PO BOX 305

SMITHMILL, PA 16680-0305

PHONE & FAX 814-378-5413




The February 1, 2018 meeting of the Gulich Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Alex Solan at 4:00 p.m. in the Gulich Township Municipal Building. Members present were Alex Solan, Kevin Phillips, Thomas Stine, and Secretary Andrew Popyack.

Minutes of the January 2, 2018 Organization Meetingand minutes of the January 2, 2018 Regular Meeting were read. On a motion by Kevin Phillips, seconded by Thomas Stine to approve. All were in favor, motion carried.

The Treasurer’s Report was presented for the month of January. On a motion by Kevin Phillips, seconded by Thomas Stine to approve. All were in favor, motion carried.

Monthly bills and payrolls for January were presented for approval. On a motion by Kevin Phillips seconded by Thomas Stine to approve. All were in favor, motion carried.

Correspondence was previously distributed. Citizens in attendance were Karen Davidsen, Garry Davidsen,and Jim Lebda,

Under old business, the secretary noted that 2018 dues were paid to PSATS and the Gulich Township audit started January 20, 2018.

Under new business, on a motion by Kevin Phillips and seconded by Thomas Stine to participate in the Clearfield County Solid Waste Authority Solid Waste Enforcement Services for the 2018-2019 year. All were in favor, motion carried. A motion was made by Kevin Phillips and seconded by Thomas Stine to participate in the 2018-2019 COSTARS salt contract. All were in favor, motion carried. On a motion by Kevin Phillips and seconded by Thomas Stine to approve the following: boat permit fees at $15.00, Hall rental fee at $300.00, Pavilion rental fee at $150.00, and Secretary Andrew Popyack will be the R-T-K Officer and maintain the township’s web page. All were in favor, motion carried. On a motion by Kevin Phillips and seconded by Thomas Stine to advertise for bids on replacing the roof on the office and to fix the soffit and fascia on the garage building. All were in favor, motion carried. On a motion by Kevin Phillips and seconded by Thomas Stine to approve the application for SCI Houtzdale inmates to work at Mountz Park. All were in favor, motion carried. The supervisors noted that the Houtzdale Recreation Authority will be holding a Polar Plunge at Mountz Park on March 17, 2018, all insurances and required staff will be handled by the Rec Authority.The supervisors noted that they are having trouble plowing the roads because of cars parked on the township roadways. The supervisorsare asking all residents to make sure their cars are off the road and not to block any intersections.

During the hearing of citizens, Karen Davidsen commented on the 16 Road water line replacement.

There being no further business, on a motion by Kevin Phillips, seconded by Thomas Stine to adjourn. All were in favor, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

The March monthly meeting will be held March 8, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. in the Gulich Township Municipal Building, Smithmill, PA.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew M. Popyack
