.5m monopole with three antenna, two dishes and three equipment cabinets on land at Owlwood Cottages, Doctors Lane, Allerton Bywater.
8. To close meeting for 10 minute public involvement, then reopen meeting. Not Minuted.
9. Defibrillator Update
The Chairman reported that Ward Councillor Mary Harland has authorised a contribution of £400. It was also noted that the Parish Council are still waiting for an electrician to install the defibrillator/cabinet on the outside wall of Bywater Hall and Lodge.
10. Walkways, Recreation and Small Schemes within village
Councillor S Murray reported that following the site meeting on Wednesday 8th November with Leeds City Council, Canal & River Trust and Groundworks to discuss clearing the Staithes he was now in receipt of a quote from Leeds City Council totalling £8,500.
It was noted that the Ward Councillors have agreed a contribution of £4000 towards this and as the Parish Council have safety concerns regarding the Staithes and want the work to be completed it was agreed in principle to pay the balance of £4,500 and try to claim this back through the CISG.
Councillor G Vickers reported that the grit bin near Lloyds Pharmacy, Leeds Road requires refilling. Councillor J Taylor to contact Highways and ask them to replenish all the grit bins throughout the village.
11. Police Matters – No issues raised
12. Highway Matters – No issues raised
13. Flooding Update
It was noted that the Environment Agency have been working at Boat Fields cutting back trees on the riverbank.
14. Correspondence - None received
15. Matters for discussion
Councillor J Trayer spoke about his suggestion that the Parish Council look at the possibility of Christmas lights being put onto lamp posts for next year and it was agreed that this would be put on the January agenda for further discussion.
Councillor M Weaver reported that he had spoken to Ward Councillor Mary Harland regarding RSPB St Aidan’s and had suggested that part of the £2 million trust fund should be used to provide open air gym equipment around the site. Clerk to write to Ward Councillor Mary Harland.
Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 11th January2018 at 7pm.
Signature………………………………………………….. Date……………………….