The County Commission of Mingo County met in Regular Session on Tuesday, July 15, 2014, at 4:30 p.m. in the Commission Courtroom, Room 136, First Floor, Courthouse, Williamson, West Virginia. Present for the meeting were Commissioners Greg Smith, John Mark Hubbard and Mike Carter.

A quorum being present and the public being duly notified, the meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Commissioner Smith.


Tina Abbott presented the following Minutes for approve and to be placed on record:

· June 24, 2014 (Regular Session)

· July 14, 2014 (Special Session)

Commissioner Hubbard made a Motion to approve the Minutes as presented and place on record. Commissioner Carter seconded. The vote was unanimous. Motion carried.


Real Estate and Personal Property deemed by investigation to be improper was presented for authorization of the same to be stipulated on the Land Books and Personal Property books on behalf of the Assessor’s office.

Commissioner Smith made a Motion to approve the Impropers as presented being approved and signed by the Prosecuting Attorney and the Assessor. Commissioner Carter seconded. The vote was unanmious. Motion carried.

Resolution in opposition of AEP rate increase

Commissioner Smith stated that AEP is currently seeking a 17% rate increase through the PSC. Commissioner Smith stated he feels this would be devastating to the public with limited income and those out of work. Commissioner Smith stated that also there has been an ongoing problem of power outages especially in this past year having to close the courthouse more than ever due to power outages. Commissioner Smith stated he feels the Commission should oppose the rate of increase and challenge other municipalities and commissions to do the same.

Commissioner Smith stated this Commission does appreciate our representative, Cindy Wiseman, because she has been very helpful and has done a fine job.

Commissioner Hubbard stated that from what he has read the reason for the increase has to do primarily with maintaining lines and upkeep of trees and those types of things.

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Wiseman stated that is some of it but this is a base rate case that is only filed every so many years and the Commission actually requires AEP to file that periodically because it is also general operating costs. Wiseman stated also in this is the vegetation program, removal, recouping the costs from previous large storms. Wiseman stated it is a large base rate case and the Commission has up to one year to rule on it but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they will rule for the amount that we asked for. Wiseman stated it is basically for the cost of doing business. Wiseman stated there are things they can do to work with customers they have payment plans, energy efficiency plans, etc.

Commissioner Hubbard made a Motion to oppose the AEP rate increase and upon counsel preparing the Resolution stating such present to Commission for approval/vote. Commissioner Smith seconded. The vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

Williamson Housing Authority: Request funding for back-to-school bash

Pauline Sturgill, Williamson Housing Authority, appeared before the Commission. Sturgill requested financial assistance with the back-to-school bash being hosted this year at Victoria Courts. Sturgill stated that the Williamson Housing Authority began hosting this last year and had almost 600 residents to attend. Sturgill stated that Walmart has given them a small grant to purchase some school supplies with and there are communities/groups that are donating door prizes, etc. Sturgill stated this serves a vulnerable population and benefits those kids that don’t get to go away on a vacation, etc. Sturgill requested any financial assistance that the Commission could appropriate.

Commissioner Smith made a Motion to make a $1,000 contribution to the Williamson Housing Authority for the back-to-school bash. Commissioner Carter seconded. The vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

Williamson Parks: Request financial assistance

Tina Lockard stated that the Williamson Parks & Recreation is requesting their FY 2015 allotment of $5,000.

Commissioner Hubbard made a Motion to approve the disbursement of $5,000 to the Williamson Parks & Recreation as allotted. Commissioner Smith seconded. The vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

Lenore Volunteer Fire Dept.: Request FY 2015 allotment

No one appeared.

Chattaroy Volunteer Fire Dept.: Request FY 2015 allotment

Commissioner Smith stated that he had spoken with Chief Joe Rumora and he is requesting their FY 2015 allotment.

Commissioner Hubbard made a Motion to approve the $2,500 allotment for FY 2015 for the Chattaroy VFD. Commissioner Carter seconded. The vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

East Fork Volunteer Fire Dept.: Request FY 2015 allotment

No one appeared.

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Southern WV Action for Youth: Request financial assistance

No one appeared.

Delbarton Midget League Football: Request financial assistance

No one appeared.

Vietnam Veterans of America # 308: Discussion, Assistance

No one appeared.

Matewan Homecoming: Request financial assistance

Donna Paterino appeared before the Commission on behalf of the Town of Matewan for the upcoming Matewan Homecoming.

Commissioner Hubbard stated they appreciate all that Donna and her volunteers do with the Matewan Homecoming but unfortunately with the budget being down donations are having to take a cut as well.

Commissioner Hubbard made a Motion to make a $1,500 contribution to the Town of Matewan for the Matewan Homecoming. Commissioner Carter seconded. The vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

We Can: (Ellen Browning) Request financial assistance

Ellen Browning, We Can Program, appeared before the Commission. Browning requested $2,000 to help support summer camp for the We Can program. Browning stated they have approximately 70 children from abuse & neglect that attend camp and it takes approximately $7,000-$10,000 for the camp for 3 days.

Commissioner Hubbard asked how many children were from Mingo County? Browning replied right now there are 10 but they are still taking applications and anticipate approximately 25-30 to be from Mingo. Browning stated they take children from other counties as well that are in foster care.

Commissioner Smith asked what the cost per child is? Browning replied approximately $80-90 and the camp rental itself is $1,000. Browning stated they provide 3 meals per day plus snacks along with activities.

Browning stated the camp is held this year in Wyoming County at the old 4-H camp. Browning stated they rely on donations, fund raisers, etc. Browning stated that they have approximately 80 volunteers that attend camp and approximately 60 of them are from Mingo County.

