Study Guides for Unit 6 Social Studies Test, Chapter 10 Science Test, and Chapter 26 Religion Test on June 5th, June 6th and June 7th
Unit 6 Social Studies (Test on Monday):
1. A government is a group of people who make and carry out laws.
2. A law is a rule that everyone in a community, state, or country must follow.
3. Liberty is freedom.
4. The Constitution states that people have the right to speak freely.
5. The plan for our national government is called the Constitution.
6. The three branches of our nation's government are the President, the Supreme Court, and Congress.
7. The President is the leader of our nation's government and the governors lead the state governments.
8. Justice is fairness.
9. Aid is help from another country.
10. In an election, we vote.
11. We pay taxes to the state government for our roads, colleges, and parks.
12. The most important rights that all citizens have are the right to vote, the right to speak freely, the right to practice our religion, and the right to privacy.
Chapter 10 Science (Test on Tuesday):
1. Properties help us to put things into groups or to classify them.
2. Property of rocks can involve how it smells, looks, and feels. It does not involve how it can be used.
3. A beetle does not need to leave its cave.
4. Erosion involves the carrying away of rocks and erosion can be caused by water.
5. Weathering involves breaking up rocks bit by bit and erosion carries away those bits of broken rock.
6. A cave forms in a canyon when water washes soil and smaller rocks away which then leaves a large opening in the rock.
7. Bat droppings is called guano.
Chapter 26 Religion (Test on Wednesday):
1. God has asked us to take care of his gifts of creation.
2. We take care of God's creation by protecting and sharing God's gifts.
3. God's greatest gift to us is his Son.
4. When we celebrate the sacraments, the Holy Spirit fills us with the gifts of faith, hope, and love.
5. Jesus showed us the way to love God and to love all people.
6. We follow Jesus' new commandment by being a friend and neighbor.
7. Following Jesus' new commandment helps us to follow all God's commandments.
8. Jesus gave us a new commandment and said to love one another as he loved us.
9. Following Jesus' new commandment helps us to follow all of God's commandments by loving one another as Jesus has loved us and by saying and doing all the things that God asks us to do.