Village of Addison, New York Main Street (NYMS) Grant Program Overview
Throughout the country, Main Streets - the once thriving centers of commerce and social activity of most communities - have struggled to compete with shopping malls and experienced a period of decline. New York Main Street Program (NYMS) is an innovative funding program that is designed to strengthen the economic vitality of the State’s traditionally designed central business districts. The cornerstone of the NYMS Program is a multi-million dollar Housing Trust Fund Corporation (HTFC) grant program administered by the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) to provide financial and technical resources to help New York communities with their Main Street revitalization efforts.
Addison NYMS project funds will be allocated as matching grants to property owners that choose to rehabilitate their entire building facades, to rehabilitate Main Street apartments, or to property owners or merchants interested in renovating both their storefront interiors and exteriors. The NYMS program will reimburse up to 75% of approved project costs. Additional sources of funding may be available to project applicants. Allowable expenses and project match will be determined by the committee, in accordance with state law.
Due to limited funds and strict program guidelines, the Addison NYMS committee will choose those proposals that best comply with the priority areas and the NYMS Grant Program vision: to help communities with their efforts to preserve and revitalize mixed-use (commercial/civic and residential) main street/downtown business districts.
Priority Areas
- Immediate health and safety concerns and the correction of Code violations
- Buildings where immediate action will stop deterioration of a significant façade
- Historic properties in danger of being lost to disrepair
- Vacant properties where façade improvement or retail space renovation would reduce blight and improve commercial activity
- Building that will undergo substantial façade renovation
Project Selection Guidelines
1. Applicants will be notified of their status within 30 days of application submission.
2. Attention will be given to those projects that address the priority areas (mentioned above) and the Design Criteria.
3. The Addison NYMS committee will focus on projects that have the greatest potential to positively impact Main Street and the Village as a whole. Specifically, funding will be targeted to buildings that need significant amounts of repair to be brought up to code or address immediate health and safety concerns.
4. The Village will distribute available funds based on the reasonableness of the proposal.
5. Projects selected to be funded are determined by the Addison NYMS committee according to previously mentioned program principles and guidelines.
6. Applicants must consent to sign Exhibit E upon project completion. This is a maintenance agreement which requires that improvements be maintained for a period of a minimum of 7 years (“Regulatory Period”). Improvements that are removed or altered during the Regulatory Period shall be recaptured on a pro rata basis to the HTFC. The amount to be recaptured shall be determined by reducing the original grant amount by one seventh (1/7) for each year of the Regulatory Period that the Recipient was in compliance with the Agreement.
Village of Addison, New York Main Street (NYMS) Grant Program
Applicationpage 1/4
Describe the current conditions and the proposed improvements through the NYMS program. Note, façade renovations and paint colors should meet the existing Addison Historic guidelines.
(50 Points) Project Description:
Past experience with building renovation projects:
(10 Points) Priority Areas:
Will this project fund the renovation of a locally significant façade? ( Y / N)
Will this project prevent the loss of a historic building? ( Y / N)
In the building, are there existing Code violations or health and safety concerns? ( Y / N)
Is the property currently vacant? ( Y / N )
Will this project reduce blight and improve commercial activity? ( Y / N)
Will this project fund a substantial façade renovation? ( Y / N)
Is the cost of this project greater than 50% of the replacement value of this structure? ( Y / N)
Anticipated start date:Anticipated completion date:
Note, projects may not receive final approval before November 2013.
Village of Addison, New York Main Street (NYMS) Grant Program
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Include a detailed summary of all work to be completed and a timeline for completion.
(20 Points) Detailed Scope of Project:
Before final approval, the committee must be provided copies of at least 2 estimates for all work that is to be completed. In addition, a financing plan must be submitted to ensure the committee that all work will be able to be completed.
(20 Points) Estimated Budget& Financing Plan:
Professional drawings by an architect or designer are required for projects undertaking major alterations to the building or storefront. Minor work, such as painting, brick re-pointing, or steam cleaning of a façade, do not require professional drawings. The creation of apartments will require, at least, a sketch/drawing.
Attach drawings and Plans (if required, no larger than 8.5”x11”)
For merchant applicants only,
Attach a Signed Letter from Property Owner endorsing the project
Village of Addison, New York Main Street (NYMS) Grant Program
Assurances and Certificationspage 3/4
Applicant Consent Agreement: __ Yes __No
I commit to complete the above-mentioned project in a timely manner and within eighteen (18) months of project initiation. I understand that I am obligated to comply with Village and other governmental regulations and to obtain all necessary approvals and permits. I release the Village, the New York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation (“HTFC”), and the Addison NYMS Committee from any and all claims arising from this project. I understand that the grant award is a reimbursement that is subject to approval by the Village upon project completion, and upon receipt of proof of payment. The grant award is subject to the terms and conditions of the contract that the Village has entered into with the HTFC.
Applicant Match Agreement:__ Yes __No
As a requirement of this application, all property/business owners are required to provide a cash match toward the improvements made to their building. Are you willing to sign a letter agreeing to provide this match?
Reimbursement Agreement:__ Yes __No
Since this grant is a reimbursement program (eligible costs are reimbursed from the State following submittal of forms, cancelled checks, etc.) are you will to provide 100% up front costs for improvements to your building, submit required paperwork to HDC and then accept a 50% reimbursement from the New York State?
Overage and Excess Agreement:__ Yes __No
If the project goes over budget, you will be responsible for all additional costs. The applicant is solely responsible for all project approval costs. Are you willing to provide additional funds/labor which may be necessary to complete the project?
Schedule and Capability Agreement:__ Yes __No
Do you have the capacity to accomplish the above listed activities in two years or less?
Historic Preservation Agreement:__ Yes __No
If applicable to your building, are you willing to implement State Historic Preservation and/or design standards to façade or building improvements?
Village of Addison, New York Main Street (NYMS) Grant Program
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Lean and Title Agreement: __ Yes __No
Are you fully paid (or up-to-date) with all loans, mortgages, and lines of credit?
Lease and Rental Agreement:__ Yes __No
If you intend to renovate residential properties as part of this project, you must agree to advertise rental of your residential units to persons of low/moderate income. Are you willing to advertise your residential rental units to persons of low/moderate income in accordance the HUD guidelines, if the residential unit becomes vacant at any time during the NYMS process?
Hazardous Materials Agreement:__ Yes __No
As a requirement of this application, all projects funded through NYMS that may contain hazardous wastes will be evaluated by a professional and mitigated as necessary. Are you willing to have a professional assessment (if needed) and mitigation (if needed)?
Lead Based Paint Agreement:__ Yes __No
As a requirement of this application, all projects funded through NYMS must be free from lead based paint hazards. Are you willing to abide by the HUD “Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing”?
Asbestos Agreement:__ Yes __No
As a requirement of this application, all projects funded through NYMS which involve moving or disturbing asbestos containing materials must be accomplished properly and in accordance with all state and federal laws. Are you willing to hire an asbestos professional (if needed) and comply with all applicable laws (if needed)?
Radon Agreement:__ Yes __No
As a requirement of this application, all residential projects funded through NYMS must be tested for radon, and high radon levels must be mitigated in accordance with all state and federal laws. Are you willing to have the project property tested for radon and have a radon mitigation system installed (if needed)?