Burr-Harris CV - 1

Alice W. Burr-Harris, Ph.D.

Major Clinical Interests

Trauma, grief, child abuse, loss, and attachment disruption in children and adolescents; adoption-related issues; transracial parenting; psychological assessment; trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy; attachment-based therapy modalities; family therapy; pregnant/parenting teenagers; parent-training; multicultural families.


8/91 - 5/99Ph.D. (May, 1999)University of Missouri - Columbia

M.A. (May, 1994)Child Clinical Psychology

8/84 - 12/87B.S. (Dec., 1987)University of Wisconsin - Madison


Licensure Status

Psychologist, State of Oregon, License #1769, granted in April, 2007

Psychologist, Health Service Provider, State of Missouri, License #2000144377 (exp. 1/31/08)

Awards & Honors

Student Research Award, American Psychological Association (1994)

G. Ellsworth Huggins Scholar, University of Missouri (1991-1995)

Graduation with Distinction, University of Wisconsin (1987)

Psi Chi Psychology National Honor Society, University of Wisconsin (1986-1987)

Spanish National Honor Society, University of Wisconsin (1987)

Activities & Professional Affiliations

Adoption Mosaic Board Member (2008-present), president (2009)

Adoption Mosaic Program Committee (2008-present), president (2008)

National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), Level III site member (2002-2005)

Cincinnati Children’s HospitalNCTSTraumaTreatmentReplicationCenter,

Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Training Program participant (2004-2005)

NCTSN School-Based Services Working Group, member (2003-2005)

American Psychological Association, member (2000-2001, 2004-2005)

International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, member (2004-2006)

Supporting Adoptive Families through Education, parent organizer (2004-2006)

Maplewood Elementary, Reading Friends (tutoring) program, coordinator (2007-2009)

Maplewood Elementary, Parent Resource Committee, member, co-chair (2006-2008)

Reform Jewish Academy, Educational Curriculum Committee, member (2001-2002)

Reproductive Health Services of Planned Parenthood, volunteer counselor (1998)

Psychology Curriculum Committee, Univ. of Missouri, student rep., (1993-1994)

Clinical Training Committee, Univ. of Missouri, student representative (1992-1993)

Clinical Experience

9/07-presentLicensed Clinical Psychologist

Children’s Program, Portland, OR

Outpatient mental health clinic serving children, adolescents, adults, and


Responsibilities: Outpatient psychological assessment and treatment

for children, adolescents, adults and families. Specialization in adoption, attachment, child abuse, trauma, loss, behavior management, and multicultural issues.

Supervisors: John Liedel, M.D., Jeff Sosne, Ph.D.

9/02-11/05Assistant Clinical Professor

University of Missouri – St. Louis, Dept. of Psychology

Center for Trauma Recovery

Clinical research center for the treatment of trauma-related disorders

Responsibilities: Interim director of Greater St. Louis Child Traumatic Stress Program (GSLCTSP); management of SAMHSA grant; site liaison to NCTSN; direction of colloquium series; psychological assessment; trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral treatment of children and adolescents; parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT); family therapy; school-based consultation and therapy services; cultural adaptation of school-based services for urban, low-income, African American population; clinical supervision; course instruction; consultation and training with education, mental health, and medical professionals; program development and evaluation; management of child clinical services; participation in NCTSN activities.

Supervisor: Mike Griffin, Ph.D.

10/02-7/06Licensed Clinical Psychologist

University of Missouri, St. Louis, Dept. of Psychology

Community Psychological Services

Outpatient psychological services for children, adolescents, and adults

Responsibilities: Individual and family therapy for children, adolescents,

and adults.

Supervisor: Robert Harris, Ph.D.

2/00 - 5/02Licensed Clinical Psychologist

FamilyTherapyCenter - St. John's Mercy Medical Ctr, St. Louis, MO

Outpatient psychological services for children, adolescents, and adults

Responsibilities: Individual, family, and group therapy; psychological

assessment (LD/ADHD evaluations, psychodiagnostic,

neuropsychological screening); supervision of psychometrician.

