|Sustainable Sustenance: food transport and the environment
1. ‘City Limits: A resource flow and ecological footprint analysis of Greater London’, Best Foot Forward Ltd., 12th September 2002
see www.citylimitslondon.com
2. ‘How to live a low carbon life’, Chris Goodall, 2007, Earthscan, London
3. ‘Food miles – Still on the road to ruin?’; published by Sustain: The alliance for better food and farming (1999) ISBN: 1-903060-03-6
4. ‘Eating Oil: Food Supply in a Changing Climate’ by Andy Jones; published by Sustain and Elm Farm Research Centre (2001) ISBN: 1-903060-18-4
5. Tully Wakeman, East Anglia Food Link at the CRed ‘Food Miles 2004’ Conference; 26th May 2004
6. NASA; Moon Fact Sheet http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/moonfact.html;
last accessed 5th July 2004
7. WEN Calculation:
(3,558,650,000 tonne-km of road freight)1 = 9256 journeys to the Moon
(384,467 km mean distance from the Earth to the Moon)6
9256 / 2 = 4628 journeys ‘to the Moon and back’
8. CRed ‘Food Miles 2004’ Conference; 26th May 2004; see www.cred-uk.org
9. CLIMATE CHANGE 2007: Synthesis. Summary for policy makers. Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC 2007, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
10. Morris, S., Jha, A. (2007) Climate warning raises long term flood fears. The Guardian, London. 30/08/07)
11. ‘Reducing Food Miles – Green Propaganda or Sound Business Sense?’ The Logistics Business Ltd; from www.logistics.co.uk; last accessed 6th July 2004
12. www.bbc.co.uk/food/food_matters/packaging1.shtml. Last accessed on 23/01/08.
13. ‘Food has four seasons’, The Guardian, Saturday 24th May 2003
14. ‘Pollution figures ‘left out of report’’, Evening Standard, 27th May 2004
15. ‘Measuring food by the mile’, Living Earth and The Food Magazine; from www.mcspotlight.org/media/reports/foodmiles.html; last accessed 7th June 2004
16. ‘Growers’ market’, The Guardian, Saturday 17th May 2003.
17. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4684693.stm. Last accessed on 23/01/08
18. MDC Datum (Market Information Service of the UK’s Milk Development Council) (2007) Milk Flow Diagram: 2006, www.mdcdatum.org.uk/backdata/DFF2005/UKflowdiagram.xls
19. ‘Down Your Way?’; CRPE Briefing on Supermarkets and Local Food, May 2002
20. WEN/NFWI (2007) Women’s Manifesto on climate change. WEN/NFWI, London
21. DEFRA (2006) Agriculture in the UK 2006, The Stationery Office, London
22. Poklewski Koziell, 1999 – Why Women Briefing, WEN (2004)
23. Soil Association; Seasonal Food spreadsheet from www.soilassociation.org, downloaded on 6th July 2004
24. WEN calculation:
One metric tonne = 1000kg
Therefore 0.94 tonnes food per person = 940 kg per person
11 stone = 69.85 kg ; 940 kg person-1
69.85 kg = 13.457 ‘people’
i.e. more than 13 times their own body weight
26. (Ref: Prigg, M. (2007) London urged to boycott bottled water, The Evening Standard, London, 12.07.07)
27 (Ref: Department for Transport (2007) Transport Statistics Great Britain 2007. The Stationery Office, London)
29. (Ref: IPCC. (2007). CLIMATE CHANGE 2007: Mitigation. Summary for Policymakers. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge)
30 ‘Shopped: The shocking power of British supermarkets’, Joanna Blythman, Harper Perennial, 2005, London
31. ‘Packaging Optimisation: the impact to date’, WRAP, Banbury, 2007
Sustainable Sustenance, References, Women’s Environmental Network, August 2004, Updated 2008