All of the following are characteristics of angiosperms EXCEPT

  1. coevolution with animal pollinators
  2. double internal fertilization
  3. free-living gametophytes
  4. pistils
  5. fruit

Along with the seed, the seed plants have evolved several additional adaptations to the land environment. Which one of the following is NOT such an adaptation?

  1. Flagellated gametes are not required for seed formation.
  2. The female gametophyte is protected from desiccation by the surrounding tissues of the sporophyte.
  3. The see and/or associated structures serve as a means of dispersal.
  4. Seed format6ion introduces a new type of genetic recombination.
  5. The seed contains nutrients for the enclosed embryo.

Plants with a dominant sporophyte are successful on land because

  1. having no stomata, they lose less water.
  2. They all disperse by means of seeds.
  3. Diploid plants are protected from the effects of mutation.
  4. Their gametophytes are all parasitic on the sporophytes.
  5. Eggs and sperm need not be produced.

You are given an organism to identify. It has a fruiting body that contains eight haploid spores line up in a row. What king of a fungus is it most likely to be?

  1. zygomycete
  2. ascomycete
  3. deuteromycete
  4. lichen
  5. basidiomycete

The sporangia of bread molds are

  1. asexual structures that produce haploid spores
  2. asexual structures that produce diploid spores
  3. sexual structures that produce haploid spores
  4. sexual structures that produce diploid spores
  5. vegetative structures with no role in reproduction

If there were no mycorrhizae, which of the following would be true?

  1. There would be fewer infectious diseases.
  2. We wouldn’t have antibiotics like penicillin.
  3. There would be no mushrooms for pizza.
  4. A lot of trees would not grow well.
  5. Cheese like blue cheese or Roquefort could not exist.

The sac fungi get their name from which aspect of their life cycle?

  1. vegetative growth form
  2. asexual spore production
  3. sexual structures
  4. shape of the spore
  5. type of vegetative structure

The small size and simple construction of prokaryotes imposes limits on the

  1. number of simultaneous metabolic activities and the number of genes present.
  2. Type of habitat they occupy and the frequency of reproduction that can occur
  3. Number of cells that can be associated in organized colonies
  4. Number of organelles present and the size of the nucleus
  5. Type of reproduction and the number of offspring that can be produced.

Why are red algae red?

  1. They live in warm coastal waters.
  2. They absorb blue and green light.
  3. They use red light for photosynthesis.
  4. They are related to cyanobacteria.
  5. They lack chlorophyll.

Evidence for an endosymbiotic origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria includes which of the following?

  1. both have circular DNA.
  2. Both have prokaryoticlike ribosomes.
  3. Both have histone proteins associated with DNA.
  4. D. Only a and b are correct.
  5. A, b, and c are correct.

Protozoan protists generally are classified according to

  1. nutrition
  2. cell shape
  3. size locomotion
  4. type of reproduction

According to the endosymbiotic theory, the ancestors of mitochondria were probably

  1. aerobic eukaryotes.
  2. Aerobic bacteria.
  3. Anaerobic bacteria.
  4. Cyanobacteria.
  5. Chloroplasts.