Supervisor: Patrick Christianson, Ph.D.

11/98 - 1/00Post-Doctoral Fellow

St. Louis Psychiatric RehabilitationCenter, St. Louis, MO

Inpatient psychological services for adult forensic clients

Responsibilities: Individual and group therapy, risk assessment,

supervision of practicum students, psychological assessment

(cognitive, neuropsychological, psychodiagnostic, personality), program development; staff training.

Supervisors: Lisa Ellis, Ph.D. and Lily Raymond, Ph.D.

8/97 - 7/98Psychology Intern

St. Louis Predoctoral Psychology Internship Consortium, St. Louis, MO

Children's Advocacy Ctr - Outpatient services for sexually abused children

Hawthorn Children's Psychiatric Hospital - Adolescent inpatient unit

Metropolitan St. Louis Psychiatric Ctr - Dual diagnosis adult inpatient unit

St. LouisPsychiatricRehabilitationCenter - Forensic evaluation unit

Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital - Psychology department

Responsibilities: Individual, family, and group therapy with children,

adolescents, and adults in inpatient and outpatient settings.

Psychological assessment (cognitive, educational,

neuropsychological, personality, psychodiagnostic). Participation in adult forensic evaluations and child forensic interviews.

Supervisors: Joy Haven Ph. D.; Marla Liberman, Ph. D.; Tina Reising,

Psy. D.; Jeff Wherry, Ph. D.; Rick Scott, Ph.D.

3/96 - 7/97Psychological Assessor

Child, Adolescent, & Family Center of St. Luke's Hospital, St. Louis, MO

Outpatient psychological services for children, adolescents, and families

Responsibilities: Administrate, interpret, and report on cognitive,

neuropsych screening, educational, & personality assessments.

Supervisor: Thomas Vogel, Psy.D.

7/95 - 8/97Psychological Assessor

St. Louis Behavioral Associates, St. Louis, MO

Outpatient psychological services for children, adolescents, and adults

Responsibilities: Administration, interpretation, and reporting of

cognitive, neuropsychological screening, educational, and personality


Supervisor: Mary Weatherford, Ph.D.

8/94 - 5/96Psychological Assessor

AlexianBrothersHospital, St. Louis, MO

Inpatient psychiatric services for adults

Responsibilities: Administration, interpretation, and reporting of

cognitive, personality, and neuropsychological assessments in

psychiatric, geriatric, and chemical dependency units.

Supervisor: Stephanie Moergen, Ph.D.

8/92 - 7/95Therapist

Psychological Services Clinic, University of Missouri-Columbia

Outpatient psychological services for children, adolescents, and adults

Responsibilities: Individual, family, and couples therapy; participation

on live consultation team; psychological (cognitive, personality)


Supervisors: Meg Klein-Trull, Ph.D., Nan Presser, Ph.D., Joseph

LoPiccolo, Ph.D., David DuBois, Ph.D., and Debi Bell-Dolan, Ph.D.

7/94 - 3/95Therapist

MorganCountyCounselingCenter, Versailles, MO

Outpatient mental health center serving rural population

Responsibilities: Individual, family, and couples therapy; crisis


Supervisor: Meg Klein-Trull, Ph.D.

7/93 - 7/94Family Therapist

BooneCounty Juvenile Office, Columbia, MO

In-home family therapy program of Juvenile Office

Responsibilities: Multisystemic family therapy with serious juvenile

offenders and their families; case management; parenting groups;

psychological assessments; juvenile court proceedings.

Supervisor: Charles M. Borduin, Ph.D.

9/90 - 3/91 Counselor / Volunteer Coordinator

Legacy Shelter for Boys, Minneapolis, MN

Crisis Shelter serving difficult-to-place adolescents.

Responsibilities: Crisis intervention; case management; individual

program planning; family counseling; group counseling; development

and implementation of volunteer program; training and supervision of

volunteers and interns.

