/ Genus User Guide

Site Plan

Version 1.8 – April 21 2006

Genus User Guide

Revised: March 21, 2006

Version 1.8

Site Plan

Document Change Control

Version / Date of Issue / Author(s) / Brief Description of Major Changes
1.0 / April 18, 2005 / Dennis Thideman
Connie Viszlai
Tom Birch / Original document
1.1 / June 22, 2005 / SOP Admin Review Team / Final Review and Proofing
1.2 / Sept 27, 2005 / Ed Choi, Tom Frey, Ross Paterson, Chris Runnals / Tailor to TCH business process
1.3 / Oct 6, 2005 / Ed Choi, Tom Frey / Added more optional fields, screenshots
1.4 / Nov 3, 2005 / Ed Choi / Added Table of Contents, clarified more procedures, added screenshots, added new step on data validation (Step 20)
1.5 / Dec 6, 2005 / Ed Choi / Clarified SU Area Types, amendment procedures
1.6 / Feb 17, 2006 / Ed Choi, Chris Runnals / Replaced screenshots, updated links, clarified Digitizing procedure. Added Silv Liability Report step, more details on Additional Stocking Information. Removed seedlot requirement. Added additional steps to include Silviculture admin costs and more comments in the User-Defined Reports. More details on regimes and generating and attaching SP’s and amendment reports.
1.7 / Mar 21, 2006 / Ed Choi, Chris Runnals / Clarified use of Link Map and Digitize functions
Removed step to add admin costs to Silviculture Regime costs. Admin activities are now included in the regimes.
Any increases in Silviculture liability costs will require an amendment.
1.8 / April 21, 2006 / Ed Choi, Tom Frey, Ross Paterson, Chris Runnals / Step 6: Crown Closure and Site Index now need to be included in SU comments for Retention and WTP’s.
Step 7: Added Merch vs. Net area scenarios (these areas may not always match)
Step 13: Systems Tab – Reserve Type and Area are now required fields for any retention type silviculture systems.
Added Step 22: Prepare, Review and Submit Final Site Plan Package

All changes from the previous version will be highlighted in yellow.

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/ Genus User Guide

Site Plan

Version 1.8 – April 21 2006

Table of Contents

Document Change Control 2

Purpose: 4

Intended Audience: 4

Prerequisites: 4

Reference: 4

Best Practice: 4

Step 1: Navigate to Block 4

Step 2: Open Map Window 4

Step 3: Confirm Block Linkage 4

Step 4: Enter Ecology Unit Data 5

Step 5: Digitize or Link Ecology Units 6

Step 6: Enter Standards Unit (SU) Data 9

Step 7: Digitize SU areas 10

Step 8: Enter SU Soils data 12

Step 9: Enter SP Objectives 13

Step 10: Populate SP with Ecology Data 13

Step 11: Enter SP Strategy Data 13

Step 12: Enter SP Soils Data 15

Step 13: Enter SP Silviculture Systems Data 16

Step 14: Populate SP Standards IDs 17

Step 15: Enter Other Required Stocking Information 18

Step 16: Enter Administrative Information 18

Step 17: Modify Appropriate Silviculture Regime and Generate Regime Report 19

Step 18: Generate Initial Silviculture Liability Report 21

Step 19: Amendment Process 24

Step 20: Site Plan Reporting 26

Step 21: Validating SP Tabular and Spatial Data 30

Step 22: Prepare, Review and Submit Final Site Plan Package 31


Development and data entry of a new Site Plan into GENUS. The Site Plan is the foundation for all business development within GENUS and supports all ESF submissions for RESULTS.

Intended Audience:

Operations Staff/Contractors involved with Site Plan development


Understanding of digitizing spatial polygons within GENUS.

Permissions have been granted to enter and edit Site Plan screens in GENUS.

Understanding of Navigator Tree

Understanding of the Map Window

Block boundary has been developed and linked in GENUS.

Standards ID’s must be approved and loaded into the Genus maintenance tables


TCH Site Plan Standard Operating Process: This User Guide documents Phase 3 of the SOP: “Site Plan Data Entry.”

