Dear MCES Families,

It is hard to believe that summer is almost here! In this packet you will find the following: Summer Camp Registration Form, Summer Program Schedule, Field Trip Forms, Sunscreen Permission Slip, and Extra Activities Form.

All forms need to be completed and returned to Mrs. Welton by June 2nd, 2017.

There is a nonrefundable registration fee of $35 if paid before April 28th. After April 28th, the registration fee will be $50. Payments for field trips are due on June 2rd, 2017. These must be paid in advance since most of the field trip locations require the school to prepay and have an estimated count of children attending. All students attending camp on field trip days will need to attend the field trips. All preschool childcare and latchkey staff will be attending the field trips as well; no students may stay behind. If you would like to chaperone, please note this on the field trip form and submit your payment when you turn in enrollment forms.

Pricing: School Age Rates: $130 per week ($26 per individual day)

Preschool Rates: $155 per week ($31 per individual day)

Payments are due by 6 p.m. on Friday of the week prior to attendance. There will be a late fee of $5 per day for payments submitted after 6 p.m. on Friday. Due to staffing and the purchasing of materials and supplies, there will be no refunds or credits for schedule changes with less than 24 hour notice. Field trips are nonrefundable. Drop in care may be available based on staffing, but we reserve the right to decline drop in attendance if there is not sufficient staff to support the extra children. Families who are scheduling their children to come full time, Monday through Friday for the entire summer, may choose to pay in full for the summer by June 2nd, 2017 and receive a 5% discount off the total amount for the summer. All additional activities and expenses will remain the regular rate. No other discounts will be offered for the summer program. There are no refunds for sick or absent days if paying in full. Vacation days must be given to the director before the start of the summer program.

Please send your child in with one container of sunscreen, with a minimum of 30 SPF, to be used when spending time outside. Please inform us if your child has allergies or sensitivity to sunscreen and needs to have a particular kind of sunscreen applied. If this is the case, please label your child’s sunscreen so we can apply it to him/her only. Also, please apply a first coat of sunscreen to your child in the morning before arrival to our program. The children will be spending a majority of their time outside walking and playing every day, weather permitting.

All children need to wear secure athletic shoes and socks when attending our programs. They will be very active and do a lot of walking. Sandals, crocs, etc. should not be worn. We encourage children to wear clothes that are comfortable and weather appropriate. Each child will need to pack a lunch, a light snack, and a water bottle. Please send a lunch with your child that does not require refrigeration or a microwave and send plenty of water or a water bottle that can be refilled throughout the day. Juice boxes are okay, but please no carbonated beverages. Please label all items that are brought in. We will be offering Pizza Day Lunches every Monday during Summer Program. If you want your child to participate in this special lunch offer, please send in the $3 by the Friday prior so we know how much pizza to purchase for lunch.

We will continue to do some of the summer activities from previous years. We will be participating in the Monroe County Library System’s Summer Reading Program from June 20th through July 27th. We will be walking to the Dorsch Library weekly. This has been a favorite of our summer children and the staff at Dorsch looks forward to us joining them again.

Go M.A.D. Fitness has been providing kid fitness to our students for the last few summers. We are excited that they have agreed to spend each Monday with us through the summer from 10am to 11am.

We will be offering Lego Builder’s Club again this year on Tuesday mornings. If this is something you want your child to join, please indicate on the extra activities form so we know how many staff we will need. The one-time $10 fee will be due by Friday, June 2nd, 2017.

The students will be attending the 8:15am mass at the St. Michael Parish Church. Each morning of summer camp the students should be dropped off inside the gymnasium. At 8am on Mondays, the teachers will have the student’s line up to go to mass. If your child is dropped off during the mass service or before the group returns at 9:15am, they will need to be dropped off to Mrs. Welton’s office and wait until their teacher has returned. Your child will then join the group for the day. Please try to have your child dropped off before mass begins or after it is over. The K-8th grade students regularly attend mass services during the school year and will continue to do so throughout the summer. This will also be an excellent opportunity for the preschool students to practice for kindergarten and become familiar with the church and mass service.

We will be ordering MCES Summer Camp T-shirts again this year. Please indicate on the enrollment form the size your child will need. There will not be an additional cost for the students. If any other family members would like to order a shirt, it will be an additional cost of $8 per T-shirt. These T-shirts should be worn every Friday for field trips. If your child is a returning camper and can still fit in their blue camp T-shirt from last year, please wear them on Wednesdays.

Preschool Childcare and Latchkey will be closed on Friday, June 9th to prepare for the summer program. Please have other arrangements made for this day.

Summer camp begins on Monday June 12th, 2017. We will be closed on Monday, July 3rd and Tuesday, July 4th, in observance of the holiday. The last day of summer camp will be Friday, August 11th, 2017. There will be no care provided for preschool and school age children the week of August 14th-18th.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email or call me directly. Summer Camp will be open to the public. If you have friends or families that would be interested in the MCES Summer Program, please have them contact me to set up an appointment. We will have open enrollment starting in May for students who do not attend MCES. Please spread the word and enjoy the rest of the school year!


Mrs. Amanda Welton

MCES-St. Michael Campus

Director of Early Childhood Programs


734-241-3923 ext. 33