Commissioner Hubbard made a Motion to make a $1,500 donation to the We Can Program. Commissioner Carter seconded. The vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

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Airport Authority: Request financial contribution for development of fuel farm

Commissioner Hubbard made a Motion to make a $50,000 contribution of the $200,000 dedicated to the Mingo County Airport Authority for the fuel farm development. Commissioner Smith seconded. The vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

Commissioner Smith stated this was a match to the $200,000 contributed by the State.

Beech Creek Park: Request financial assistance

Representative from the Beech Creek Park appeared requesting reimbursement for payment of the insurance for the park which was approximately $1,000.

Commissioner Smith made a Motion to reimburse the Beech Creek Park for insurance payment in the amount of $1,000. Commissioner Hubbard seconded. The vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

Ragland Crime Watch: Request financial assistance, litter at Ragland, Chafin Grade School

Richard Burke, Ragland Crime Watch, appeared before the Commission. Burke stated that they appreciated the donation of the vehicle for the crime watch last year but along with that comes expenses of maintenance, insurance, gas, etc. and would like to request some financial assistance to help with crime watch expenses.

Burke stated that someone has tried to and keeps trying to burn their Ragland Crime Watch sign and has shot it full of holes.

Commissioner Smith made a Motion to make a $2,500 contribution to the Ragland Crime Watch. Commissioner Carter seconded. The vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

Brandon Dennison: Coalfield Development Corp.

Brandon Dennison, Coalfield Development Corp., stated that they are a not for profit organization started in 2010 in Wayne County, WV and their mission is quality homes, quality jobs and quality lives. Dennison stated they do housing development but it is all about skills development and job training primarily. Dennison stated they have used some creative approaches that have worked very well in Wayne County and are now looking to try them out in Mingo and Lincoln County. Dennison stated they are about social entrepreneurship and that is the idea that we are trying to achieve a social mission that is good for society but are trying to operate like a small business so we are trying to earn our own way so that we are not dependent upon grants and during this process we’re able to create jobs. Our main goal in Mingo County is to create new jobs. Dennison stated they have a program called Reclaim Appalachia. Dennison stated they have been holding community meetings in Mingo County over the past year and listening and getting familiar with the towns and county and looking for projects, crew members, crew chiefs and it has been a very slow and

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methodical process. Dennison stated that they have realized in the southern part of Appalachia in the communities there are abandoned and dilapidated houses that are a hazard, hurt property values and are an eye sore. Dennison stated they take that challenge or problem and turn it into an opportunity. Dennison stated that in these structures there is value sometimes there is really good wood, bricks, flooring, windows, doors, trim, molds and it is a shame to see those go into the landfill so Reclaim Appalachia and Coalfield Development resells items using and recycling those materials. Dennison stated they hire locally to do this and create full time jobs with the work crew paying $10.00 per hour and the crew members go in and take apart piece by piece and resell the materials and that is our income to help us create more jobs and expand our program.

Commissioner Smith asked how the employees were paid? Dennison replied that last year 42% of their revenue was earned by reselling materials and they also make furniture out of the reclaimed material, small jobs, etc. and the rest is grants and donations.

Commissioner Smith stated the Commission is very interested in this program because Mingo County like many others has its share of dilapidated structures. Commissioner Smith stated the Commission is currently reviving the Dilapidated Building Board to identify structures and the plan was to set a budget to that board to make recommendations and prioritize the best way to spend that money so this is something that would be very important to Mingo County. Commissioner Smith asked Dennison if his organization would be able to work with that Board in identifying and looking at the structures?

Dennison stated they could, the first question is always how much does it cost and that is completely dependent upon the structure not every structure is a good candidate for deconstruction like if it was burned out. Dennison stated the key to this program is to resell the material and extract good material that can be up-cycled into a good piece of furniture. First they must go on site and take pictures, measurements and see what type of wood or materials working with.

Commissioner Smith asked if the structures in Wayne County were condemned by the County or is it voluntary? Dennison stated that the majority of the projects have been voluntary; usually the local government has indicated a structure as an eyesore and most of the times the property owner is happy to see us but there have been times the county government has had to place a lien on the property and go through that process.

Dennison stated they work with the local non-profits as well like the Housing Authority, Habitat for Humanity, Redevelopment Authority, etc.

Dennison stated they do not do roofing, electrical, HV/AC or large scale plumbing; they do mostly carpentry and deconstruction. Crews are hired locally and a crew is usually 3-5 and they work under a crew chief who is more experienced and those are hired exclusively local so the Mingo crew would be Mingo County residents. Dennison stated they work 33-6-3 (33 hours week working for us as with any job, 6 hours week in community/technical college classes, and 3 hours a week they do life skills like money and time management, team work, etc.), so at the end of two years with us the crew members have an applied science degree from community college and have 4 professional certifications with asbestos abatement being one of them.

Commissioner Smith asked how many structures were demolished in Wayne County last year and Dennison replied 10 structures.

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Commissioner Smith asked what the process is for this program? Dennison stated after identifying the structure a site visit would be conducted, assessment of the structure, and contract negotiation. Dennison stated this has been done for 0 costs before if there is a lot of value to be removed. The contract is negotiated and if agreeable they enter into the contract.

Commissioner Smith asked if these projects were put out bid and Dennison stated no because they are a non-profit organization, hiring local people and they are not competing against private business they are looking for properties that specifically fit the program.

Dennison stated they would need a warehouse site to house the large items until they are sold in Mingo County if the Commission could help with finding a site for that.

9-1-1: Request to put equipment maintenance out for bid

Lorene Vance, 9-1-1 Director, stated that she still has not received the specs to use for the equipment maintenance bids and hopes to have those soon. Vance stated that Motorola put the system in and it is their equipment but their contract has expired and the new contract is $17,000 which is over the amount and must be bid out.