Please keep this form with your word study notebook at all times. If it gets lost, please let me know. I will post it on my teacher website page.
Word Study Homework
*All activities are to be completed in or attached to your word study notebook.
*Write the date on each page.
*Use the next available page (please use the back side of the pages).
**Please return your word study words and word study notebook in the bag/pouch every day. We use our words in class each day.**
Monday – Read and sort your word study words. Record your sort with headers in your notebook.
Tuesday – Choose an activity to do with your words.
Wednesday – Choose a different activity to do with your words.
Thursday – Review your word study words. Look, say, cover, write, and check your words.
Activity 1 / Keyboarding:Type your words on a list using a different font and or color for each word. Remember to use proper keyboarding technique! Attach the printed paper in your notebook.Activity 2 / Word Math: Choose ten spelling words and find out how much the spelling word is worth if: A=1, B= 2, C=3 and so on.
Activity 3 / TIC TAC TOE!:Draw a tic tac toe board in your journal. Play against mom or dad or any other family member! Have your partner call out a word. If you spell it right, you get to place an X or an O on the board. Then you give your partner a word. If they spell it right, they place an X or an O on the board. Play until you have a winner! *You must play at least 2 games.*
Activity 4 / Hangman: Play with mom, dad, or some other family member. Have them write lines for a word. You guess the letters. If you miss a letter, you have to draw the head, neck, arms etc... When you have a whole body you’ve lost. If you guess the letters before you’ve drawn the body, you WIN!! Play several games. *You must solve for at least 8 or your words.*
Activity 5 / Definitions: Write a definition for 10 of your words. If a word has more than one definition, choose the first definition.
Activity 6 / Different Hand: Write each of your words using the hand you normally don’t use to write.
Activity 7 / Rainbow Write:Write a word with one color crayon. Then choose another color and write over the same word with that color. Choose a third color and do the same. You’ll have a layer of 3 colors for one word. Do this for at least 10 of your words.
Activity 8 / Creative Handwriting: Write each of your word study words in bubble letters,squiggly writing, curly q’s or any other unusual form of handwriting.
Activity 9 / ABC Order: Write or type all of your words in alphabetical order. If typed, attach your paper in your notebook.
Activity 10 / ZYX Order: Write or type all of your words in reverse alphabetical order. If typed, attach your paper in your notebook.
Activity 11 / Word Search: Make a word search with all of you’re your words on Please solve your search. You may ask a family member to help!
Activity 12 / Word Scramble: Scramble each of your words making sure you use all of the letters. Then, without looking at your actual word list, try to write each word correctly next to the scrambled words.
Activity 13 / Illustrations: Draw a simple illustration for ten of your words. Label the illustration with the word.
Activity 14 / Writing: Write sentences, a story, play or make a comic strip using at least ten of your spelling words.
Activity 15 / Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms: Record a synonym (a word that means the same thing), and antonym (a word that means the opposite), or a homonym (a word that sounds the same but means something different – ex. blue/blew, two/to/too) for each of your word study words.
Activity 16 / Syllables: Sort and write all of your words based on how many syllables each one has. Make columns for 1, 2, 3, and 4 or more syllables, clap out the syllables, and record each word in the correct column.