Supervisor: Robert M. Smith, Program Director

10/88 - 8/90Counselor

San DiegoCenter for Children, San Diego, CA

Residential treatment program for emotionally disturbed children

Responsibilities: Development and implementation of treatment

programs; supervision of children; behavior modification; crisis

intervention; group therapy.

Supervisor: John Ellis, Program Manager

2/88 - 9/88Counselor

Whitehaven Mental HealthCenter, Memphis, TN

Day treatment program for mentally ill adults.

Responsibilities: Intakes; development and implementation of

treatment plans; case management; facilitation of skills groups.

Supervisor: W. R. C. Smith, Executive Director

Research Experience

6/04 to 11/05Principal Investigator

Child Trauma Study

University of Missouri-St. Louis, Psychology Dept.

Center for Trauma Recovery (CTR) and

Children’s Advocacy Services of Greater St. Louis (CASGSL)

Research Area: Trauma characteristics, trauma symptoms, and

treatment outcome among children and adolescents.

Responsibilities: Development and implementation of

assessment and research protocol; supervision of research

assistants; supervision of data management operations; research

design; consultation with statistical analyst; coordination of site’s

participation in NCTSN national database; modification of study design

to allow for NCTSN data sharing;

Co-Investigators: PetraBlum, MA, NCC, LPC; Matt Kliethermes, Ph.D.

1/96 to 7/98 Graduate Research Coordinator

Teen Pregnancy Resolution Outcome Study

University of Missouri-Columbia, Psychology Dept.,

Reproductive Health Services of Planned Parenthood

Research Area: Social support and psychological adjustment of

adolescents who have an abortion.

Responsibilities: Assessment of adolescents pre- and post-abortion;

project design and implementation; supervision of assistants; data

entry and analysis; and manuscript preparation.

Supervisor: Charles M. Borduin, Ph.D.; Marjorie Sable, MSW

10/92 - 5/94Graduate Research Coordinator

Young Violent Offender Research Project

University of Missouri-Columbia, Psychology Dept.,;

BooneCounty Juvenile Office

Research Area: Psychosocial correlates of violent offending during

early adolescence.

Responsibilities: Assessment of juvenile offenders and their families;

project implementation; supervision of assistants; manuscript prep.

Supervisor: Charles M. Borduin, Ph.D.

9/91 - 5/93Graduate Research Assistant

University of Missouri-Columbia, Psychology Dept.

Research Area: Smoking cessation program design for low

socioeconomic groups. Body image dissatisfaction among children

and adolescents.

Responsibilities: Focus groups; data analysis; manuscript preparation.

Supervisor: Tom DiLorenzo, Ph.D.

4/89 - 5/90Research Assistant

U.S.InternationalUniversity - San Diego, Dept. of Human Behavior

Research Area: Family correlates of antisocial behavior; assessment

of violent adolescents.

Responsibilities: Data analysis; manuscript preparation.

Supervisor: Scott Henggeler, Ph.D

9/87 - 12/87Research Assistant

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Psychology Dept.

Research Area: Genetic predispositions to schizophrenia.

Responsibilities: Assessment of subjects; scoring and coding data.

Supervisor: Loren Chapman, Ph.D.

1/87 - 12/87Research Assistant

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Psychology Dept.

Research Area: Delinquency, psychopathy, violent behavior, and

extraversion. Prediction of violence among juvenile offenders.

Responsibilities: Assessment of subjects; scoring and coding data;

data entry; data analysis; manuscript preparation.

Supervisor: Joe Newman, Ph.D.


Burr-Harris, A. (2005, January). Trauma Recovery for Youth (TRY): School-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy Manual. Unpublished manuscript. Adapted from NCTSN resources. Greater St. Louis Child Traumatic Stress Program. University of Missouri, St. Louis. St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2005, March). Cultural Adaptations and School-Based Trauma Interventions: Urban, African American Youth. Addendum to Trauma Recovery for Youth (TRY) manual. Powerpoint presentation from NCTSN All-Network Meeting. Washington, D.C.

