Minutes of a meeting of LYDD TOWN COUNCILheld in the Council Chamber at the Guild Hall on Monday 9thJanuary2012 at 7pm

Present: The Town Mayor Cllr. G.F.A. Snell, the Deputy Town MayorCllr. C.E. Albrow and CouncillorsT. Allen, T. A. Dawes,Ms. V. M. Dawson,C. Goddard,B.T.A. Hart,A. R. J. Hills, J. R. Jones, R.S. Jones,E.H. Last, Mrs. M.R. Masters,Ms. R.G. Saunders, M.J. Walsh.

Town ClerkJohn Rich

DeputyTown Clerk Mrs. M. Weaver

Town Clerk’s Assistant Mrs. J. Mathews

9 members of the public and 2 press

The Town Mayor commenced the meeting by expressing thanks to all Councillors for the past year, which had been a difficult time for himself and all Councillors in the 6 months since he had become Mayor. It was difficult to explain butall Councillors work hard throughout the community and try to do their best for everyone, without payment. He also thanked the Town Clerk, Deputy and Assistant for all they had done to support him and the Council.

In the absence of the Town Mayor’s Chaplain Cllr. Mrs. Masters led the Council in


Absent: Apologieswere received fromthe Town Mayor’s Chaplain Revd. Miss. L. Terry and

Councillors M. F. Sweeney due to a work commitment and F. Wood-Brignall on holiday.


The minutes of the meeting held on 5th December 2011 were submitted for approval.

Cllr. Snell proposed, seconded Cllr. Albrow, thatthey be approved. Unanimous.

The minutes were duly signed.


Councillors agreed to declare any interests as matters arose.


Details of correspondence received, which had been notified to Councillors, were noted.


Mr B. Godfrey spoke as a member of FLAG and on matters previously raised by Mr D. Kerseyand increases in the parish precept.

Cllr. Walsh declared an interest as a member of FLAG and as a colleague of Mr. Brian Godfrey.

Cllr. Ms. Saunders declared an interest as a member of LAAG, the Coastal Community Group and other local organisations. It was agreed that the Town Clerk would arrange a meeting with Mr. Godfrey.

Mr. Darren Chapman of The Royal Oak, Park Street, spoke on problems he had had at the public house with vandalism and anti-social behaviour and had written a letter to the Town Council with details.

The Town Mayor responded that discussions are currently being held with the police and other agencies to try and resolve the problems of vandalism and unsocial behaviour.


The Deputy Town Clerk reported that the two bins provided last year had been placed at Taylor Road, Lydd-on-Sea and Dunes Road, Greatstone. Neither were in the places agreed and this would be dealt with through Kent Highways, although New Romney Town Council had agreed that there was no problem with the position of the one at Dunes Road.

Cllr. Ms. Saunders declared an interest in this item as a member of the Coast Community Group.



Cllr. Hart reported on the meeting he had attended at Shepway District Council which was about setting up the Town’s own Emergency Plan and how to deal with it, which covered the use of buildings for emergency centres and providing a list of contacts. He said he would discuss it further with the Town Clerk and come back to the Council with a formal plan and how to carry it forward.

Cllr. Mrs. Masters commented that this was something she had been trying to get for some considerable time and any plan should include a list of particular people or groups of people who would need assistance in an emergency, especially disabled people.

Cllr. Walsh commented that Dungeness Power Station went through an exercise on evacuation and should be included in any discussions.

Cllr. Hart was thanked for his initial report.


Cllr. Ms. Saunders reported that the next meeting was on the 16th January 2012 and all community groups had been invited to come and put ideas forward. It needed to be borne in mind that there might be a cost element and was not set in stone that The Rype had to be used for any event. She invited all Councillors not on the Committee to come to the meeting and give their views.


The Town Clerk reported that there were problems with the play equipment on The Rype.

Shepway District Council will cover the cost of repairs at the moment butit needs to be borne in mind that in 5 years time this will become the responsibility of the Town Council.


The following minutes were received and noted:-

a) Planning and Environment21st November and 5th December 2011.

b) Staffing 27th October 2011.


A copy of the report had been circulated to all Councillors.

