
alius, alia, aliud,gen.alterīus, other, another

bonus, bona, bonum, good

ferōx, ferōcis, wild, fierce

ferus, fera, ferum, wild; ferumandfera,n. substantive, wild thing(s)

lupīnus, lupīna, lupīnum, of/belonging to a wolf

lūridus, lūrida, lūridum, (pale, sickly) yellow, ghastly

magicus, magica, magicum, magical, magic

omnis, omne, all, every

prīvātus, prīvāta, prīvātum, private, one’s own

sōlus, sōla, sōlum, alone, lonely

suus, sua, suum, his own, her own, their own

terribilis, terribile, inspiring terror, terrible

trānslātus, trānslāta, trānslātum(fromtrānsferō), translated

ūnus, ūna, ūnum, one


abinde,adv. from there/here

adhūc,adv. as yet, still

circumundique,adv. all around, on all sides

longē,adv. far (away), a long way

nōn, adv.not


optimē,superlative adv. best

paene,adv. almost, nearly

quam,adv. preceding a superlative adj. or adv. ___ of all

quō,adv. where? to the place in which, to where

semel,adv. a single time, once

tantopere,adv. to such a degree, so (very)


atque,conj. and (indeed), and (what is more)

dum,conj. till, until

et,conj. and

igitur,conj. therefore, so

quandō,conj. at which time, when

-que,conj.suffixed to a word = et (and) before that word

sed,conj. but

tum,conj. then

ubi,conj. where


Ō,interjection, oh!


annus, annī,m. year

camara, camarae, f. (vaulted or arched) ceiling

cēna, cēnae,f. dinner

cubiculum, cubiculī,n. (bed)room

cumba, cumbae, f. (small) boat, skiff

dēns, dentis, m. tooth

diēs, diēī,m. day

dolus, dolī,m. trickery, trick

fābula, fābulae,f. story, tale

fremitus, fremitūs,m. roar, growl

hebdomas, hebdomados, f. end of a seven-day period, week

lectus, lectī,m. bed

locus, locī,m. place

malum, malī,n. bad, evil, mischief

manus, manūs,f. hand

māter, mātris,f. mother

Maximus, Maximī,m. Maximus, Max

modus, modī,m. quantity, measure, kind

mundus, mundī,m. sky, universe, world

nox, noctis,f. night

ōceanus, ōceanī,m. ocean

oculus, oculī,m. eye

pariēs, parietis,m. wall (of a room or house)

pictūra, pictūrae,f. picture, illustration

rēx, rēgis,m. king

silva, silvae,f. forest

turba, turbae,f. disorder, riot, rumpus

unguis, unguis,m.(finger-/toe-)nail, claw

vestis, vestis,f. garment, costume, clothing

vītis, vītis,f. grapevine, vine


ad,prep. + acc. to, toward

cum, prep. + abl. with

dē,prep. + abl. (down) from

ex,prep. + abl. from, out of

in,prep. + abl. in, on, + acc. into, onto

per,prep. + acc. through

sine,prep. + abl. without

trāns,prep. + acc. across

ultrā,prep. + acc. beyond, more than


aliquis, aliqua, aliquid,pron. someone, something

ille, illa, illud, that

ipse, ipsa, ipsum,gen.ipsīus, himself, herself, itself; (the) very

is, ea, id, this, that, the (particular)

quī, quae, quod,relative pron. who, which, that; quae esset, which he might eat = to eat

quisquam, quidquam, anyone, anything

suī, acc.sē, reflexive pron. him(self), her(self), it(self)

tū, acc.tē,you


abeō, abīre, abiī, abitum, to go (away)

adsum, adesse, adfuī, to be present, be (here/there/where)

amō (1), to love; amābōtē, please lit., I will love you

appellō (1), to speak to, call (by name)

caleō, calēre, caluī, to be hot

clāmō (1), to shout

comedō, comesse (comedere), comēdī, comēsum, to eat up, consume

cōnīveō, cōnīvēre, cōnīvī, to close the eyes, blink; cōnīvendī,gerund, blinking

crēscō, crēscere, crēvī, crētum, to be born, grow, increase

dēsīderō (1), to desire, want

dēsinō, dēsinere, dēsīvī, dēsitum, to leave off, give up (doing something)

dēsistō, dēsistere, dēstitī, to cease, stop

dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictum, to say, tell

domō, domāre, domuī, domitum, to tame

edō, esse, ēdī, ēsum, to eat; edendī,gerund, eating

ēnāvigō (1), to sail off

exclāmō (1), to cry (out)

faciō, facere, fēcī, factum, to do, make; passive, become

fremō, fremere, fremuī, fremitum, to roar, growl

frendō, frendere, frēsum, to grind or gnash one’s teeth in rage

gerō, gerere, gessī, gestum, to carry (on), wear, have on

iactō (1), to shake, wave;manumiactāre, to wave (the hand)

incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptum, to begin, start

ingredior, ingredī, ingressus sum, to step into

intueor, intuērī, intuitus sum, to fix one’s gaze, stare; intuendī,gerund, staring

inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventum, to come upon, find

maneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsum, to remain, wait (for)

mittō, mittere, mīsī, missum, to send

mōnstrō (1), to show, point out

nōlō, nōlle, nōluī, to be unwilling; sg. imperative,nōlī + infinitive, be unwilling (to), do not

olfaciō, olfacere, olfēcī, olfactum, to detect the odor of, smell

pendeō, pendēre, pependī, to hang (down)

praeterlābor, praeterlābī, praeterlāpsus sum, to glide past, tumble by

rēgnō (1), to rule, be king

renāvigō (1), to sail back

sileō, silēre, siluī, to be silent, be still

sum, esse, fuī, futūrum, to be

terreō, terrēre, terruī, territum, to frighten

valefaciō, valefacere, valefēcī, valefactum, to say goodbye

veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventum, to come

volvō, volvere, voluī, volūtum, to turn, roll