UMW Purpose:

The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participationin the global ministries of the church.

April Volume 02-15

United Methodist Women

Alexandria District, Virginia Conference

Nancy West - District President



In this issue of the Bridge Builder we are going to ask you to “Imagine.” The United Methodist Church and our Bishop Cho has asked us to “ImagineNo Malaria.” As a part of this initiative, the Virginia Conference has set a goal to save 100,000+ lives by Annual Conference in June. While this Initiative is a church-wide initiative and not a United Methodist Women initiative, as members of our local churches we are being urged to support this project as malaria is a disease that claims the life of a child every 60 seconds. So “Imagine No Malaria” is giving hope to thousands of children and their parents. To learn more about this project, plan on attending the Alexandria and Arlington District Day Apart on May 16th at Arlington Temple UMC. You will find more information and a flyer elsewhere in the Bridge Builder.

But now I want us to “Imagine” about what the world, and the United Methodist Church, would be like if we had no United Methodist Women. Women organized for mission whose vision and purpose is turning faith, hope, and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth around the world. If we had no United Methodist Women, who would support the many Bethlehem Centers and Community Centers such as Moore Community House in Biloxi, Mississippi, or Neighborhood House in Wilmington, Delaware, or Wesley House in Key West, Florida? These and many more United Methodist Women national mission institutions across the country are making a difference in the lives of women and children as they offer low-income families quality child care and, often, job training, financial training, and parenting skills training for the mothers. All of this is made possible through the Mission Giving of United Methodist Women. Just imagine a world without Mission Giving! But rejoice in the fact that over 800,000 women are committed to Mission Giving which continues to change the world.

At our Mini-Mission Event held March 14th, one of the studies was entitled, “How Is It with Your Soul?” the 2014 spiritual growth study. I did not take this class at the Mini-Mission Event, but I had read the book on which it was based, The Call:Living Sacramentally, Walking Justly. At the same time, the Lenten study in my church Sunday School class was Adam Hamilton’s book, Revival, Faith as Wesley Lived It. It was amazing to me how these two books dove-tailed each other. John Wesley asked a lot of questions about one’s soul. He said that the transformation of our souls comes through Bible reading and prayer and this was best done in small groups, which he called class meetings, where people could hold each other accountable. Now imagine if our United Methodist Women, in units, circles or fellowships, had regular Bible studies with women of diverse ages, ethnicity, cultures and interest where the scriptures were discussed with a spirit of openness to dialogue. Imagine a circle or fellowship spending their entire time together in prayer. As John Wesley preached it and as our Bishop Cho has proclaimed it: Prayer can change the world. Imagine that!

As we go forward this year, just imagine all the wonderful world-changing works that we can do together as United Methodist Women as we study, give, pray and put faith, hope, and love into action for women, children and youth here and around the world. Only Imagine!!


Nancy West



Message from the Alexandria Vice President

Imagine yourself at a UMW program….

There you are, participating at an event with other UMW members. Perhaps it’s the Virginia Spiritual Life event on May 1-3 at Blackstone, or your local UMW circle meeting, or the Imagine No Malaria event on May 16 at Arlington Temple, or Mission Encounter on July 24-26 at Blackstone, or any one of many upcoming events. When you live our purpose of being whole a person through Jesus Christ in creative, supportive fellowship with other UMW members, you live the joy of serving God and realizing His kingdom. Be sure to check the other articles in this month’s newsletter for the events where you can encounter God and can say, “Yes! Here I am! Send me.”

Close your eyes and imagine this world as described in Revelation – how can you make it happen?

From Revelation chapters 21 and 22:

[The city] has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God is its light. … The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory to it. Its gates will never be shut by day – and there will be no night there. People will bring into it the glory and the honor of nations. Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city. On either side of the river is the tree of life … the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. Nothing accursed will be found there anymore. But the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him; they will see his face. And there will be no more night … for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign for ever and ever.