RESOLVED:The report be received. Proposed Cllr. Ms. Saunders, seconded Cllr. Albrow. Unanimous


RESOLVED: To approve the payment of accounts presented at the meeting and to note accounts already paid and balances as set out in Appendix A, as well as the latest financial monitoring report

Proposed by Cllr. Last and seconded by Cllr. Ms. Dawson. Unanimous


The Mayor reported on recent problems and the difficulties faced by the police. Members considered that CCTV would help and noted that a meeting had been arranged for the following day with an expert and the police to consider specific proposals.

RESOLVED: To refer the outcome of the meeting with the CCTV consultant to the Lydd Police Forum.

Proposed by Cllr. Goddard and seconded by Cllr. Snell. Unanimous


The Mayor proposed the need for a plan for the future to ensure that decisions on a tight budget take account of the future and any newly elected Mayors have something to work to. The working party would include about 6 Members and report back to the Council with recommendations. Concern was expressed that the working party may overlap with the Finance & Amenities Committee.

RESOLVED: The establishment of a small working party was agreed, initially chaired by the Mayor and comprising Cllrs. Allen, Goddard, Last, Hills and Sweeney with the Town Clerk or Deputy Town Clerk, to commence consideration of future plans and objectives to recommend to the Town Council. Proposed by Cllr. Snell, seconded by Cllr. Goddard, and agreed by a majority with Cllrs. Albrow and Ms. Saunders abstaining.



RESOLVED: To note with thanks receipt of £1,000 donation from the Harts Farm Charity; to approve payment of £100 honorarium to the clerk of the Lydd Municipal Charities; and to divide the remainder equally between the Lydd Club Day Committee and the Lydd Twinning Committee.

Proposed by Cllr. Goddard and seconded by Cllr. Albrow and agreed by a majority.

Cllr. Ms. Saunders voted against and wished it recorded that she was not against the principle but believed that this approach did not achieve fairness across the community.

Cllrs. Albrow, Allen, Ms. Dawson, Goddard,LastSnell all declared personal interests as members of these local organisations.


The Council noted and considered various matters of concern in connection with coastal defences and shingle recycling including information from the Environment Agency and comments provided by Cllr. Hills.

RESOLVED: To authorise Cllr. Hills to represent the Town Council’s views at the consultative meetings.

Proposed by Cllr. Ms. Saunders, seconded by Cllr. Goddard and supported by Cllrs. Allen, Snell, Albrow, Dawes, Ms. Dawson, Hart, Hills, J. Jones, R. Jones, Last Mrs. Masters.

Cllr. Walsh requested a recorded vote and did not support the resolution because he did not agree with Cllr. Hills opposition to the Environment Agency’s proposals.


Submitted: List of events attended by the Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor.


RESOLVED: To exclude the press and public on the grounds that the remaining business will involve discussion of employment matters and is therefore exempt information as defined in Paragraph 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972

Proposed by Cllr. Ms. Dawson and seconded by Cllr. Goddard and agreed by a majority with Cllrs. Ms. Saunders and Walsh against.


RESOLVED: To note the current situation reported by the clerk and to follow the solicitor’s advice.

Proposed by Cllr. Allen, seconded by Cllr. Last and agreed with Cllr. Walsh and Cllr. Ms. Saunders abstaining.



