Algebra II Curriculum Map (2014-2015)

Time Frame-pacing / Topics-Essential Questions / Learner Targets-Objectives
**I Can… / Activities
--Assessments / Resources / Connections-Reading/Writing/ AH/PLCS
Aug. 6-26 / Unit 1--Introduction to Course and Review / ·  Algebra I Skills Review
- demonstrate knowledge of properties of real numbers
-  evaluate and simplify expressions
-  solve linear equations and inequalities
-  solve word “work” problems
·  Compound inequalities
-solve compound linear inequalities
·  Absolute Value equations and inequalities
-solve abs. value equations and inequalities / -Fundamental Algebra I Skills assessment
- Course Pre-Test
-Class Openers: Number Word Problems
- Quizzes
-Unit Test
(MAP Testing as scheduled) / Amsco—Alg. II
Larson, Burger, and Glencoe Alg. II texts
Quality Core Item Pool / Formulate answers in sentence form.
Aug. 27-Sept. 12 / Unit 2—Functions and Relations / ·  Functions and Relations
-Distinguish between functions and
o  Domain/Range
-identify the domain and range of functions and relations
o  Independent/dependent variables
-recognize independent/dependent variables in relations and functions
·  Parent Functions
-recognize the graph and equations of the parent functions
·  Graphing lines
o  Tables
-graph a line from a table of values
-write a table of values for a given line
o  Slope-intercept
-graph a line from slope-intercept
o  X- and y- intercepts
-graph a line from x- and y-intercepts
·  Slope (Rate of Change)
o  Parallel/Perpendicular
-Use the slope of the line to determine if lines are parallel or perpendicular
·  Equations of Lines
-Identify and write an equation of a line in the following forms:
o  Standard form
o  Slope-intercept form
o  General form
·  Midpoint and Distance
-Given two points I can calculate the midpoint of and the distance between the points.
·  Line of Regression
-calculate line of regression by hand and with technology / -Class Opener Focus: Consecutive Integers)
-Map Activity w/ Narrative + Cat, Dog, Alligator Activity
-Activity (i.e. hula hoop, ball bounce, etc.)
-Unit Review
-Unit Test / Amsco—Alg. II
Larson, Burger, and Glencoe Alg. II texts
TI-83 Graphing Calculator
Math iXL
Quality Core Item Pool / Narrative—map activity
Art—cat, dog, alligator activity
Sept. 15-Sept. 23 / Unit 3—Special Functions / ·  Graphing Special Functions with Transformations
o  Piecewise
-Graph a piecewise function from an equation
-Write a piecewise function from a graph
o  Absolute Value
- Graph an abs. value function from an equation
-Write an abs. value function from a graph
o  Greatest Integer
- Graph a greatest integer function from an equation
-Write a greatest integer function from a graph
o  Constant
Graph a constant function from an equation
-Write a constant function from a graph
o  Identity
- Graph a identity function from an equation
-Write a identity function from a graph
·  Linear Inequalities (Shading)
-Identify the solution region for linear inequalities by graphing.
·  Absolute Value Inequalities (Shading)
- Identify the solution region for abs. value inequalities by graphing. / -Class Opener Focus: Motion Word Problems
Text assignments
Group work
Sports application—0pen Response
Math iXL
Review sessions
Unit Test / Amsco—Alg. II
Larson, Burger, and Glencoe Alg. II texts
TI-83 Graphing Calculator
Math iXL
Quality Core Item Pool Math iXL
Kutasoftware / Sports application—0pen Response
Sept. 24-Oct. 2 / Unit 4—Systems of Equations and Inequalities / ·  Systems of Equations
o  Graphing
-solve a system of linear equations by graphing.
o  Substitution
- solve a system of linear equations by substitution.
o  Elimination
- solve a system of linear equations by elimination.
o  Types of Systems
-identify and describe the three types of systems (i.e. consistent dependent, consistent independent, and inconsistent)
·  Linear Systems of Inequalities
- Identify the solution region for a system of linear inequalities by graphing and shading.
/ -Class Opener Focus: Coin Word Problems
-Real world applications
-group projects
-Unit Review
-Unit Test / Amsco—Alg. II
Larson, Burger, and Glencoe Alg. II texts
TI-83 Graphing Calculator
Math iXL
Quality Core Item Pool Math iXL
Oct. 13-Oct. 22 / Unit 5—Matrices / ·  Add, Subtract, Multiply and Scalar operations
-perform operations on matrices.
·  Equal Matrices
-describe equal matrices
·  Determinants (2x2 and 3x3)
-calculate the determinants of 2x2 and 3x3 matrices with and without technology.
·  Area using matrices
-find the area of a triangle using matrices.
·  2x2 inverse
-calculate the inverse of a 2x2 matrix with and without technology.
·  Cramer’s Rule (Core Course—OMIT)
-solve a 2x2 linear system using Cramer’s Rule.
·  Solving system using inverse matrices (Calculator only) / -Class Opener Focus: Per Cent and Percentage Problems
- Word Problems
-Real world applications
-group projects
-Unit Review
-Unit Test
Oct. 23-Nov. 7 / Unit 6—Polynomials / ·  Exponent Rules
-Simplify expressions involving powers
·  Scientific Notation
-perform operations using scientific notation
·  All 4 operations with Polynomials
-add and subtract polynomials
-multiply polynomials using distributive property, FOIL, Sum and Difference, and Squaring a Binomial
-divide polynomials using long and synthetic division. / -Class Opener Focus: Mixture Word Problems
-Review sessions (groups)
-Unit Test / All aforementioned resources utilized.
Punchline Puzzles
Nov. 10-Nov. 25 / Unit 7—Factoring / ·  Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
·  Difference of 2 Squares (D2S)
·  Perfect Square Trinomial (PTS)
·  General Trinomial (GT)
·  Grouping
·  Sum & Difference of Cubes (Core Course-OMIT)
--factor polynomials utilizing all aforementioned techniques.
Dec. 1-Dec. 19 / Unit 8—Radicals / ·  Simplify radicals
·  Add/Subtract radicals
·  Multiply radicals
·  Conjugates
·  Rational exponents
·  Radical Equations / -Class Opener Focus: Investment Word Problems
-Review sessions
-Unit Test / All aforementioned resources utilized.
Punchline Puzzles
Jan. 5-Jan. 16 / Unit 9—Complex Numbers / ·  Operations
-add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers
·  Conjugates
-identify and utilize conjugates of complex numbers / -Class Opener Focus: Age Word Problems
-Unit Review
-Unit Test / All aforementioned resources utilized.
Jan. 20-Feb. 6 / Unit 10—Quadratic Equations / ·  Factoring
-solve quadratic equations by factoring
·  Zeros/Roots/x-intercepts/solutions of Quadratics
-solve quadratic equations
·  Quadratic Formula
-solve quadratic equations
·  Square Root Method
-solve quadratic equations
·  Completing the Square
-solve quadratic equations
·  Discriminant
-use the discriminant to describe the number and nature of the zeros of a quadratic equation. / -Calculator practice graphing parabolas
Feb. 9-Feb. 18 / Unit 11—Quadratic Functions / ·  Parabolas (Graphing)
o  Standard
o  Vertex
o  Transformations
·  Quadratic Real-World Problems