Alex Weiss- Jolly Green Giant

Brandon Menkal- Clark Kent

Ben Mactoff- Gonzo the Green Bean

Hayley Stangland- Lois Lane

Blake Kramer – Perry/Jimmy


Scene 1

Opening scene 1-{Jolly green giant and gonzo the green bean walk up into an unattended truck grabs some beans and run back stage.}

{Superman lands on the top of the daily planet building}- [Runs backstage]

{When he comes out he’s dressed formal with glasses and looks boring and nerdy}

Characters in scene-Jimmy O, Lois, Clark, Perry White-Clarks boss who appears towards the end of the scene.

Clark-Hey Jimmy what’s up? {exchanges handshake]

Jimmy-Nothing much did you hear Superman saved Rabbis from a burning school bus?

He’s so cool, I wish I was like him, he’s my hero.

Clark-[smiles]-Yep he is quite the pimp isn’t he.

Clark-There’s Lois, I am going try to get to first base with her.

[Louis sits down at her desk and types at her computer she’s in a skirt and she radiates beauty]

Jimmy- Good luck, I’m going to go get a snack. [He goes backstage]

Clark- Hey Louis do you want to go to the comic book and sci-fi convention with me and

Jimmy after work?

Lois- Oh please why would I go to a geek fest with a nerd like you when I could be

reporting and possibly be saved by Superman whose strong and a million times more

manly than you are smallville.

{Everyone is silent except Clark]

Clark-(emotionally speaking to audience)- Why must I have all these strong internal and

external flaws? I struggle with always trying to help people and save friends because if I

don’t I will have been responsible for their deaths. I feel sometimes like I am not being

my true self and if I just told Lois who I am really am she might like me and accept me

more for who I am.

{Perry White enters the stage]

Perry- Lois, I want you to go report on the vegetable robberies. I know a major

respectable Newspaper like us shouldn’t report on tabloid stories but were going to


Clark- Couldn’t both of us go?

Perry- No, go report on Superman besides your stories on him are better than Lane’s.

Perry- I’m surprised you haven’t won a Pulitzer for one of your articles.

{Walks backstage]

Lois- See there’s another reason why I said no, you’re always trying to out shine my

stories now if you excuse me I have some reporting to do.

{Lois walks backstage]

Clark- Well, work just ended so lets go to the convention.

Jimmy- Alright, I can’t wait! I heard they have the rare 9-11 trailer for Spiderman.

{Clark and Jimmy walk backstage]

Scene 2

{Setting run down part of town, gunshots and sirens are heard in the background-Someone backstage makes sound affects] {Lois looks the same but has a purse with a camera in it.]

Lois- Nice neighborhood {sarcastically]

Lois- I better look around the crime scene for clues.

{Looks around and takes pictures of Tire markings]

{Looks up and sees a Jolly green giant vegetable plant which looks abandoned for the

most part.}

Lois- Hmmm, A Jolly green giant vegetable warehouse by the crime scene I sense a


Lois-I can’t believe police didn’t investigate that coincidence more.

{She cautiously goes to the warehouse looks around for an entrance and finds a door she

has to use some force to open it} {She hears two men talking, she eavesdrops on them}

Gonzo- I like beanssss and is the poison ready? It’s essential for my random weird evil


Jolly green giant- I though I heard a door close.

Gonzo- It just a rat.

{Lois moves closer and she stumbles on stage dropping her purse]

{green giant grabs her she struggles but he has a firm grip]

[green giant searches her purse and find the camera]

Jolly green giant- I found this boss

Gonzo-Take the film out, she could use it against us!

[green giant does what he says]

Gonzo-I though I smelt a ratish.

Jolly green giant-That joke sucked

Gonzo- Shut up

Lois- So what do you want to do with harmless vegetables?

Gonzo-My plan is to first develop a quick potent untraceable poison to put into

vegetables. I will then establish and dominate the vegetable industry in the USA and then

go international. I will then put poison randomly into vegetables. Lastly, I will use profits

to generate a military force and use it to take over the government, or I will hold the

world ransom by telling the UN that I have the antidote. {Evil laugh]

Lois-You won’t get away with this superman we’ll save me!

Gonzo-I am counting on it because I known he will try to stop me and I might as well get

him out of the way now. Jolly green giant take her to her special cell.

[Both Gonzo and the giant walk off stage, Lois struggles]

Scene 3

{It is at the convention there’s back round noise, Jimmy and Clark are looking at comic books at a table, after that they sit down at the table]

Clark-This convention is of the heezy. It was cool seeing the next generation, deep space

nine, and voyager cast.

Jimmy-Did you see the comic books, they were dope. They were vintage, Spiderman and

Batman comics.

Jimmy-{excitedly]-I would love be a superhero and battle villains, save people, have a

secret identity, and save damsels in distress, man that would be so tight to be a superhero.

