School Evaluation Form

  1. Name of School
  1. Name of Head of School
  1. Type of School (e.g. crèche, nursery, primary, secondary, sixth form, Montessori, special)
  1. Date School Opened (when was school founded)? (Does the school have more than one site)?
  1. Student Information

What is the grade/age structure of your school?(e.g. crèche, nursery, primary, secondary, sixth form)
Grade/Age / Number of Students
  1. School Curriculum Information

6.1. What curriculum do you use? / American / Yes / No
British / Yes / No
IGSCE / Yes / No
International Baccalaureate (please specify below)
PYP / MYP / Diploma
Nigerian / Yes / No
Other (please specify)
6.2. Special provision or arrangements for students with special educational needs and Individual Education Plan
  1. Teacher Information

7.1. Number of full time teachers employed?
7.2. Number of part time teachers employed?
7.3. What are the nationalities of your teachers? (please use percentages)
7.4. What is the qualification of your teachers (
Nationalities / Percentage of Total
  1. School Governance Information

8.1. How is the school Governed? / Elected Board
Member Elected
Appointed Board
8.2. Combination (Describe):
  1. Date of Last Inspection (by an international/local body)
  1. School Address Information

10.1. School Name
10.2. Physical School Address
10.3. City
10.4. State
10.5. School Contact Information
10.6. Phone Number (s)
10.7. Mobile Phone Number
10.8. Fax
10.9. Email 1
10.10. Email 2
10.11. Website
  1. Describe your school facilities (sites, buildings, play/recreation areas, location etc)

11.1. What is the size of your school?
11.2. Does your school have more than one site?
  1. What is your school’s vision or philosophy?
  1. What is your school’s Mission?
  1. What is the legal status of your school?

Public / Private / Proprietary
(for profit) / Non-Profit / Other
If “other” please specify
14.2. Are you affiliated with a religious organization / Yes / No
14.3. If so which one (s)?
14.4. Does your school provide boarding facilities? / Yes / No
14.5. If yes, for what age students do you provide boarding facilities
14.6. Number of boarders in your school / Male / Female
14.7. Is the school currently approved by the State and/or accredited / By State / Accreditation Agency
14.8. If approved by state? / Date of Approval
14.9. If approved by internationally recognized agency? / Date of Accreditation
  1. Annual fees (day students)
  1. Annual fees (Boarding)
  1. 17.1. Please describe your curriculum in the way you think best represents its breadth and the balance between different components.

17.2. Please indicate the subjects taught.

17.3.The proportion of curriculum time allocated to each (for example, as percentages).

17.4.Show how the curriculum meets the statutory requirements.

17.5.Also tell us about the differences in the curriculum offered for different age groups.

17.6.Where relevant, describe the curriculum provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

17.7.Please tell us if any children are exempt from any of the learning and development requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

17.8If so, please explain what adaptations have been made for them.

  1. Please use the space below to add any additional information in support of your membership application.


  • If you have a school brochure, please send us a copy.
  • Additional sheets of paper can be included to this evaluation form if required.

Evaluator 1

Evaluator 2

Date of Evaluation Visit

Measurement of Standards

1 = Not Met

2 = Partially Met

3 = Mostly Met

4 = Fully Met

Each area has a key standard written in bold type and a series of supporting standards. The evaluation of the school against the key standard in each category will carry the most weight in terms of the final accreditation decision.

1. Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

Standards / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
The school provides an international curriculum.
The quality of teaching and learning is commensurate with that of other AISEN standards.
The curriculum is broad and balanced and this is evidenced in the school timetable.
Assessment, recording and reporting systems are in place.
The context of International/Nigeria is evident in the curriculum/co-curricular.
Teaching and learning is an interactive process.
Suitable provision is made for those with special educational needs to include gifted and talented students.
A wide and interesting range of sporting, cultural and other co-curricular activities underpins the formal curriculum.
Teaching staff are suitably qualified.
The curriculum is appropriately resourced to effect effective delivery
It is clear that the schools takes the ongoing training needs of all classrooms based teaching and are met as evidenced.
There is pastoral care that is supported by a range of systems and policies which support the understanding and holistic learning of students.
The school has curricular links with other schools and colleges.
The overall judgment of the quality of your school’s learning experience?

2. Environment and Facilities

Standards / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
The school campus provides a suitable setting for the educational purposes of the institution.
The size of teaching and learning spaces is suitable for those using them.
The educational equipment in use is suitable.
The environment is clean.
The health and safety measures are in place, evidenced and adequately addressed.
Laboratories cater for the needs of the school and safe.
Facilities are in place to promote the creative needs of students.
The school has a library/ information centre which is available to students.
ICT provision meets student needs across the curriculum and is appropriately integrated to support the computer.
In schools, catering for the very young, play and learning equipment is appropriate.
There is a designated, equipped and staffed sick bay.
Canteen and tuck shop facilities are hygienic and suitable for their purpose.
(Indicate by ticking this box if it does not apply to your school)
Students have a range of sporting activities and undertake to participate in all AISEN activities.
For schools with boarding facilities, the facilities are hygienic and suitable for their purpose (see appendix A)
Characteristics of the school – please tell us about your school. Include a brief description of the school’s aims as well as outlining any distinctive features, for example does it have a distinctive religious affiliation, philosophical foundation, and/or does it serve a distinctive national or linguistic group, or a distinctive group of pupils? You may wish to tell us about links with the community or any outreach work the school is involved in. Please include information about the early years provision and its characteristics, if relevant. (additional paper can be included)