Imagine No Malaria

Saturday, May 16, 9:00 – 3:00

Arlington Temple UMC in Rosslyn

Join us for information, insights, prayer, and action as UMW members and others from Arlington and Alexandria spend the day learning about this disease that ravages Africa and other parts of the world. We will hear from leaders from Virginia and national United Methodist conferences and watch the movie Mary and Martha to spark our conversation.

To register, visit Mail your check for $15 made out to Arlington District UMW to Susan Chung, 851 N. Glebe Road, Apt. 1520, Arlington, VA 22203 by May 1, 2015

Maria Ward


Our first quarter has passed and we had a good quarter. Please keep in mind that the deadline for each quarter is on the 10th of June, September and December and March. If you need Mission Cards (Birthday, New Baby, Thank you, In Memory, Thinking of you), I can mail those to you. They are $5.00 and you will be giving to mission which is an honor to someone.

Please let me know if you have questions. If I don’t know the answer, I will research and learn the answer.

Edna Joyner


(underline between e and j –no space)



If you had not been invited to attend your first United Methodist Women meeting. Was it your grandmother, your mom, or a mentor at your church who said, ‘Come with me’ or ‘I’ll meet you there?’

In my case, it was a lady in Pastor’s Bible Study who asked a few of us to come. My new friends, also new to the church, agreed we would go together. “One for all and all for one!”

My life and yours, too, changed that day! We learned about an organizedgroup ofwomen dedicated to helping other women and their children around the world and maybe just down the street. The first local request I learned about was for one of our own women whose husband lost it and pulled out a gun on the family. The women, the UMW women, of the church made sure that she knew we were there for her and her children. Today she still lives in her home and her children have grown up to be wonderful and responsible individuals. Another local request brought before the women was a child that was injured and needed financial help for his medical care. How much closer does a request need to be?

But we all know that we are organized to hear God’s Call for the least of his children. We hold fundraisers and pledge an amount for missions hoping it will change someone’s life for the better. The UMW not only sponsors leadership and skill development clinics, but clinics that service the sick, the poor, the hungry and the displaced. And at the end of the day we take care of our deaconesses and home missioners who have devoted their lives for the welfare of others. (This year’s Prayer and Self Denial program)

But let’s go back. You went to that UMW meeting and you made a decision that this organization could use your support, your prayers and your active participation. You made a commitment to be a United Methodist Woman!

Did you change the world? Yes!

Did you change? Undoubtedly, yes!

You became more aware of the plight of so many women and their families, the social injustices and the unforgiving treatment of people who are considered dispensable. The outrage you felt (and still feel in your soul). Now you have the information to share with others that can also help in changing lives.

Now imagine your church without an active UMW organization. Would the work get done? Probably, because there will always be members who hear the call. But will it be an organized and self-challenged group which would aim to reach outside the boundaries of the local church and community?

Imagineyour life without your UMW contacts (friends)? I can’t. It seems a little empty to think of working on an issue not having a universal outreach and commitment for accomplishing a task. Your UMW sisters are committed like you to change the world one issue at a time and because there are over 800,000 of us we can work on a multitude of issues together. God provides!

Now Imagine that no one wants to step forward to lead or to be the facilitator/president of your local organization. I can, but that should not stop you. I know that being the president of a unit is an awesome opportunity and a job that can be done by most individuals. Just remember, it’s just a title that is given to one person, but that person has backup and relies on the support of every woman in the group. The group just needs someone to sift through information and requests, set priorities and be their eyes and ears at church and in the overall church community. They in turn will lead and walk with you on the right path for your unit.

Imagine. Church life is full of opportunities and the women have not only worked outside of their homes, but have managed a sundry of life challenges that affect their families and friends. The United Methodist Women is an opportunity for using all these life skills for the good of God’s Creation.

