Post:Teaching Assistant –Midday Meals & Breakfast Club SupervisorPay scale: Kent Scheme

To whom responsible:The class teacher / headteacher

Staff for whom responsible:None

To work with and under the guidance of class teachers on the production of school and classroom displays. To help generate ideas for interactive displays which could include elements of 3-D work; prepare resources; work with children and change displays around the school.

To work under the direction and guidance of the Headteacher, SENCO and class teacher, to assist in the educational and social development of the pupils.

Participate in the implementation of individual education programmes for pupils as designated by the SENCO and teaching staff. Duties may include monitoring the progress of pupils educationally and/or socially.

To provide support for the individual children within a group or class situation to enable them to participate fully in class activities; to be prepared to work with small groups of children both in and out of class.

Work with individual programmes devised by other professions, eg. Speech therapists, occupational therapists, as necessary.

Provide teaching support in small groups and where necessary be assigned to individual pupils in order to aid the teacher.

Liaise with the class teacher to understand the objectives of each session.

Assist the teacher with observation and monitoring of the progress of the children, both educationally and socially, maintaining accurate records, in order to ensure documentation of all interventions with the children.

Support those pupils agreed with the headteacher and SENCO with emotional or behavioural problems and assist with the development of social skills to promote positive behaviour patterns, raise self-esteem and improve independent working.

Promote positive behaviour patterns, raise self-esteem, and improve independent working in children to assist their education and growth.

Tend to the hygiene and physical needs of individual pupils.

Supervise in PE lessons and at playtime to ensure the safety of the children, participate and supervise pupils in off-site activities.

Participate and supervise pupils in off-site activities as directed by the headteacher, SENCO and/or class teacher, eg. Educational trips, walks, etc.

Complete written observations on outcomes of work undertaken and reports about children who are displaying particular needs.

Have due regard for the health and safety of yourself, your colleagues, pupils and visitors. Also to have a duty in law under the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1992 to report any shortcomings in the employer’s health and safety arrangements. Reporting minor hazards through Health and Safety concern forms but significant hazards directly to the Headteacher or Deputy immediately.

Take normal precautions not to place themselves in a vulnerable position with relation to child protection issues.

To work with individual vulnerable children to provide support through the Draw and Talk programme and counselling.

To administer Speech-link and Language-link assessments

To be responsible for keeping the website up to dated, reorganise the presentation and implement changes given by the Government.

Working as part of a team to implement improvements to the website.

Post:Midday Meals SupervisorPay scale: Kent Scheme

To whom responsible: Headteacher

Staff for whom responsible:None

Under the direction of the Headteacher, the post holder will be responsible for working as part of a team to maintain pupil safety and enjoyment during the lunch break at school. This includes:

Ensuring the playground and dining hall are safe

Ensuring children have clean hands prior to starting their midday meal.

Working with colleagues to ensure the organisation of school lunches and packed lunches.

Using the School behaviour policy to establish and maintain the appropriate behaviour of children.

Helping children to manipulate knife and fork; encouraging good manners at the table.

Clearing plates and debris during lunch time to ensure a clean environment for eating.

If time allows assisting the cook in sweeping the floor and putting the chairs and tables away.

Cleaning up and giving basic first aid to pupils in need using the first aid bag supplied for use on the playground.

Be aware of children who are going to the toilet.

Bringing in injured pupils and report any accident or incident, needing further treatment to the School Secretary (based in School Office).

Completing written observations/reports about children who are displaying particular needs.

Supervising and enriching playtime both inside and outside (clement and inclement weather) whilst maintaining the school rules.

Promoting positive play experiences for the children through leading and guiding play activities.

Supervising children tidying up any agreed play equipment (as agreed with Headteacher) and ensure this is stored away tidily.

Liaising with teachers and Teaching Assistants about the needs of particular pupils.

Being adaptable when the school’s events require adaptations of times/numbers etc.

Ensuring complete and absolute confidentiality about pupils, staff, parents and school affairs of which you may become aware in the course of your work.

Ensuring you have understood issues discussed in the school prospectus and staff handbook.

Working with pupils during lunchtime as the need arises.

Covering for absent Midday Supervisor colleagues as the need arises.

Supervising children at the end of the lunch break until a member of the teaching staff is present to send pupils to their classrooms or take responsibility in the case of inclement weather.

Inform Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher of playground incidents such as poor behaviour or Health & Safety issues.

Having due regard for the health and safety of yourself, your colleagues, pupils and visitors. Also, having a duty in law under the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1992 to report any shortcomings in the employer’s health and safety arrangements; reporting minor hazards through Health and Safety concern forms but significant hazards directly to the Headteacher or Deputy immediately.

Carrying out such other duties as the Headteacher may from time to time require.

Post:Breakfast Club SupervisorPay scale: Kent Scheme

To whom responsible: Headteacher

Staff for whom responsible:None


To be responsible for the development and daily management of the Breakfast Club providing a safe, caring and stimulating environment for children.

To build links and work in partnership with parents, carers and professionals to promote the well being of the children.

To develop, implement and review the policies, procedures and practices within the Breakfast Club.

To manage Breakfast Club staff .

Budget: Will deal with collection of fees etc. but no direct budget responsibilities.


  • Undertake the daily supervision of the Breakfast Club, developing and maintaining high standards throughout to ensure the welfare of the children and implement activities to ensure the National Standards and out of school play values are met at all times and, when required, supervise the safe escorting of children to ensure their wellbeing at all times.
  • Maintain the Breakfast Club to an agreed standard of cleanliness and hygiene, before, during and at the end of each session, to ensure the well being of the children and staff and be responsible for all Health and Safety matters in the Breakfast Club to ensure the well being of all those who use and work in the club.
  • Take a key role in suitably equipping the Breakfast Club in order to provide a stimulating environment for the children and implement policies and procedures within the Breakfast Club ensuring compliance with legislation and KCC framework.
  • Ensure that high standards are maintained with regards how the club runs and showing how the resources (staff, premises and equipment) are used to ensure the needs of the children are met.
  • Administer, monitor and evaluate the number of places being used in order to maintain sustainability and the efficient running of the club and maintain up to date records of resources and accurate financial records to ensure that KCC’s financial procedures are adhered to and income and expenditure is kept within budget, ensuring that all records maintained confidentiality.
  • Provide healthy meals/snacks in order to promote healthy eating and ensure that children, whilst in the Breakfast Club, have access to appropriate activities to support their physical, emotional, social and intellectual development giving consideration to families’ ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, ensuring that the Breakfast Club’s Equal Opportunities policy is adhered to.
  • The Breakfast Club Supervisor has the responsibility of ensuring that the club runs smoothly and that all staff are directed in an organised and consistent way. The safe and stimulating play environment of the Breakfast Club depends on the management skills of the Breakfast Club Supervisor.
  • The Breakfast Club Supervisor needs to be aware of relevant and new legislation, procedures and policies to ensure that the club is operating within the agreed procedures.
  • The Supervisor will work in partnership with the school and liaise with external agencies and professionals as required to ensure high standards are maintained in the club and they will be expected to attend staff meetings and training sessions as required to ensure own personal and professional development.

Signed:……………………………………………………………..……………… Date:………………………………

Signed:…………………………………………………………………… Headteacher