Best Practice:

Site Plan data entry must be accurate and complete.

Note: Data fields coded in green in Genus are required for RESULTS reporting and are mandatory, although not all of these are necessarily filled in by Site Plan developers. All other data fields are also mandatory unless specified as Optional or Not Required in this user guide. Comments fields must be filled in wherever there is applicable information. Refer to the Site Plan Evaluation Checklist for all required fields that correspond to this User Guide.

Step 1:  Navigate to Block

Open Navigator Tree and select the appropriate TSL. Right click on the block level and Select Silviculture. This is the entry point to access Site Plan entry.

Step 2:  Open Map Window

Open the Map Window and set the application mode to Silviculture if it is not already.

Step 3:  Confirm Block Linkage

Right click in the Map Window and select “Select Layers”. Set BLOCK, SU, ECO to Active, Visible, Selectable. We need to check that the block boundary is linked and valid.

Click OK.

The block boundary should show up in the Map Window. It may be necessary to deselect the block in the Navigator Tree and reselect it in order to refresh the Map Window.

Best Business: If the block is not linked or valid please consult the GIS Staff before proceeding to any further development.

Step 4:  Enter Ecology Unit Data

In the Silviculture Activities window, double click Eco Unit and the Ecology window will open.

Ecology window – Summary tab

Insert Record to add an Eco Unit (EU) and Genus will automatically move focus to the Detail tab.

Enter data in both Detail and Soil tabs for each EU.

Name – Uppercase letters should be used for Strata – A, B, C, etc.


Optional Fields:

§  Substrate (%)

§  Terrain Stability (until correct categories are populated)

§  Field Guide Name and Year

Note: Tabular link between the SUs and EUs is mandatory in order to link the Stocking Standard ID to the SU.

Soils information collected in the field is then entered into GENUS.

Optional Fields:

§  Acid – Test, pH, Depth

§  Soil – Type, Order, Pit Depth

§  Horizons – Gravel, Cobble, Stone

Step 5:  Digitize or Link Ecology Units

Right click in the map window and select “Select Layers”.

BLOCK, SU and ECOLOGY layers should still be set as Active, Visible, Selectable.

Now set the ECO layer as Editable and Block as Clipable.

Click OK.

We are going to build the ECO layer; the editable defines which layer we are writing to and the clipable defines which layer we are using to clip too.

Select the GENUS Function best suited to your survey and develop polygons. This may involve manual digitizing, but in most cases this will involve linking or building the Eco layer from existing imported polygons.

Link Map Function

If the polygons were imported onto the Eco layer, use the Link Map function.

  1. Click on the dropdown beside the Digitize button within the Ecology – Details tab and select Link Map.
  2. Click the Link Map button.
  3. In the Map Window, the Build Feature tool will already be active. Follow the instructions at the bottom of the Map Window:
  4. Left-click on a polygon to select it, and left-click again to accept the polygon.
  5. Repeat step a. for additional polygons, and then
  6. Right-click to terminate polygons, and then right-click once more to finish adding polygons.

Digitize Function

In most cases, polygons should be imported to the SU Layer, so the above procedure will not work. If clicking on the Link Map button doesn’t work (i.e. no instructions show up at the bottom of the Map Window and clicking within a polygon does not generate any feedback), then the polygons were imported onto a different layer. This means the polygons have to be “built” onto this layer:

  1. Ensure the Digitize function is selected.
  2. Click the Digitize button.
  3. In the Map Window, click the Build Feature button and follow the instructions at the bottom of the Map Window:
  4. Left-click on a polygon to select it, and left-click again to accept the polygon.
  5. Repeat step a. for additional polygons, and then
  6. Right-click to terminate polygons, and then right-click once more to finish adding polygons.

Although these two functions seem very similar, it is very important to distinguish between them.