Imagine! Had I not attended that United Methodist Women’s meeting, I would not have served as circle leader, unit treasurer, publicity chair, and unit president. Nor would I have served as UMW Alexandria District nominations committee member, District treasurer and secretary. And all these offices were held by an individual that has most of her life been a shy and ‘quieter’ person. Thanks to the UMW I have developed self- confidence and a passionate voice.

Myrna Meling


Spiritual Growth

One of the greatest gifts that God has given us is the gift of IMAGINATION. I am sure we can all attest to the fact that oftentimes we let our imaginations run wild. The Bible cautions us as Christian women to limit our thoughts to things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8). Therefore, IMAGINE the scene in Heaven as we stand before God after having worked tirelessly to support Missions and to make this world a better place for women and children. IMAGINE that Almighty God lovingly says to us “Well Done!” IMAGINE what our varying reactions will be. I IMAGINE that I will burst out in tears of joy. What do you IMAGINE that you will do?

The following is an excerpt from the song, “I Can Only Imagine” that captures a bit of the scene in Heaven.

I can only imagine what it will be like
When I walk by Your side
I can only imagine what my eyes will see
When Your face is before me
I can only imagine
I can only imagine

Surrounded by Your glory
What will my heart feel?
Will I dance for You Jesus?
Or in awe of You be still?

Will I stand in Your presence
To my knees will I fall?
Will I sing, Hallelujah?
Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine, yeah
I can only imagine

(By Mercy Me)

Yvonne Robinson


If you had not been invited to attend your first United Methodist Women meeting. Was it your grandmother, your mom, or a mentor at your church who said, ‘Come with me’ or ‘I’ll meet you there?’

In my case, it was a lady in Pastor’s Bible Study who asked a few of us to come. My new friends, also new to the church, agreed we would go together. “One for all and all for one!”

My life and yours, too, changed that day! We learned about an organized group of women dedicated to helping other women

and their children around the world and maybe just down the street. The first local request I learned about was for one of our own women whose husband lost it and pulled out a gun on the family. The women, the UMW women, of the church made sure that she knew we were there for her and her children. Today she still lives in her home and her children have grown up to be wonderful and responsible individuals. Another local request brought before the women was a child that was injured and needed financial help for his medical care. How much closer does a request need to be?

But we all know that we are organized to hear God’s Call for the least of his children. We hold fundraisers and pledge an amount for missions hoping it will change someone’s life for the better. The UMW not only sponsors leadership and skill development clinics, but clinics that service the sick, the poor, the hungry and the displaced. And at the end of the day we take care of our deaconesses and home missioners who have devoted their lives for the welfare of others. (This year’s Prayer and Self Denial program)

But let’s go back. You went to that UMW meeting and you made a decision that this organization could use your support, your prayers and your active participation. You made a commitment to be a United Methodist Woman!

Did you change the world? Yes!

Did you change? Undoubtedly, yes!

You became more aware of the plight of so many women and their families, the social injustices and the unforgiving treatment of people who are considered dispensable. The outrage you felt (and still feel in your soul). Now you have the information to share with others that can also help in changing lives.

Now imagineyour church without an active UMW organization. Would the work get done? Probably, because there will always be members who hear the call. But will it be an organized and self-challenged group which would aim to reach outside the boundaries of the local church and community?

Imagine your life without your UMW contacts (friends)? I can’t. It seems a little empty to think of working on an issue not having a universal outreach and commitment for accomplishing a task. Your UMW sisters are committed like you to change the world one issue at a time and because there are over 800,000 of us we can work on a multitude of issues together. God provides!

Now imagine that no one wants to step forward to lead or to be the facilitator/president of your local organization. I can, but that should not stop you. I know that being the president of a unit is an awesome opportunity and a job that can be done by most individuals. Just remember, it’s just a title that is given to one person, but that person has backup and relies on the support of every woman in the group. The group just needs someone to sift through information and requests, set priorities and be their eyes and ears at church and in the overall church community. They in turn will lead and walk with you on the right path for your unit.