Clark-{emotionally]-People just don’t understand it may look cool in the movies, video

games, TV, and in the media in general.

Jimmy- Elaborate

Clark-[emotionally]-Being a superhero is like being a judge and a criminal, a con artist,

and a person with immense responsibility all wrapped up into one.

Jimmy- Right…

Clark-[emotionally] - It’s like being a Judge and a criminal because you have decide who

Your allies and enemy’s are carefully and if you kill your enemies in cold blood and

don’t defend what you stand for, then your no better than the criminal. Your like a con

artist because you must hide your true identity and therefore your scamming people out

of your true personality and if you tell them your identity word could spread and your

enemy could hurt you, therefore you have to keep doing it much like scam artist since

scam artists do it multiple times to make money. Lastly, you have immense responsibility

because you have something no one else has and you are still responsible for your actions

and if you fail to save someone its your fault.

Jimmy-Wow, I have always wanted to be a superhero that must be the qualities you must

Have to be one. It’s like you’re a superhero.

{Clark almost punches jimmy when he turns towards him he quickly withdraws the fist]

Jimmy-Although, I bet you know all this because your buds with Superman.

Clark-That’s what I’ve been saying this entire time!

{Clark hears something, Jimmy’s silent]

Gonzo-[loudly from backstage]-Why isn’t he hear yet, if you can hear me I’ll kill Louis

unless you come To the Jolly Green Giant factory downtown.

Lois- [loudly from backstage]-Don’t worry superman this villain is warped

Clark- {quickly gets up]-I just remembered I have to wash my pet cat.

Jimmy- I’ll go back to the daily planet to help Lois.-[walks offstage]

Clark- I am at such a crossroad do I save the girl who likes me for the fake me or do I

give up being a superhero period or should I……

Clark- I know, I’ll do that idea that I’ve been debating ever since I first met Lois Lane. [runs offstage]

Disembodied voice-[anyone could do it since the stage is empty at this point] what is the

life changing decision Clark has made and now the climax of Humble and heroic play

staring superman!

Scene 4

[The setting is the villains warehouse lair, Green giant is sitting a desk by Lois’s cell and

working on the computer and Gonzo is working on the poison]

{Clark flies onstage or jumps on from a chair backstage]

Clark- Let me guess your going to try for world domination.

Gonzo-Yes and no

Clark-Your going to make kids eat there vegetables.

Gonzo: No

Clark- Your going to put vegetables in vending machines.

Gonzo- No

Clark- Your going to turn people into vegetables.

Gonzo- No

Clark-You’re going to radiate vegetables and make them big and mean and have them

Rampage the cities of the world.

Gonzo- No

Clark- What then fiend?

Gonzo- I plan to own all the worlds vegetables, put poison in them and keep doing it

unless The UN agrees to make me president of the world or I’ll use cous and insurgencies

to overthrow Government help me take over the world.

Gonzo-Now Jolly green giant beat superman.

Jolly Green Giant-You got it boss

{A fight ensues with punches and blows[fake], towards end of the fight Alex unleashes

Kryptonite, superman manages to punch Alex, into a pool of poisonous vegetable liquid.]

Gonzo-You killed him you monster!

[Gonzo runs into the cell with Lois and holds a shot up to here]

Gonzo-One more step and I administrate my vegetable poison into her and yes the bars

are kryptonite.

{There’s an orange on the floor]

[Superman quickly picks it up]

Gonzo-You wouldn’t dare.

[Clark nods and throws the orange it goes into the cell and hits Gonzo just before he

gives Lois lane the shot.]

Gonzo-I knew I should have picked a different weakness, goodbye cruel world, I

Can’t believe you beat me the antagonist… oh.


Clark-[Runs and hug Lois] [she hugs him back]

Clark- Lois, I want to tell you something that might change things between us.

Lois- What?

Clark-[puts on his Clark Kent glasses] My true identity is ClarkKent.

Lois-[shocked]-I can’t believe you never told me.

Clark- I have enemies who could hurt me and well…now at least I’ve conquered the

Struggle of not being the real me.

Louis- I never realized this.

Lois- I guess the moral of this is I shouldn’t have judged you by your appearance and I

Should have got to know you better than make assumptions about you. It’s like the saying

you Should never judge a book by its cover.

Lois- How about we go on a date.

Clark- Sure and thanks I have wanted to do that forever but I was two shy to ask.

{Jimmy appears on stage

Jimmy- Hey superman I’m going try to be like what Clark said.

Clark- Actually I think he would want you to be the way you are. What you do really

Decides if your hero not costumes, or superpowers.

Jimmy- Thanks, I’ll do that

Clark-I got to go now, Jimmy have the police come.

Jimmy-Sure thing

Clark-[goes offstage] [winks at Lois and she winks back]

[everyone goes offstage, then comes back on and takes a bow]

The End.