Appendix A to the minutes of the Town Council meeting on 9th January 2012


Date / Payee / Narrative / Cheque no. / Receipt / Payment
8th / Receipts / Allotments / CR397 / 521.11
9th / Lloyds TSB / Bank interest / Transfer / 1.89
11th / Lloyds TSB / Bank charges / 22.45
16th / British Gas / Pavilion gas / DD / 1.00
16th / British Gas / Guild Hall gas / DD / 178.00
16th / BT / Telephone / DD / 140.67
21st / Veolia / Guild Hall water / DD / 6.00
21st / Veolia / Pavilion water / DD / 17.00
23rd / J. Rich / Salary for November / CQ1690 / 1,667.04
23rd / Mrs. M. Weaver / Salary for November / CQ1691 / 516.95
23rd / Mrs. J. Mathews / Salary for November / CQ1692 / 1,462.79
23rd / Mr. J. Hughes / Salary for November / CQ1693 / 1,215.22
28th / Cash / Petty cash / CQ1694 / 169.26
1st / Southern Water / Guild Hall drainage / DD / 6.70
1st / Shepway District Council / Business rates / DD / 48.00
2nd / Shepway District Council / Business rates / DD / 99.00
2nd / Shepway District Council / Business rates / DD / 433.00
2nd / Lloyds TSB / Charge card / VADD / 24.55
4th / EDF Energy / Pavilion electricity / DD / 4.00
4th / EDF Energy / Garage electricity / DD / 5.00
4th / EDF Energy / Guild Hall electricity / DD / 60.00
5th / Allbits / Radiator / CQ1695 / 50.69
5th / Four Jays / Allotments toilet / CQ1696 / 24.00
5th / Guild of Mace-Bearers / Annual subscription / CQ1697 / 25.00
5th / Principal / Printing & IT support / CQ1698 / 1,903.84
9th / Lloyds TSB / Bank charges / 22.51
9th / Lloyds TSB / Bank interest / Transfer / 1.99
12th / J. Rich / Salary, m.9 / CQ1700 / 1,697.31
12th / Mrs. M. Weaver / Salary, m.9 / CQ1701 / 524.75
12th / Mrs. J. Mathews / Salary, m.9 / CQ1702 / 721.16
12th / J. Hughes / Salary, m.9 / CQ1703 / 1,229.07
15th / Banking / Allotments & GH hire / CR500399 / 363.00
15th / Banking / UK Power Networks easements / CR500400 / 22.60
15th / Boys & Maughan / Solicitor for ET / CQ1704 / 690.00
16th / British Gas / Pavilion gas / DD / 1.00
16th / British Gas / Guild Hall gas / DD / 178.00
16th / BT / Telephone / DD / 140.67
21st / Veolia / Guild Hall water / DD / 6.00
21st / Veolia / Pavilion water / DD / 17.00
22nd / Banking / Allotments / CR500401 / 242.00
22nd / Lloyds TSB / Annual charge card fee / DD / 28.00
21st / Veolia / Guild Hall water / DD / 6.00
21st / Veolia / Pavilion water / DD / 17.00
1st / Southern Water / Guild Hall drainage / DD / 6.70
1st / Shepway District Council / Business rates / DD / 48.00
3rd / Shepway District Council / Business rates / DD / 99.00
3rd / Shepway District Council / Business rates / DD / 433.00
3rd / Aviva / Insurance premium / DD / 458.16
3rd / Banking / Allotments, easements, mast / CR500402 / 5,949.32
9th / Invictawiz / Quarterly payment for internet / CQ1705 / 72.00
Appendix A to the minutes of the Town Council meeting on 9th January 2012 cont’d
9th / Dominic hyson / Guild Hall window cleaner / CQ1706 / 45.00
9th / Young's / Doors etc / CQ1707 / 316.70
9th / Principal / Computer cabling switch / CQ1708 / 68.35
9th / W.& E. Rolfe / Key cabinet & keys / CQ1709 / 53.44
9th / Care Signs / Honours boards annual update / CQ1710 / 144.00
9th / J. Rich / Hire of carpet cleaner / CQ1711 / 60.28
9th / Rolfe's Heating / Pavilion Water heater / CQ1712 / 57.60
9th / Kevin Funnell / Interim Internal Audit / CQ1713 / 480.00
9th / Royal British legion / Remembrance wreath / CQ1714 / 17.00
9th / Viking / Stationery / CQ1715 / 41.09
9th / Kent C. C. (KCS) / Stationery / CQ1716 / 13.45
9th / Kent C. C. (KCS) / Stationery / CQ1716 / 7.16
9th / Kent C. C. (KCS) / Stationery / CQ1716 / 6.38
9th / HMRC / PAYE & NI / CQ1717 / 3,206.58
13th / Lloyds TSB / Bank charges / Debit / 17.85
21st / Veolia / Guild Hall water / DD / 6.00
21st / Veolia / Pavilion water / DD / 17.00
TOTALS / 7,101.91 / 19,033.37
Lloyds TSB / Current account / 23rd December 2011 / £ 7,195.36
Lloyds TSB / Business Instant Access account / 8th December 2011 / £ 85,873.66
TOTAL / £ 93,069.02

Town Council, 9thJanuary 2012