
1.1The name of the club shall be:ALDEBURGH AND THORPENESS RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB (hereinafter referred to as the “Club”).


2.1The aims of the Club shall be to:

(a)provide a club ground situated at‘The Jimmy Robinson Pavilion, Kings Field, Aldeburgh, IP15 5HY, United Kingdom or such other venue as may be agreed by the Club Committee;

(b)provide facilities for and to promote the playing of the game of rugby union within the local community for adult men, adult women and junior male and develop teams at adult and junior levels.

(c)provide sufficient rugby pitches and training areas maintained to a good standard at all times;

(d)provide a premises to include clubroom, bar, toilet facilities, players and referees changing accommodation with shower/washroom facilities, and provide storage for Club equipment and stock;

(e)provide a car parking area;

(f)play at the highest possible level whilst maintaining the integrity of the Club;

(g)give every player the best coaching available and to encourage all players to reach their full potential;

(h)promote the teaching and playing of the game of rugby union in accordance with the rules of the Rugby Football Union (the “RFU”);

(i)promote the ‘spirit of rugby’ which recognises and rewards effort as much as achievement and encourages enjoyment, teamwork and respecting the efforts of others;

(j)organise recreational and social events for the benefit of Members (as defined below);

(k)ensure the execution of a duty of care to all Members of the Club;

(l)foster the best possible relations, at all times, with other clubs, all members of the general public and any other interested parties;

(m)ensure that affiliation is maintained to appropriate bodies in pursuance of the Club’s aims including to the RFU, Eastern Counties Rugby Union (ECRU) & Suffolk Rugby Football Union (SRFU);

(n)adhere to all policies and procedures that are mandated or recommended by the RFU, ECRU, SRFU or other appropriate governing bodies;

(o)adopt the RFU Equal Opportunity/Sports Equity Policy; and

(p)provide any other necessities for the efficient running of the Club.

2.2The Club should be empowered to do all things necessary which are incidental to and necessary for the attainment of the aims of the Club.


3.1The Club colours shall be predominantly bottle green with black, white and red used in the shirt, shorts and socks asdetermined.


4.1Each applicant for Club membership shall communicate his/her full name, address to the Club Secretary in writing.

4.2Each application shall then be considered by the Club Committee (as defined below), and approval shall be at the Club Committee’s sole discretion.

4.3Membership of the Club will be open to anyone, regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities may occur on a non-discriminatory basis.

4.4The Club shall have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The Club shall aim to keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.

4.5Description of Members

4.5.1Membership of the Club shall be for a period of one year - renewable annually (except in the case of Honorary Members and Honorary Life Members) on 1stSeptember.

4.5.2Membership categories shall be as follows:

(a)Honorary Life Members;

(b)Honorary Members;

(c)Playing Members aged 21 or over on 1st September of the current year;

(d)Playing Members aged under 21 on 1st September of the current year;

(e)Vice Presidents;

(f)Family Members.

4.5.3The Club Honorary Life Members, Honorary Members, Playing Members and Vice Presidents shall have the privilege of casting one vote at all General Meetings.

4.5.4There shall be a limit on the number of Honorary Life Members of 10. Upon the death or resignation of an Honorary Life Member, the vacancy shall not be filled without the unanimousapproval of the Club Committee.

4.5.5Family Members shall be defined as wives or husbands or partners and/or children under sixteen years of age of Honorary Life Members, Honorary Members, Playing Members or Vice Presidents.

4.6Termination of Membership

4.6.1The Club Committee shall be empowered to expel, suspend for a specified period, or refuse the annual renewal of membership of any Member who offends against the Constitution of the Club or whose conduct (in the opinion of the Club Committee) shall render him/her unfit to continue in membership of the Club.

4.6.2The following actions shall take place before such termination of membership is effective:

(a)the Secretary shall give the Member seven days written notice to attend a meeting of the Club Committee, at the same time informing the Member of the complaint made against him/her.

(b)no termination of membership shall be effected without the Memberbeing given an opportunity to appear before the Club Committee.

(c)any Member shall cease to be a Member of the Clubwhere a minimum of two thirds of the Club Committee Members attending that hearing shall so decide.

(d)there will be a right of appeal following any disciplinary action. The appeal must be made within 7 days of any disciplinary judgment and the Club Committee should consider any appeal within 14 days of it being lodged.


5.1On commencement of membership, and then annually on 1st September, every Member shall pay to the Treasurer the appropriate annual subscription as follows:

(a)The Chair and President shall make an annual donation of money to the Club - the amount shall not be prescribed, and may be in the form of material goods or time volunteered as deemed appropriate by the Club Committee.

(b)Honorary Life Members are elected to the position in recognition of their having made a major contribution to the Club over a period of time, and shall make no further payments in subscription for their life-time.

5.2The following shall pay subscriptions at the rate prescribed by the previous Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) at which the rates were prescribed. As at the date of the adoption of this Constitution the rates are as follows:

(a)Playing Members aged 21 or over on 1st September of the current year: £75;

(b)Playing Members under 21 on 1st September of the current year: £50;

(c)Players joining after 1st January of a given season shall pay a reduced rate as determined by the Club Committee;

(d)Playing Members shall be given the option to pay their subscription by instalments.

