Alg C: Linear SystemsMs. Platt

Third Trimester 2011-2012Boston Day & Evening Academy

March 26–June 20Room 021

my cell:617-447-1961

What does it mean to

stand for something?

Course Overview

3x +y = 14

x – 2y = 0

To succeed in this class, you are expected to …

  • be present. It all starts with being here to work.
  • be prepared. Have the tools (pencil, binder, notebook) and mindset to be ready to learn.
  • practice. Practice makes the difference between “knowing about it” and “knowing it.”
    Do the work. Know it. Get help. Help others. Start without delay. Finish assignments.
  • participate. Try out your ideas, and challenge each other. Learn from doing things correctly and from making mistakes.Try it on the board. Coach your friends. Ask questions.
    Listen to each other. Make generalizations and rules; find out when they work & when they don’t. Change your mind if needed.

How will students be rated at the end of this module?

Rank / Criteria

What do students have to do to earn these benchmarks?

  • Take notes: These will lead you to independence in your work because you will be able to get help from yourself (as well as from your classmates and teacher.)
  • Participate: The more you show you know during class, the easier the assessment will be.
  • Complete your assessments:
  • Graphing assessment (with word problems)
  • Substitution/Elimination assessment (including word problems)
  • Make-your-own problem (solve and present to the class)
  • Inequalities assessment

What else?

One challenge with Systems of Equations is trying to remember and juggle everything you’ve done before and use it all together in a complicated problem. You will make mistakes, and you will find them and fix them. That’s part of the fun and satisfaction! As you practice, it gets easier. Really.

The other challenge is using these complicated steps in a “real-world” problem and making sense of your work and your answer. Setting up good math habits, going back to review your notes, and talking with your classmates will help you keep it all in perspective.

Come for help if you need it! I’m here before & after school, but check in with me ahead of time.

Tentative Order of Topics and Assessments

Week / Topics / Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri
1 / Intro, expectatns, goals, systems
Review linear r/ships: tables, equations, graphs; converting to/using slope-intercept form / 26 Tri 3 Begins / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30
2 / Solve systems of linear equations by Graphing; Solve systems on graphing calculator
Assess: Graphing / 2-Apr / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
3 / Review prerequisite Algebra skills: Distributive Property, Combining Like Terms
Solve systems by Substitution / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
4 / 16
Spring Break / 17
Spring Break / 18
Spring Break / 19
Spring Break / 20
Spring Break
Solve systems by Elimination / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 Garden Day
5 / Practice Substitution & Elimination
Assess: Algebra / 30 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
6 / Find key information in a word problem; Solve systems word problems;Choose best approach: graph, substitution, elimination / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
7 / Assess: “Real-Life” Problem
Graph single variable inequalities / 14 / 15 Math MCAS
(1sttimers) / 16 Math MCAS / 17 / 18
8 / Solve inequalities
Graph linear inequalities / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25
9 / Graph systems of inequalities Inequalities to make decisions
Inequality Assessment / 28
Mem Day / 29 / 30 / 31 / 1
10 / Final Project / 4 / 5 Science MCAS / 6 Science MCAS / 7 / 8
11 / present project to class / 11 / 12 / 13 Assessments / 14 Assessments / 15
18 / 19 / 20 Last day BPS / 21 / 22

Syllabus: Alg C Linear Systems, Plattp. 1/2