All JapanKyokushin Union

6th. international Römer-Cup 2009

Children,Pupils,Juniors and Seniors

International / Association open

Date: Saturday, 03. October 2009


Organizer: Kyokushin Karate SV Oberstimm e.V.

Classes: Kids: – 7 Years

Kids A: 8 – 9 Years

Kids B: 10 – 11 Years

Pupils A: 12 – 13 Years

Pupils B: 14 – 15 Years

Juniors: 16 – 17 Years

Adults from 18 Years

Male: -70kg, -80kg, +80kg, all category without weight limit

Female: -55kg, -65kg, +65kg, all category without weight limit

Regulations: Kumite: To be valid is the Contest order in the annex

Kata: Kids – Pupil A (separate between boys and girls)

1. Round Taiyoku-Sono Ichi (explicit duty for all)

2. Round Taiyoku-Sono San

3. Round free eligible

Repetition of Kata is possible

Kata: Pupil B – Juniors (separate between boys and girls)

1.RoundPinan-Sono Ichi (explicit duty for all)

2. RoundPinan-Sono Ni

3. Roundfree eligible

Repetition of Kata is possible

Note: For all children, pupilsand Juniors is prescribed:

Full Contact Forbiddance !

Protective equipment for all participants: deep hit protection, shin and

instep protection, fist and head protection. Kids until 8 years have to

wear additional a fight west, girls from 12 years have to wear a bust


From 8 Years upwards without fight west.

Participation: Association Open

with a valid Karate Passport

( inclusive of a valid year sign mark 2009,

an underwritten statement of agreement

and liability exclusion)

Wardrobe: clean Karate Gi, in accordance with the Kyokushin style

Fee: 20,- € per participant and discipline

30,- € for two disciplines (Kata and Kumite)

Awards: The first 3 Participants gets a cup, the 4 Participant gets a certificate

Registration: The registration has to be done until the 19.09.2009 with

the Registration form in the annex, to the Kyokushin Karate SV


Place of Tournament: Sporthalle im Lindenkreuz, Lindenstraße 20, D-85077 Manching

Directions: drivefrom the A 9, take the gateway Manching, drive through

the municipality, Ingolstädter Straße

Liability: The Organizer takes no liability for damages any way. The

participation is taking by own risk.

Overnight stay: Overnight stay in the sporting hall is not possible. For hotels or

other accommodations, please use the web

Contact address: Sensei Dietmar Danisch (e-mail:

Walter Stippel (e-mail:

Referees: Each Club has to provide a referee

Registration Form: Please fill out the Registration form for your participants

Tournaments Rules: For Children, Pupil and Juniors full contact is forbidden. The

Competitors must show a good spirit and good techniques during the bout.

For specific rules see the Rengobook of the All Japan Kyokushin Union.

For further information you can contact us by the addresses of Sensei Dietmar or Mr. Walter Stippel


Registration Form Children,Pupil, Juniors / 6. Römer–Cup 2009



Herewith I sign on bindingly Karatekas for the 6. Römer Cup on the 03.10.2009 in Manching

as follows:

Classifying Age

Kids -7

Children A: 8 - 9

Children B: 10 – 11

Pupils A: 12 – 13

Pupils B: 14 – 15

Juniors: 16 – 17

Surname / First Name / Kyu / weight / height / Kata / Kumite / Start-

Person in charge (Couch)______

Important information: Each Dojo has to provide an apprenticed referee


Registration Form Seniors / 6. Römer–Cup 2009



Herewith I sign on bindingly Karatekas for the 6. Römer Cup on the 03.10.2009 in Manching

as follows:

Adults: Male: -70kg, -80kg, +80kg, all category without weight limit

Female: -55kg, -65kg, +65kg, all category without weight limit

Surname / First Name / Kyu / weight / Start-

Person in charge:______

Important information: Each Dojo has to provide an apprenticed referee


Date and Sign

Time schedule for the 6. Römer-Cup 2009

Schedule (preliminarily)

from to action

7:00 sporting hall open/ weight on scales

7:15 7:30 arrangement of Referees

7:35 8:00 Referee meeting

8:35 8:50 Intrusion, Welcome

9:00 12:00 Children, Pupil,Juniors

Kata Pre/Final Rounds, start Kumite

12:00 12:30 Lunch break / weight on scales

12:40 15:30 Seniors Pre Rounds

15:40 15:50official Welcome

16:00 18:30Finals

18:45 19:30Awards

6. Römer Cup 2009

Children, Pupils, Juniors and Seniors

Date: Saturday, 03. October 2009

Place: Lindenkreuz Turnhalle Manching

Lindenstraße 20, D-85077 Manching

Organizer: Kyokushin Karate SV Oberstimm

Accordance of nonliability

The participant______(Name)

declare with his sign, that he read, understood and accept all the points in the following text:

The participant declares that he knows about the possible risk of injury. Also he declares that he is sensible and sufficient prepared. He reassure to be in good health, in good physical and mental constitution to meet the requirements in the contest.

The participant is informed in the run up to the tournament that the organizer takes no liability for any damages at all. The participation on the Römer Cup happens at own risk. The participant forego of any demands by the organizer.

It is in the responsibility of the participant to have a sufficient insurance coverage.

The participant and the coach declare that they know the Kyokushin tournament rules for children and pupils.He is committing to fight fair and to obey the rules.

The participant is committing to follow the instructions of the referees and paramedics.


Surname/Name of Participant Parent/ / Coach

Legal guardian

Manching, 03.10.2009

Place Date