(e)Vice Presidents: £30;


5.3.1On 30thSeptember every year, Members who have failed to pay the appropriate annual subscription shall be deemed to be in arrears.

5.3.2The Secretary shall then deliver written notice to any such Member, allowing seven days in which to pay the outstanding subscription. Failure to do so entitles the Club Committee to terminate the offender’s membership after a further short period of “grace” determined by it, not exceeding twenty-one days.

5.3.3The Club Committee may decide to make additional levies to a defaulter’s match fees, if the offender is a player, in an attempt to recover the debt.

5.3.4Any Playing Member who fails to pay the [match] fee after 2 weeks following a match shall similarly be deemed to be in arrears and subject to a similar process as described above.

5.3.5Any Member being in arrears with their fees for more than one season shall automatically cease to be a Member of the Club. Prior to that any Member who has not paid following the process in paragraphs 5.3.2 and 5.3.4 may, at the discretion of the Club Committee, have their membership terminated.

5.4Membership benefits

5.4.1Playing Members, Honorary Life Members, Chair, President, Club Committee Members, Vice Presidents and Family Members shall all be entitled to watch rugby at the Club during any scheduled home fixture.

5.4.2Playing Members shall be covered by the RFU Critical Injuries Insurance, when fully paid, not in arrears and registered with the RFU.The Club has no liability otherwise.

6.ADministration of the Club

6.1The administration of the Club and its affairs shall be entrusted to a committee (the “Club Committee”). The Club Committee shall consist of the following members, and shall meet at least every six weeksduring the playing season (unless otherwise agreed by its members):



(c)Vice Chair;




(g)Head Coach;

(h)Social Secretary;

(i)Sponsorship / Advertising Coordinator;

(j)Membership Secretary;

(k)Safeguarding Officer;

(l)3 x Club Committee Members; and

Other ClubMembers as may be co-opted by the Club Committee depending on the business to be discussed by the ClubCommittee Members (with the co-opted members being Club Committee Members for the time of their co-option only).

6.2The Terms of Reference (TORs) document, listing the responsibilities of all Club Committee Members and other officials, shall be agreed, maintained and kept up to date by the Club Committee.

6.3Period of Office

6.3.1Club Committee Members (other than the co-opted ones)shall be elected (or, as relevant, appointed) at every AGM, and their period of office shall be for one year until the following AGM.

6.4Committee Vacancies

6.4.1Should any of the Club Committee posts become vacant at any time, the Club Committee is empowered to fill that vacancy and the newly appointed Club Committee Member shall continue in office until the following AGM, and then be eligible for re-election.


6.5.1Decisions will be made by a simple majority.

6.5.2In the event of the votes “for” and “against” being equal, the member acting as Chair of the meeting shall have one extra vote to resolve the tie.

6.5.3All meetings shall be open to attendance by any Member of the Club who wishes to attend and observe (with no voting rights).

6.5.4An agenda of all upcoming meetings should be distributed to the Club Committee Members, and posted on the Club notice board and/or website at least one week in advance of any meeting.

6.5.5Minutes of all meetings will be taken and subsequently distributed to the Club Committee Members, and posted on the Club notice board and/or website within two weeks of the meeting having taken place.

6.6Committee Quorums

6.6.1For the Club Committee the presence of five Club Committee Members at a meeting shall constitute a “quorum”.

6.7“Chairing” Meetings

6.7.1The Chairperson of the Club shall preside over all meetings of the Club Committee and the Club. In his/her absence, the Vice Chair shall preside. In his/her absence, then the Secretary shall preside. Failing that a Club Committee Member will be chosen by those present to act as chairperson of the meeting, and the rule in the event of any votes “for” and “against” being equal, as described above, shall apply.


6.8.1The Club Committee shall control the efficient running of the Club’s affairs. Its powers shall include:

(a)the authority to co-opt Members to the Club Committee and/or invite members to undertake duties on behalf of the Club;

(b)the termination or suspension of the Membership;

(c)the conveningof Club Committee Meetings at any time;

(d)the creation of subsidiary committees to undertake special tasks;

(e)the determination of the times during which the Club premises shall be open; and

(f)the responsibility to manage the Club’s finances and the power to borrow at its discretion.

7.General Meetings of the Club


7.1.1The Club’s AGM shall be held in April/May/June, (or such other time as the Club Committee may decide) and at that meeting the following business shall be transacted:

(a)approval of the minutes of the previous AGM;

(b)election of the President and Honorary Members;

(c)election of the Chairperson & Vice Chair;

(d)election of other members of the Club Committee;

(e)election/appointment of volunteers of the Club;

(f)appointment of an auditor;

(g)presentation of statement of the Club's accounts for the current financial year, properly signed and audited for approval, and presentation of the budget for the following season. Accounts and budgets must be presented in the formats and under the headings and sub-headings as agreed by the Club Committee. If audited and signed accounts and/or the budget for the upcoming year are not ready at the commencement of the AGM, then an Extraordinary General Meeting(“EGM”) shall be arranged for members to attend and this is to be no later than the beginning of September following the AGM;

(h)confirmation of the annual subscriptions for all categories of membership, and the match fees for all categories of Playing Members, that shall be applicable for the forthcoming season (unless to be dealt with at an EGM to be no later than the beginning of September following the AGM); and

(i)consideration of any other business, the content of which shall have been forwarded in writing to the Secretary at least seven days prior to the meeting.

