All work due 11:30 p.m. on MondayNO LATE WORK ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON!

Syllabus for:DIG 2001Web Design 1

Professor Delynda Keefe

Welcome to DIG 2100 Web Design I. This is the one and only Wed class in the Digital Arts program. It will expose you to basic concepts of Web design and development. This course introduces students to basic web design and development using HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). The course does not require any prior knowledge of HTML or web design but you should have computer competency along with basic knowledge of Internet and MyCourses if you hope to be successful with this online class. Once you have a basic understanding or HTML and CSS, we will use a software program to write our code. Along our journey, I will guide you through the weekly activities and provide support when needed along with a tutor, and many resources to help you have a successful semester. Your job is to log-on to the course each week and do the work. My job is to provide you with the tools to succeed. Together, we will triumph.

Success is not a destination, it’s a journey. Zig Ziglar


(availableat: )

Deadline to drop with refund: / 01/12/2018
Deadline to withdraw without refund: / 03/21/2018
Quiz: / 03/19/2018
Final Project: / 04/30/2018



REQUIREDSoftware-Adobe DreamweaverCloud CC 2017—3/19-4/30SPC does not supply this software other than in the labs; it is your responsibility.


Professor: Delynda D. Keefe

Instructor’s page:

Office location (building and room): Rm 329 in the UPC building
Office Hours: by appointment
Contact information
Phone: (727) 394-6127

All work due 11:30 p.m. on MondayNO LATE WORK ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON!


Computer competenceandknowledgeofInternetuse.


Thiscourseintroducesbasicconcepts,issuesandtechniquesrelatedtodesigning,developinganddeployingWebsitesusingcurrentWebstandards.Duringthecourse,studentswillexploreWebdesign,HyperTextMarkupLanguage(HTML),ExtensibleHypertextMarkupLanguage(XHTML) and Cascading StyleSheets(CSS).StudentswillauthorWorldWideWebsitesusingmarkupanddevelopmentsoftware.StudentswillbeintroducedtoWebdesigntheorybyfocusingonvariousconceptssuchaslayout,typography,colortheory,andusability.Thiscourseplacesaheavyemphasisonindividualpagedesignandlayout.CurrentmobileWebdesigntrendswill alsobeexplored.ThestudentswillhavetheopportunitytodevelopandpublishaWebsitefrominitialconceptto publication.47contacthours.



1.Thestudentwillidentifythe processofapplying transitionalandstrictstandardsofHTMLandXHTMLusedtocreatethestructureofa basicWebpage.


2.Thestudentwill discover andutilizeindustry-standardWeb-editingtools.

3.Thestudentwill constructspecialformattingcodenecessaryforcreatingpagelayoutusing Cascading StyleSheets(CSS).

4.Thestudentwilldemonstrate designtechniquesrelatedtocreatingsitesfor currentmobiledevices.


6.Thestudentwilldemonstrate theknowledgeofapplyingvariousconceptsof colorusedin effectiveWebdesign.

7.Thestudentwill applythe properprogression ofcreatingaWebsitefrom perceptiontocompletion.



  • Read all directions!
  • Ask Questions!
  • Don’t get crazy when the technology fails (it is inevitable). Your first contact should be : HelpDesk at
  • You are expected to check the course and email at least once each day. Announcements and other important information are posted. Expect to spend at least 10-12 hours per week for this course.
  • All assignments will be completed on time.
  • All contact should be inside MyCourses.


Assignments will be due on Mondays 11:30 pm . For this online class, you are required to log-onand work at the beginning of the week. You cannot log-on the last day and hope to finishall work.

For the first two weeks, participation is based upon log-on, completing the assignments

and uploading before the due date.


Students are expected to complete and upload work on time. In addition, students are expected to log on to MyCourses and complete work. Late work will NOT be accepted. There are NO makeup grades! If you know you need to be absent, you can work ahead when applicable.All course work must be completed by the appropriate due dates. A grade of zero will be assigned to any course requirement not completed.


Students not actively participating in class as determined by the instructor after the 60 percent point of the term will automatically receive a grade of “WF.”

  • For this class, not actively participating is determined by poor attendance (over three weekly absence as determined by logging on and completing work) and/or having a course average of 60 or below at the 60% point. You must log-on every week and complete all assignments
  • To be eligible for the first two-weeks attendance, you must attend class, log-on to course, and complete assignments.


No extra credit assignments are available. However, students that participate frequently in class will receive special consideration when final grades are determined at the end of the semester.