Burr-Harris, A. W., Borduin, C. M., Elder, C. L., Nemecek, J. L. (1993, August). The ecology of violent offending in early adolescence. Paper presented at the 101st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Henggeler, S. W., Marler, L., Deloye, J., & Burr-Harris, A. W. (1990). Assessing antisocial behavior in violent adolescents. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Henggeler, S. W., BurrHarris, A. W., Borduin, C. M., & McCallum, G. (1989). The family adaptability and cohesion evaluation scales: Linear or curvilinear association with psychosocial functioning? Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Irvine, CA.

Henggeler, S. W., Marler, L., DeLoye, J., & BurrHarris, A. W. (1989). Difficulty in assessing the degree of antisocial behavior in violent adolescent offenders. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Irvine, CA.

Presentations & Workshops

Burr-Harris, A. (2008, 2009). Strengthening Attachment with Your Child. Ongoing workshop series for adoptive parents. Adoption Mosaic, Portland, OR.

Burr-Harris, A. (October, 2008). From Orphanage to Home: Becoming a Family. Workshop for adoptive parents. Adoption Mosaic, Portland, OR.

Burr-Harris, A. (2008, May). Assessment and Treatment of Attachment-Related Problems.Invited presentation for the Dept. of Psychology at Child Development and Rehabilitation Center of Oregon Health Sciences University. Portland, OR.

Burr-Harris, A. (2008, March). Crisis Intervention with Children and Families. Invited presentation for the Dept. of Psychology at Child Development and Rehabilitation Center of Oregon Health Sciences University. Portland, OR.

Burr-Harris, A. (2008, December). Adoption: Risk and Resilience. Community presentation at Children’s Program. Portland, OR.

Burr-Harris, A. (2007, November). Sibling Relationships and Rivalry. Invited workshop for Helping Parents Navigate the Pre-teen Years. JacksonMiddle School. Sponsored by Oregon Partnership. Portland, OR.

Burr-Harris, A. (2007, October). Discussing Adoption with Your Child and Others. Invited presentation for Northwest Adoptive Families Association (NAFA). Portland, OR.

Burr-Harris, A. (2007, October). Developmental Guidelines for Discussing Adoption with Children. Invited presentation for Families through Russian and Ukrainian Adoption Including Neighboring Countries (FRUA, Inc.). Portland, OR.

Burr-Harris, A. (2007, August). Psychological First Aid and Crisis Intervention with Children. Invited presentation for OHSU (CDRC) Psychology Internship program. OregonHealthSciencesUniversity, Portland, OR.

Burr-Harris, A. (2005, November). Managing Behavior Problems in the Classroom. STEP Child Trauma workshop series for student teachers and teachers in local schools. University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2005, October). Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: Adaptations for Early Childhood Educators. Invited presentation for Crucial Early Years Institute, University of Missouri-St. Louis. St. Louis, MO.

Kliethermes, M. & Burr-Harris, A. (2005, October). Recognition and Response to Trauma Symptoms in the School Setting. STEP Child Trauma workshop series for student teachers and teachers in local schools. University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2005, October). Traumatic Death of a Loved One: Helping Students Cope. STEP Child Trauma workshop series for student teachers and teachers in local schools. University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2005, September). Psychological First Aid. Series of presentations for clinicians in preparation for local response to needs of Hurricane Katrina evacuees. University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2005, September).The Impact of Abuse and Neglect on the Developing Child. STEP Child Trauma workshop series for student teachers and teachers in local schools. University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2005, August). School-Based Trauma Interventions. Invited presentation for Greater St. Louis Child Traumatic Stress Program Colloquium, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. & Schwartz, P. (2005, May). The Impact of Abuse and Neglect on the Developing Child. Invited presentation for Children’s Advocacy Services of Greater St. Louis Annual Symposium. St. Louis, MO.