7.2General Meeting Notice

7.2.1The Secretary shall give at least fourteen days’ notice to Members of an Annual General Meeting.


7.3.1Members seeking election to the Club Committee shall ensure that their nomination, duly proposed and seconded in writing, shall have been received by the Secretary at least seven days prior to the AGM (or such other period as agreed by the Club Committee). A request for nominations shall be posted on the Club notice board (and/or on the website) by the Secretary at least one month prior to the AGM.


7.4.1An EGM may be held at any time as requested by the Chair of the Club, or written notice from the lesser of (1) one fifth of the total Members and (2) 15 Members requesting such a meeting. In each case the meeting shall be convened by the Secretary within twenty-one days of such request or notice. The purpose of the meeting and its agenda shall be stated in order that all ClubMembers can be advised in writing seven days before such a meeting of the venue, time and business to be transacted.

7.5General Meeting Quorums

7.5.1At all General Meetings of the Club, a quorum shall be formed by the presence the lesser of (1) one tenth and (2) seven Members of the totalMembers.

7.5.2If, at the end of 30 minutes after the time specified in the notice for the opening of the General Meeting, there be no quorum, the meeting should adjourn for one week. If at such meeting there is no quorum, Members present shall constitute a quorum and be competent to discharge the business of the meeting.

8.Financial matters


8.1.1No person (except in respect of any venue being used during an official Club social event) shall at any time be entitled to receive at the expense of the Club or any ClubMember (acting as such), any commission, percentage or similar proceeds from the purchase of intoxicating liquor by the Club. Nor shall any person derive any pecuniary benefit from the supply of intoxicating liquor by, or on behalf of, the Club to Members or guests apart from any benefit accruing to the Club as a whole and apart also from any benefit which a person derives indirectly by reason of the supply giving rise to, or contributing to a general gain from the carrying on of the Club.

8.2Application of Profit

8.2.1No money or property of the Club or any gain arising from the carrying on of the Club shall be applied otherwise than for the benefit of the Club as a whole or for some charitable or benevolent purpose or purposes decided by resolution of a General Meeting of the Club.

8.3Control of Club Funds

8.3.1Control over Club funds shall be exercised by the Club Committee. Responsibilities shall include the oversight of administration of the Club's banking accounts.

8.3.2In this context, the Treasurer shall present monthly statements of activities and quarterly and annual statements of accounts for review at the appropriate Club Committee meetings along with all other aspects of accounts and progress against budgets, all as may be agreed by the Club Committee from time to time.

8.3.3All financial transactions into or out of the club accounts shall be under the direct controlled of the Treasurer. All payments into the club accounts shall be made via the treasurer unless made by a traceable bank transfer or standing order payment.

8.3.4No payments from club accounts will be made without a valid invoice or receipt.

8.4Borrowing Powers

8.4.1The Club Committee shall have no power to borrow money for the purposes of the Club.


8.5.1Full accounts of the financial affairs of the Club duly audited by the auditors, and the budget for the following year, shall if at all possible be made available to every ClubMember prior to the convening of, and at, the AGM of the Club (or the EGM referred to in para 7.1.1).


9.1Introduction of Guests

9.1.1Any ClubMember shall be entitled to introduce guests to the Club provided that no person whose application for Club membership has been declined or who has been expelled or suspended from Club membership shall be introduced as a guest.

10.Selection of teams

10.1The selection of senior Club teams shall be the function of the Captain and coaching staff.

11.Code of Conduct

11.1All Members of the Club are expected to play, or support the playing of, the game of rugby union in accordance with the spirit of good sportsmanship and fair play. In particular, Members should ensure that in their playing of the game, and also in their general behaviour, they at no time indulge in actions which could blemish the good name of the Club or bring the reputation of the game into disrepute, including insulting opponents; making offensive remarks or gestures to the referee/touch judges or opposition supporters;deliberately feigning injury; taking property belonging to opponents or their club; publicly criticising the referee; playing under the influence of excessive alcohol or the influence of illicit drugs; making racist or sexist remarks; or behaving in any way likely to cause offence.

11.2Members should understand that the Club could be held responsible/answerable to the RFU and/or the SRFU for the actions of Members in respect of any misconduct. The Club will discourage from selection any player who repeatedly infringes this code, and in respect of any such player or Member may hold an inquiry into alleged breach and suspend or expel from membership any serious offender.

11.3Any action taken by the ClubDisciplinary Committee (as defined below) in respect of the above shall be without prejudice to any sanctions imposed on the Club or any Members by the disciplinary sub-committee of the RFU and/or the SRFU.