

Algebra I: Percentages

A Population Analysis Project

Prework: Use this space for your teacher’s Do Now and percentages instruction. Make sure that the percent equation and sufficient examples are included for full credit.

The Project Directions:

Make sure you read all directions and questions carefully; there may be hidden places for you to sign in order to demonstrate your attention to detail. Your focus during this project should be on quality of work, not how quickly you get it done. It is YOUR name and YOUR academic reputation, after all. Start this project by going to the US Census Bureau’s website: Feel free to click around and explore some of the reports and data available in order to get yourself familiar with the site. Initial here ( ) if you completed the orientation and fully read directions. Here is another link to a few of the projects that the US Census Bureau has put together. I particularly like the chart titled “Apportionment Data” then, choose the tab “Population Density.”

Throughout this project, you will be using percentages to analyze real data about the US population. You will also analyze percent changes. Your learning targets include:

-  Mastery of the use of the percent equation as it relates to finding and relating percentages

-  Technical literacy: the ability to look at and draw meaning from technical graphs, diagrams, charts and data

-  Learning how to use the US Census website (invaluable tool; there’s more information than any one person in one lifetime can handle).

-  Technical writing: how to write in complete sentences to communicate mathematical information

Part I.

n  When you’re ready to begin, go to the Population Finder here: and search for Missouri. Please identify the following key statistics in the chart below:

Population By Numbers- Missouri
Total Population
Under 18
African American
Identified by two or more races

n  Now, find the percentage of the total population of Missouri for each respective group. Add a third column to the chart above; include the column title “Percent Representation.”

n  On the web page, select another state to compare to Missouri by using the drop-down menu at the top left called “Select State.” Initial here to show that you are reading the directions:: In the chart below, indicate which state you selected and find the same population data.

Population By Numbers- ______ / Percent Representation
Total Population
Under 18
African American
Identified by two or more races

n  What do you notice is similar about the two states you chose to compare? What do you notice is different? Write in complete sentences, and be as specific as possible.

Part II:

n  Now, you are going to consider Missouri’s Housing Status.

o  Which classification of housing status represents 60.2% of Missourians?

o  Which classification of housing status represents 27.8% of Missourians? What does that grouping mean to you? (Translate into your own words.)

o  Which classification of housing status represents 12.4% of the total?

n  Compare the percentage of the total population of Missouri in owner-occupied units to the percentage of population in renter-occupied units. Which category do you belong to?

o  Owner Occupied:

o  Renter-Occupied:

n  Find two states with a higher percentage of renter-occupied units, and two states with lower percentage of renter occupied units. What strategy did you employ (what did you think about in your search?

n  Do you see any correlation between the percentage of units rented and your background knowledge about the states above? If yes, explain. If no, what should we expect to see?

Part III

n  Choose the state out of the word bank that best fits the description given by finding the total population.

n  Then, identify which racial or ethnic group that percentage describes. You may have to do research to find the state with the closest population; your answers may not match exactly.

*It may be helpful to find a census chart with all the sates listed in the same place. Make sure you are using 2010 census data, not Wikipedia or the internet, because the population may have changed, and I used the census data. Initial here to show that you read the directions.

o  129,234 represents 2.272% of ______’s total population.

§  Group identified:

o  104,871 represents 14.766% of ______’s total population.

§  Group identified:

o  305,125 represents 50.709% of ______’s total population.

§  Group identified:

o  14,013,719 represents 37.617% of ______’s total population.

§  Group identified:

o  198,466 represents 5.5529% of ______’s total population.

§  Group identified:

o  2,628,186 represents 10.4519% of ______’s total population.

§  Group identified:

o  124,589 represents 2.0803% of ______’s total population.

§  Group identified:

o  6,528,950 represents 68.4701% of ______’s total population.

§  Group identified:

n  Which results were the most surprising to you? Why?

Part IV

n  You may use this page as scratch paper, or to redo a page if you messed up. Additionally, use the back page for your write up after the project has been graded. Initial here _____ to commit to using the back page for your final write up and revisions after 1st grading.