Schwartz, P. & Burr-Harris, A. (2005, May). Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: Powerful Treatment for Powerful Problems. Invited presentation for Children’s Advocacy Services of Greater St. Louis Annual Symposium. St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2005, April). Strengthening Attachment and Bonding with Your Children. Invited presentation for SAFE (Supporting Adoptive Families through Education), St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A., Ross, K., Goodkind, J., Peou, L., & Jaycox, L. (2005, March). Cultural Adaptations and School-Based Trauma Interventions. Invited workshop for National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) All-Network Meeting. Washington, D.C.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, December). Assessment and Treatment of Trauma Symptoms in the School Setting. Invited presentation for social workers, counselors, and juvenile officers of the East St. Louis school district. East St. Louis, IL.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, November). School-Based Services for Students Affected by Trauma. Invited presentation for social workers and counselors of Hazelwood school district. Hazelwood, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, November). Treatment of Trauma Symptoms with Preschoolers. Presentation for UMSL undergraduate psychology students. St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, October). Developmental Impact of Child Abuse and Neglect. Invited workshop for Child Abuse Conference sponsored by Ozark Foothills Children’s AdvocacyCenter. Poplar Bluff, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, October). Assessment and Treatment of Child Trauma Symptoms: An Overview for the Clinician. Invited workshop for Child Abuse Conference sponsored by Ozark Foothills Children’s AdvocacyCenter. Poplar Bluff, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, May). Recognizing, Reporting, and Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect in Early Childhood. Invited workshop at Crucial Early Years Conference. St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, September). School-Based Group Therapy for Students Affected by Violence: Program Overview. Presentation to Normandy school district teachers and administrators. Normandy, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, June). Discussion of Adoption-Related Issues with Children from a Developmental Perspective. Invited presentation for adoption support group sponsored by Lutheran Family and Children’s Services. St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2003, 2004). Assessment and Treatment of Child Trauma Symptoms: An Overview. Guest lecture for UMSL undergraduate and graduate level psychology courses. St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, May). Behavior Management Techniques. Invited workshop for social workers and counselors of NormandySchool district. Normandy, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, May). Recognizing, Reporting, and Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect in Early Childhood. Invited presentation for UMSL Department of Early Childhood and Education. St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, April). Developmental Differences in Trauma Symptoms from Infancy to Adulthood. Presentation for UMSL psychology students. St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, March). Assessment and Treatment of Trauma Symptoms in the School Setting. Invited presentation for counselors and social workers of Normandy school district. Normandy, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2004, January). Assessment and Treatment of Trauma Symptoms in Children and Adolescents. Invited presentation for clinicians at Care and CounselingCenter. St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2003, December). Crisis Intervention. Invited presentation for clinicians of

Jewish Family and Children’s Services. St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2003, 2004). Recognizing, Reporting, and Responding to Child Abuse in the Daycare Setting. Series of presentations for staff of daycares affiliated with Lutheran Family and Children’s Services, St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. (2003, 2004). Recognizing, Reporting and Responding to Child Abuse in the School Setting. Series of presentations for teachers, administrators, social workers, and counselors for school districts within St. Louis city and St. Louis county.

Burr-Harris, A. (2003, November). Recognizing and Responding to Trauma Symptoms in the Elementary School Setting. Invited presentation for educators of LeMastersElementary School, St. Louis, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. & Kliethermes, M. (2003, October). Responding to a Crisis in the School Setting. Training session for school counselors and educators at St. Charles School Crisis Conference, St. Charles, MO.

Burr-Harris, A. & Kliethermes, M. (2003, September). Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Children and Adolescents: Creative Interventions. Invited presentation for Greater St. Louis Child Traumatic Stress Colloquium, UMSL, St. Louis, MO.

Wherry, J. & Burr-Harris, A. (2003, August). Treatment of Child Trauma Symptoms.

Co-presenter for UMSL Video-Training Workshop, St. Louis, MO and rural off-sites.

Burr-Harris, A. (2003, August). Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Adolescents. Presentation for UMSL psychology students.