Alfalfa Community Hall, 21655 Willard Rd, Alfalfa, OR
June 28, 2017 6PM
The June 28, 2017 work session of the Alfalfa Fire District Board of Directors was brought to order by President Bob Kathman followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call.
Fire Chief, Ron Thompson
Board of Directors:
President, Bob Kathman
VP, Nate Starr
Treasurer, Rowan Hollitz
Secretary, Carolyn Chase
Board member absent:
Director, Gary Hughes
Visitors in attendance:
Ole Olsen
LynneAnn Olsen
Margot Barron
The minutes from the June 14, 2017 business meeting had been previously read and edited and a motion by Starr to approve the minutes was seconded by Hollitz and agreed by all.
Treasurer Hollitz presented $5,656.91 in bills to the Board to be paid. Starr moved to pay the bills and it was seconded by Chase and approved by all.
Chief Thompson reported that there have been thirty emergency responses so far in 2017. Engine #931 responded to Crook County on a mutual aid call on a three-acre brush fire.
All emergency vehicles are in service and ready to respond except for engine #941 which is down for repairs.
The training focus is on combating wildland fires, engine #921 driving/operating and self-contained breathing apparatus.
Three firefighters along with engine #931 participated in a wildland live fire training exercise sponsored by the Sisters Camp Sherman Fire District.
Alfalfa Fire District’s 1st annual BBQ is scheduled for Saturday, July 15, 2017 at the Alfalfa Community Hall.
The 4th of July holiday weekend, Alfalfa Fire District plans to have four emergency vehicles on standby ready to respond to any medical aid or fire.
Nate Starr gave an update on the building plans and the construction site. Starr stated that a decision needs to be made on excavation of the property, the site needs gravel on the approach from Alfalfa Market Road and a driveway to the firehouse. Trenches need to be dug for the electrical lines from pole to the building and trenches for the septic system. The date for delivery of the power pole is still pending and Central Electric should have it installed within the next week.
Nate Starr also shared with the Board copies of a draft “Notice to Proceed”, which is to notify a contractor to commence the building process in accordance with the Construction Agreement along with a draft of the Contractor Agreement.
President Kathman presented Resolution #2017-8 which adopts the 2017-2018 fiscal budget.
Resolution #2017-9 sets the tax rate of $1.75 per $1000 for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
President Kathman stated he received a text from David Ulbricht from SDAO that the loan request is moving forward and we should have some information soon.
Margo Barron offered to donate a large banner to display for the BBQ in July.
There was a consensus on the colors for the fire station: exterior color will be tile red, the roof a stone gray, trim a stone white and interior beams in gray.
Chase moved to adjourn the business meeting and establish an Executive Board meeting for the Contract Review Board and the motion was seconded by Hollitz.
NEXT MEETING: The next business meeting will be Wednesday, July 12, 2017 at 6PM and the work session on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 6PM.
______Carolyn Chase, Secretary
June 28, 2017
President Kathman called the Contract Review Board meeting to order.
Board members present:
President, Bob Kathman
VP, Nate Starr
Treasurer, Rowan Hollitz
Secretary, Carolyn Chase
Board member absent:
Director, Gary Hughes
The meeting was to review and vote on the quotes received for the electrical contracting portion of the construction of the fire station. The three electrical contractors are: Elite Electric with a quote of $27,500, Aspen Ridge with a quote of $23,542, and Kertcher Electric with a quote at $42,000.
After discussion, it was agreed to accept the quote from Aspen Ridge Electric at $23,542. Hollitz moved to accept Aspen Ridge as the electrical contractor and it was seconded by Starr and all agreed.
Starr made a motion to rent equipment for the delivery of gravel for the driveway and pad for the fire station and was seconded by Hollitz and all agreed. The expenditure for this was not to exceed $5,000 for the preliminary work.
Hollitz moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25PM and was seconded by Chase and all agreed.
______Carolyn Chase, Secretary