Interschool Test 2007

Alex, Paul, Patrick, and Nikhil, 4-way co-authors

Wish you Were Here

Put the even one in (and tell us why it fits)

  1. Paul, George, Ringo, ______(John – He’s the missing Beatle)
  2. 3, 17, 2377, ______(2 – It’s the only even prime)
  3. Potatoes, Lovers, Needles, ____(Mississippi, Hurricanes, Helen Keller – anything that has eye(s) that can’t see)

Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way


  1. Phage the Untouchable(A terrible Magic the Gathering Card – if you don’t play it from your hand you lose the game, if it deals combat damage to a player he loses, etc... it’s just terrible)
  2. Ice Climbers Freeze Glitch(In Super Smash Brothers Melee, you can use the Ice Climbers to completely freeze the other player, making them unable to do anything.)
  3. Coxswain(This is the person in charge of crew team boats. He calls the shots.)
  4. Ovid(He was a Roman poet that wrote mainly about soap-opera-ish love and the art of love)

Waiting for the Worms

A dead, naked man is found in the desert with a small piece of toothpick and surrounded by bags full of sand. What happened to him?

Waiting for someone or something to show you the way

You are walking in the desert when you come across a canyon. The canyon is 30 feet wide and 20 feet deep with totally vertical sides. At your disposal you have an infinite supply of rope, a book (probably about the size of your average high school chemistry book), a 10 foot ladder, a skein full of water, and most importantly, a delicious banana. How do you get across?

(Eat the banana because it’s delicious. Then fill the canyon with your infinite rope and walk across).

Exposing every weakness however carefully hidden

What is the one weakness of each of the following?

  1. Shaq(Aaron Carter)
  2. eiπ (1 (eiπ + 1 = 0))
  3. Snakes on a plane(Samuel L. Jackson)
  4. Winnie the Pooh(The door to Rabbit’s house)

How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?!

Convince us in a well thought-out, rational argument that...

  1. “Wii” is a good name for Nintendo’s next/newest console
  2. This test does not exist
  3. Splenda is a good thing
  4. Duct tape does not hold the universe together
  5. Guys are more organized than girls
  6. BONUS: plastic slinkies are better than the original metal ones


  1. How many people are able to answer this question?
  2. 2 + 1 = ?
  3. 2 b. 4c. 6d. 8
  4. How are a cross-country runner and the first hot-air balloon related?
  5. Come up with a scenario deserving of the Darwin award
  6. In the face of almost totally certain death a brave man mocks it saying, “Well, at least it gets you out in the open air.” Name the film.
  7. Finish the story: Sam Clam and Joe Clam were the best of friends....
  8. Write the lyrics to Pink Floyd’s “Happiest Days of Our Lives”
  9. Ask for a cookie using all the following words: flour, craisin, blue, prairie dog, lust, (your favorite Chinese Restaurant), George Bush, goat’s milk, Splenda, and Mongolia. You are allowed to use any verb excluding and form of the words bake or cook. You also allowed to use any verb or pronoun. You may use any tense of the above words including any tense, the plural, and /or the possessive. You are allowed to use any prefix and/or suffix on the listed words.