Algebra II STAAR Checklist

Category / Objective / # of Questions
Properties and attributes of Functions / Identify domains and ranges of functions
Determine reasonable domain and range for continuous and discrete situations
Make a scatterplot from data, fit function to the graph, draw conclusion/prediction
Describe and analyze the relationship between a function and its inverse / Identify and graph parent functions: linear (); quadratic (); exponential (); logarithmic (); absolute value (); square root (); and reciprocal ()
Describe the effect of changing parameters on parent functions (like in ) / 8
Represent-ational Tools to Solve Problems / Use factoring and properties of exponents to simplify expressions and solve equations
Use complex numbers () to describe the solutions to quadratic equations
Write systems of equations or inequalities (with 2 or more variables) to solve problems / Solve systems of equations or inequalities algebraically (substitution or elimination), graphically, with tables of values, or with matrices
Determine the reasonableness of solutions to systems of equations or inequalities within a given context / 8
Properties of Quadratic Functions / Determine reasonable domain and range of quadratic functions
Determine reasonableness of solutions to quadratic equations or inequalities
Relate representations of quadratic functions (tables, equations, graphs, words)
Write a quadratic function given its roots (real or imaginary)
Write a quadratic function given its graph
Analyze situations involving quadratic functions and write quadratic equations or inequalities to solve problems / Use the discriminant to analyze solutions to quadratic equations
Use the quadratic formula to solve quadratic equations
Translate between the graphical and algebraic (involving an equation) solutions to quadratic equations
Solve quadratic equations or inequalities with graphs, tables, and algebraic methods (factoring, completing the square, taking the square root, quadratic formula) / 12
Represent-ations of Quadratic Relations / Describe a conic section as the intersection of a plane and a cone
Sketch graphs of conic sections (parabola, circle, ellipse, hyperbola)
Relate parameter changes in the equation of a conic section to changes in its graph
Identify symmetries from graphs of conic sections / Use completing the square (to translate from general to standard forms?)
Identify the conic section from a given equation
Graph quadratic functions based on their parent function (), making a connection between and
Determine the effect of changing the parameters , , and on the graph of / 6
Properties of Square Root Functions / Determine the effect of changing parameters , , and on the graph of the square root function
Describe limitations on the domain and range of square root functions
Relate representation of square root functions (equations, graphs, tables, words)
Determine the reasonable domain and range of square root functions
Connect inverses of square roots functions with quadratic functions / Determine the reasonableness of the solutions to square root equations and inequalities
Determine the solutions to square root equations and inequalities (with graphs, tables, or algebraic methods)
Analyze situations involving square root functions, and then write and solve an equation / 5
Properties of Rational Functions / Use direct and inverse variation to model problem situations
Use quotients of polynomials to describe the graphs of rational functions
Predict the effect of changing parameters on
Describe limitations on the domain and range of rational functions
Examine the asymptotic behavior of rational functions (where are they, what does the graph look like near them) / Analyze various representations of rational functions (equations, graphs, tables, words) in problem situations
Determine reasonable domain and range of rational functions
Determine the reasonableness of solutions to rational equations or inequalities
Solve rational equations or inequalities with tables, graphs, or algebraic methods
Analyze a situation involving a rational function, write an equation and solve it / 5
Properties of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions / Develop the definition of logarithm by describing the relationship between exponential functions and their inverses
Describe the effects of changing parameters on the graphs of and
Describe the limitation on the domain and range of exponential and logarithmic functions
Examine asymptotic behavior of exponential and logarithmic functions / Determine the reasonable domain and range of exponential and logarithmic functions
Determine the reasonableness of solutions to exponential and logarithmic equations and inequalities
Solve exponential and logarithmic equations and inequalities using graphs, tables, or algebraic methods
Analyze a situation involving an exponential function, write an equation and solve it / 6
Total Number of Questions / 45 Multiple Choice
5 Griddable