3. The School as a Community

Standards / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
The school ethos reflects a happy and well ordered community which is effective in meeting the needs of all stakeholders.
The school has a clear statement of mission and vision which is known and visibly displayed.
The school has an improvement plan.
Students’ behaviour is appropriate to context and setting and is appropriately monitored.
Standards of dress (uniform) where applicable is appropriate.
Students are positive and are proud of their school.
Students feel safe and secure. Appropriate policies/protocols/safeguards are in place to ensure their ongoing wellbeing.
Registers are kept up to date and monitored
Success is valued and promoted. The achievements of students are celebrated and recognized.
The school actively engages in projects to support the local community.
Students are encouraged to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative and understand how they can contribute to community life?
Staff welfare is actively promoted (evidenced within the staff handbook).
Parents are seen as key stakeholders in the education of their children and are encouraged to participate in the life of the school through a PTA or similar organization.
Other Observations
The school has a satisfactory level of fire safety.
The school has a satisfactory written policy on first aid and does it implement this?
The school keeps written records of sanctions imposed upon students for serious disciplinary offences?
Prior to the confirmation of the appointment of all staff (including volunteers), have appropriate checks been carried out to confirm their identity, medical fitness, right to work, previous employment history, character references and, where appropriate, qualifications and professional references and has such information taken into account in determining whether their appointment will be confirmed?

The AISEN Board of Trustees will act on your evaluation as quickly as possible, and the Executive Education Officer will notify you of the Board’s decision immediately following the Board’s action.

Thank you very much.


Name of Member school recommending applicant

Membership Recommendation

Recommended for full Membership / Yes / No
Recommended for Associate Membership / Yes / No

Evaluators’ Comments

APPENDIX A – For Schools with Boarding Facilities

  1. Organization of Boarding
/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Is there clear leadership of boarding in the school?
Number of students in Boarding facilities (full time, part time and occasional)?
Is the school responsible for finding accommodation for those boarders in private homes? / Yes / No
Is the Boarding full or weekly facilities? / Full-time / Part-time / Occasional
Does the school contribute to the boarders’ welfare?
How are the boarding houses organized?
Are records within the school relating to boarders regularly monitored?
Please state who does this:
Are boarders adequately supervised by staff both day and night?
Is the school organized, managed and staffed in a manner that delivers the best possible care?
Do all staff with boarding duties at the school effectively implement the school’s written guidance on boarding?
Do all staff, including ancillary staff, receive supervision at the appropriate intervals?
Do all staff, including ancillary staff, receive annual appraisals about their role in boarding?
Does a representative of the organization that runs the school visit the boarding houses every half term to monitor the welfare of boarders within the school? The representative must not directly manage or work at the school.

APPENDIX A (continued) – For Schools with Boarding Facilities

ii. Welfare, Health and Safety / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Does every student who has a statement of additional needs have their needs assessed, meet and recorded on an up to date written plan?
Do all students have an individual case file which details their development ad progress?
Does the school protect students from unsupervised contact with adults who have not been subject to the school’s vetting process?
How do you do this?
Has the school prepared and implemented an effective written policy and risk assessment process for activities carried out at the school?
Has the school prepared and implemented an effective, comprehensive risk assessment policy and process for the indoor and outdoor areas of the school used by children and young people?
Does the school have a crisis management plan which has been tested?
Where sanctions are used, does this include the use of physical intervention measures (restraint)?
Does the school have and implement an effective written policy on the management and administration of medicine?
Does the school have and implement an effective policy for the care boarders who are ill?
Does the school have an implement an effective policy management of students’ health and personal problems?
Does the school keep records in relation to individual boarder’s health and welfare needs and issues?
Does the school respect boarders’ personal privacy?
Does the school have and implement an effective policy on the admissions and discharge of students?
Does the school provide a balanced healthy and varied diet and provide a choice of main dishes at all meals for the students?
Are the staff who prepare the food for the students appropriately trained and qualified?

APPENDIX A(continued) – For Schools with Boarding Facilities

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Are boarders’ clothing and bedding adequately laundered?
Does the school operate a prefect system in boarding provision?
Do boarders have access to a range and choice of age appropriate activities?
Do boarders receive effective personal support from staff?
Can boarders maintain satisfactory private contact with their parents/guardians and families?
What arrangements does the school have in place to when students go missing?
What arrangements does the school have in place to safeguard the welfare of pupils?
Does the school boarding provision adequately support boarders’ educational progress at the school? If yes, please outline how this done: if no, please say what you are doing to improve this?
Does the school have a written agreement on conduct with spouses of staff, who live on the school premises but who are not employees of the school?
What are the arrangements for the supervision of the school nurse?
Are boarders provided with satisfactory sleeping accommodation?
Are boarders provided with adequate private toilet and washing facilities?
Are boarders provided with satisfactory changing provision during the day (e.g. to change for sports)?
Does the school provide educational guardians?

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