Dec Horse Committee Meeting

Dec 12, 2012

Meeting was opened by Laura McNeil, chairman at 7pm with Kara Fleminger Vice Chairman, Audra Witgen Secretary present. Sheryl Steiner Treasurer was absent

Superintendent committee present: Debbie Bingham, Mike Yanz and Marci Charest

Pledge of Allegiance: Michaela Chambers

4H Pledge: Jordan Kolk

Clubs Present: Critters and Co, Dansville Wranglers, Echoing Hoof beats, Equine Adventures, East Hamlin Horsemen, Fit to Show, Flying Colors, Freedom Riders, Fireflies, GSR, Lopin Lariats, RNR, Saddlemates, Silver Spurs, Well Dunn

Clubs Not Present: Boots and Saddles, Growing Together, Trailblazers,

Secretary’s Report: Audra Witgen

Becky Chambers made a motion to accept the minutes as written

Marci Charest 2nd it

Motion passed

Treasurer’s Report: No Report

4H Office: Betty Jo Nash

Everyone was reenrolled by the state office. The leaders need to go into ACCESS and check and make sure the info is correct and if there is any changes needed.

Leaders Show: Audra Witgen

Working on the show bill. Hoping to get the judges by next month

Tack Sale: Laura McNeil (for Sheryl)

It was decided that we would keep the prices the same as last year. The date is Feb 23.

HSH: No Report

High Point Committee: Jean Wixson

The finalized plans will be out next month. They are selling back #’s for 10.00. You will no longer be able to ask the office to pull back numbers. They will be on sale at the banquet and at the shows.

Horse camp: Debbie Bingham

Please don’t forget the tee shirt contest, due by Jan 1st.

Judging Team: Marci Charest

They are going to visit a Gypsy Vanner Farm. Practices are going well

Banquet: Kara Fleminger

It’s coming together nicely. Be sure to go and check out the county FB page and play some trivia with us. For every correct answer your name gets put into a drawing for a prize at the banquet. Jen Baker made a motion to pay the postage for the banquet post cards. Deb Bingham 2nd it. Motion passed. The 4H office will send out the post cards.

MHC: No Report

Superintendents’ report: Mike Yanz

Mike talked to Chuck G. there is going to be an end date to our 5000.00 for 5yrs. The end date will be 2017.

Show dates, Betty Jo has them, if there are any problems/conflicts please get with her. For those who are doing a show, the one day shows are $500.00 and if you are having speed on Friday night it’s an extra 150.00. For 2 day shows, the cost is #1000.00 for the whole weekend. We will be charge 115.00 if we use the infield.

April Kunkel wrote a letter to the fairboard asking for them to reconsider camping for the 2013 fair. She asked them if they would allow us to help and to allow us to once again camp within our clubs.

Mike is also doing some checking into whether or not there is a law stating that they have to provide handicapped camping spots. As of right now there isn’t any.

Old Business:

Costume class choices are:

1.  Super Heroes

2.  Villains

3.  Sesame Street

Brenda made a motion to table it to next month’s meeting, as a lot of clubs haven’t had a chance to meet yet.

Kelly 2nd the motion. Motion passed

Calendar of events/hand book, Deb and Laura will bring it to us next month.

Fairgrounds usage. Questions/ or any date changes please talk to Betty Jo. All the dates so far have been approved. Any changes will need to go through her.

$5000.00 stipend for fairgrounds fee. Steve Sommer made a motion that we enter into an agreement over the 5000.00 with the understanding it goes toward fencing. Becky Chambers 2nd it. Motion passed,

With a friendly amendment: that we set aside the $5000.00 so that we have it available when we need to pay it.

New Business:

Audra Witgen asked for the funds to send Kara Fleminger, Marci Charest, and her to the judges conference next month at the Kettunum Center.

Steve Sommer made a motion that we fund the 3 adults with the 261.12 that we have in the training fund, and to make up the rest of the amount from the general fund. Debbie Bingham 2nd it. Motion passed.

Kara and Laura would like to stream line how we do our meetings, so that we are not here so late. If there is anything that needs to be discussed we will be sending out emails 5 days in advanced.

At next month’s meeting we need to discuss how our equipment gets replaced and who besides us uses it. At the last MIHA meet they used our equipment and didn’t put it away in an orderly way. We have jumps with cracks in them and that are unsafe. We also have missing jump cups and the dressage tie downs are missing also.

Brenda Bradley made a motion that we buy a lock ASAP so that we can lock up the equipment room. Becky 2nd it. Motion passed.

Debbie made a motion that we don’t allow anyone to use the equipment unless they are 4H or for fair. Brenda 2nd it. Motion passed.

Kara also reminded us that every club needs to bring 2 door prizes to the banquet.

Jean made a motion that we adjourn for the night.

Marci Charest 2nd, meeting adjourned at 8:05.

Respectfully Submitted by

Audra Witgen