Best Practice: If the imported polygons are on the same layer that you wish to create a spatial link to, use the Link Map function. If the polygons are on a different layer or no polygons exist, use the Digitize function. If you use the Digitize function when polygons already exist on the layer, this will result in an identical polygon being created on top of the existing polygon, which can lead to spatial data validation errors when doing ESF submissions to RESULTS. The easiest way to check if the polygons already exist on the layer is to try the Link Map function. If that doesn’t work, then you know the polygons reside on a different layer and it is safe to use the Digitize function. If there are any concerns, please review with GIS Staff prior to commencing.

Repeat data entry and linking/digitizing process as needed for additional Eco Units.

Select Ecology Units ATU and enter the date the field work was completed or the date the SP was approved (if available) in the Date column and change the Status to Done.

Step 6:  Enter Standards Unit (SU) Data

SU’s to be created in Genus will include all units within a block that contribute to the gross block area (i.e. productive SU’s, WTP’s, roads, reserves. etc)

Productive SU’s must have site index data, SI source and for reserves. State objectives, and crown closure of the reserve at the time the SP was developed.

In the Silviculture Activities window, double-click on the Silviculture Prescription activity to open the Site Plan.

SP window - Tenure tab

Optional Fields: Opening (will not be used as an identifier for future blocks)

Not Required: Site Class, Index

Click in Area Summary to set as active.

Click Insert Record icon to bring up a SU New Record window.

SU Window – Summary Tab

Label Productive SUs, and select Productive from the Type drop-down and add description/comments. For WTP’s and Retention Patches, include the Crown Closure, Site Index, and Site Index Source in the Description. These are required data fields for ESF Forest Cover submissions to RESULTS.

SU Type and Labels should be entered as follows:

SU[1] / Type / Description Examples
1, 2, 3 … n / Productive / SU1, SU2
WTP (WTP1, WTP2, ...WTP9) / Wildlife Tree Patch / Wildlife Tree Patch, WTP 1 and 2, RRZ, Buffered Raptor Nest
RET (RET1, RET2, … RET9) / INTRES, EXTRES or RESRV[2] / Aggregate retention patches 1-4, Retention
ROCK / NPROCK / Rock outcrop
BRSH / NPNCBR / Dispersed Brush

The Ecology Summary will be populated from the Ecology tab in the SP Window (see Step 10).

Optional Fields: NCBR Area


Step 7:  Digitize SU areas

Right-click in the map window and select “Select Layers”.

Set SU as Editable.

Note: ECO layer may need to be set as Clipable to construct SU’s as one or more of the ECO boundaries may comprise the SU. If this is an old block ECO may not exist and SU’s will need to be created from scratch or from imported line work.

Roads are represented as a SU to properly net down NAR areas. Please confirm whether GIS Staff have loaded roads necessary to the Roads layer or if a preference layer will be needed to develop proper buffering of road lines to create polygons.

Select Link Map from the SU window. See Step 5.

Best Business: Please review with GIS Staff spatial building prior to commencing.

Create the smallest SU first and build from these polygons until the full block boundary is built for SU’s

Repeat data entry and digitizing for additional SU’s.

When complete the Area Summary should look something like the left window below.

Navigate to the Allocation tab of the Block window. There are two possible scenarios:

  1. If there is new road construction under the TSL, the Merch Area from the Allocation tab will not match the Net (Area to be Reforested) from the Area Summary, since there is merchantable timber on the area where the road will be constructed, but this area will not be reforested.
  2. If there is no new road construction under the TSL (like the example below) and/or the road through the block already exists, then the Merch Area will match the Net Area.

Step 8:  Enter SU Soils data

SU Window – Soils Tab

Enter required data for productive SU’s only.

Optional Fields:

·  Max Bank Hgt

·  Avg Bank Hgt

·  Equipment

Note: Some of this information will populate the Soils tab in the SP window.

Repeat data entry for all productive SU’s. Close all SU windows and go back to the SP window.

The Silvicultural System and Stocking tabs will be revisited after filling in some sections of the SP window.

The Actual Soil Disturbance is filled in at the post-harvest stage using the Plan to Actual button.