The last day a student can withdraw from this course and receive a grade of W is3/21/18

Grading scale:
90+ A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
60 – 69 D
<60 F







This course is designed to be welcoming to, accessible to, and usable by everyone, including students who are English-language learners, have a variety of learning styles, have disabilities, or are new to online learning. Be sure to let me know immediately if you encounter a required element or resource in the course that is not accessible to you. Also, let me know of changes I can make to the course so that it is more welcoming to, accessible to, or usable by students who take this course in the future.

If you have documentation of a disability or feel you may have a disability:

St. Petersburg College recognizes the importance of equal access to learning opportunities for all students. Accessibility Services (AS) is the campus office that works with students who have disabilities to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations. Students registered with AS, who are requesting accommodations, are encouraged to contact their instructor by the first week of the semester. Students who have, or think they may have, a disability (e.g. learning disability, ADD/ADHD, psychiatric, medical/orthopedic, vision, and/or hearing), are invited to contact the Accessibility Coordinator (AC) that serves your campus for a confidential discussion. To find your AC for your specific campus, please go to the college-wide Accessibility Services website:

Have a great semester and focus on getting as many students as you can to complete the course!

All work due 11:30 p.m. on MondayNO LATE WORK ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON!


















CreativityisessentialtobesuccessfulintheDigitalArtsfield.Thisskillissomewhatinherentbutwillbefine-tunedintheprogram.TheeducationalpsychologistJ.P.Guilfordidentifiedfourbasiccreativequalities:(1)fluency:easeofusingstoredmentalinformation –beingabletogeneratemanyideas–quantity(2)flexibility:usingdifferentapproachestoproblems–seeinginformationfromdifferentpointsofview(3)originality:theunusualorrareresponse–uniqueness,innovative,and(4)elaboration:theskillofenrichingasimpleidea –addingdetail–attentiontodetails

If astudentcannotdemonstratethe abilitiesidentifiedabove, itisthe responsibilityof the studenttorequestanappropriate accommodationwiththe Disability Resources office.Determinationof a reasonableaccommodationwill bemade onanindividualbasis andthe accommodationcannotfundamentallyalter the nature of theprogramoffered,impose anundue hardship,or jeopardize safety.

All work due 11:30 p.m. on MondayNO LATE WORK ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON!

Lesson / Topics / Assignments / All Due Monday 11:30 p.m.
Lesson1 / ReviewingSites? / BecomeaCriticPost: Introduction
Post: Good/Bad / 1/16 (Tuesday)
Lesson2b / OrganizingaWebsite
Pre-planning / ReadingCheck / 1/22
Lesson3 / IntroductiontoHTML
-BasicHTMLTags / Post: W3C
Post: SourcecodeBasicHtml / 1/29
Lesson4 / -Formatting
-Links / HTMLActivities / 2/5
Lesson5 / ProjectPage / DesignandCreateProjectPageLocateHost
FTP / 2/12
Lesson6 / Tables
Forms / Tables
Forms / 2/19
Lesson7 / Multimedia / Multimedia / 2/26
Lesson 8 / CSS
Quiz-Mid-term / Stylesheets / 3/19
Lesson 9 / Dreamweaver Basics / Lesson 9-DW / 3/26
Lesson10 / Dreamweaver Basic + Part 2 / Lesson 10-DW / 10/23
Lesson 11 / Essentials for Beginners / Tutorials:
Understanding the anatomy of a website
Stages of web design
Define a site
Define page structure
See what you can do with DW / 4/2
Lesson 12 / Ready to Use It? / Tutorials:
Add content to your page
Layout and style web pages / 4/9
Lesson 13 / More / Tutorials:
How to make a responsive grid layout / 4/16
Lesson 14 / Color Theory / The Role of Color
More Color / 4/23
Lesson 15 / Final Project / 4/30
Grade Item
Posting / Type / Points
Introduction / Discussions / 50
Good Bad / Discussions / 50
Source Code / Discussions / 50
W3C / Discussions / 50
Become a Critic-Upload results here / Dropbox / 60
Reading Check / Dropbox / 60
Basic HTML Tags / Dropbox / 60
HTML Activities / Dropbox / 60
Project Page / Dropbox / 60
Tables / Dropbox / 60
Forms / Dropbox / 60
Multimedia / Dropbox / 60
Stylesheets / Dropbox / 60
Quiz Mid / Quizzes / 60
Lesson 9- DW / Dropbox / 60
Lesson 10-DW / Dropbox / 60
Lesson 11-DW / Dropbox / 60
Lesson 12-DW / Dropbox / 60
Lesson 13-DW / Dropbox / 60
Color / Dropbox / 60
The Role of Color / Dropbox / 60
Final Project
Final Project / Dropbox / 300