Cool Kids for a Cool Climate
Rich Task
You have been assigned the task of creating a multimedia presentation aimed at raising awareness of an environmental issue that impacts upon our local area. You will be using the information gained from the Inspiration Day and Workshops in Term 2 to select a specific environmental issue that will be the focus of your presentation.
Ideas for the task
1.  The depletion of native flora due to changes in our environment
2.  The depletion of native fauna due to changes in our environment and loss of habitat
3.  Your school/family/individual ecological footprint and ways to reduce your impact
4.  Use Biomimcry to addresses an existing environmental issue
5.  Show how we can reduce our carbon output by using alternative energy sources
6.  Create an advertising campaign to promote the slogan “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”
7.  Create an original project idea that shows the application of the environmental knowledge you gained in Term 2
Your presentation must include:
  • All members of the group
  • A title
  • The PCS title and project logo
  • A clear outline of the issue you will be addressing and why you have chosen this as a focus for your presentation.
  • A plan of how you will complete the task, a timeline, allocation of work and resources needed
  • A summary of your project, include the resources you used, the steps you took and any modifications you needed to make
  • Explain what you and your team will do to overcome this problem. (These must be your original ideas)
  • State your target audience i.e. who your presentation is aimed at – school P&C
- local council
- families
- school peers including SRC
You will be working in your pre-assigned groups.
You will meet as a group for 3 half days to complete this task.
You will be expected to research information both at your school and at home to bring to the group meeting days.
Your work will be assessed by your peers (in other groups) and your teacher using the attached Assessment Task Rubric.
Your presentation should be between 3 and 5 minutes and will be presented at our last meeting.
This assignment is due on:
Limited / Basic / Sound / High / Outstanding
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Clear outline of the project / Presents a limited outline of the project. / Presents a basic outline of the project. / Presents a sound outline of the project. / Presents a thorough outline of the project. / Presents a detailed outline of the project.
Planning timeline and organisation / Presents limited timeline and organisation of the project. / Presents basic timeline and organisation of the project / Presents sound timeline and organisation of the project / Presents thorough timeline and organisation of the project / Presents a detailed timeline and organisation of the project
The report / Uses little appropriate vocabulary. / Uses some appropriate vocabulary / Uses adequate appropriate vocabulary / Uses very good appropriate vocabulary / Uses extensive appropriate vocabulary
Limited environmental content is presented. / Basic environmental content is presented. / Sound environmental content is presented. / Thorough environmental content is presented. / Extensive environmental content is presented.
Appropriate use of technology / Little or no evidence of the effective use of technology to complete the task. / Basic evidence of the effective use of technology to complete the task. / Adequate evidence of the effective use of technology to complete the task / Very good evidence of the effective use of technology to complete the task / Extensive evidence of the effective use of technology to complete the task .
Presentation / Limited attempt to creatively engage the audience. / Basic attempt to creatively engage the audience. / Sound attempt to creatively engage the audience. E.g. Integration of some props and effects that enhance their presentation. / Thorough attempt to creatively engage the audience. E.g. Integration of a variety of props and effects that enhance their presentation. / Extensive attempt to creatively engage the audience. E.g. Integration of extensive props and effects that enhance their presentation.

Rich Task Assessment Rubric