Holy Family Church

All Leadership Meeting


January 12, 2016

Opening Pray: Cambria led the meeting with a pray and welcome.

Report from Frank Ponnet: Frank reported on the South Pasadena Mayor’s breakfast scheduled for Feb. 23, 2016.

Cambria's report: Cambria reported on the "Year of Mercy" and the Mercy walk through the streets of South Pasadena with Bishop O’Connell. The Bishop spoke to the parish on Monday night. Cambria thanked Dawn Ponnet, Ramon Barreras, Mary Schimmoller, and the evangelization committee for preparing everything for "The Year of Mercy". Cambria reported that the Holy Family Auction will be held on April 30, 2016. The Auction will incorporate the Divine Dinners opportunities via The Super Silent Auction. The priests will move into the Stimson House at the end of January. Air conditioning will be added and the swimming pool will be removed. Fr. Dennis will arrive Jan. 13, 2016 to cover for Fr. Pol, who will be visiting family in the Philippines for 3 weeks. Fr. Bob is still recovering at home. Security will be reviewed with David Law and Cambria meeting with the planning department to present the application to the city of South Pasadena for approval.

Outreach Commission report: Laura Escobar reported that the Outreach Commission is preparing to offer assistance to Veterans. The Commission is also looking into the possibility of sponsoring a family from Syria.

Worship Commission report: Frank Ponnet reported priests from other parishes have been helping out in the absence of Fr. Bob. A new ministry is forming to reach out to parishioners with special needs. A total of 430 people filled out the survey on "What would you like to see at Holy Family".

Community Life Commission report: Mary Schimmoller reported that Friday Night Bingo was a great success. There were approximately 140 people in attendance. They are planning for an additional bingo for the summer. Other events planned are a movie night with sing along in the hall, a BBQ night this summer or a parish picnic. The Commission plans on supplying free coffee and donut tickets for the Continental Breakfast to new parishioners to meet others in the parish.

Education/Formation Commission: Ginny Rusk reported that they are seeking more volunteers for this year's Congress. They are also looking to increase the number of parishioners that plan to attend.

Administration Commission report: Julia reported the Commission is working with Edison to find ways for saving energy. Solar energy was looked into but it was determined not to be feasible.

Presentation by Jay Krueger: Jay reported that the seminary is full for the first time in many years. There will be 9 priest ordained this year. Jay showed a short video of last year's ordination.

Presentation by Hayden Claisse: Hayden gave an updated report on the strategic planning. He reviewed the last 5 years and reported on the SWAT report with possible future plans. Hayden reported that there has been a decline in the Divine Dinners and Auctions in the past, but a rebound is occurring. He reviewed the strengths and weakness of the parish. Also reviewed was the "Parish Plan". He is requesting a profile of all the ministries and the number of Commission members to the number of ministries members under them. The planning process is under constant review.

The Commissions then met for their individual meetings. The Pastoral Council met after the Commission meetings.