akallimaniskhs.pbworks.com Knightdale: (919) 217 - 5350


Hello, and welcome to English I honors! There are a number of things you need to know about this course before we begin this semester. Unlike my academic English I classes, this class operates on a daily basis. This means that I will see you every day of the school week(Monday-Friday). Having this schedule also means that we will be covering information about twice as fast as my academic level classes. If this sounds too strenuous to you, notify me, and we will see what can be done to help you succeed your freshman year. If at any point during this semester you need help with work, please contact me before or after school. Most days I arrive at school by 6:30am and will not normally leave until around 5:00pm(with the exception of Friday). If you need me for anything, or have questions about the class, contact me or visit the PBWorks page listed above.

Tools for Success:

·  Pen/Pencil

·  Notebook(Spiral bound of composition)

·  Scratch/Loose leaf paper


Over the course of the semester the distribution of grades will look like:

Classwork - 30%

Homework - 10%

Tests - 30%

Quizzes - 30%

Your overall grade in English I is determined by the following percentages:

Quarters - 40% each

Final Exam - 20%


There are five main units during the course of this school year. Each sections comprises a different type of literature that we will consider and study. We will cover short stories, poetry, novels, play, and informational(non-fiction) texts. Each unit will consist mainly of classwork, some homework, and few quizzes and at least one test of project. You will be informed of important due dates well in advance to ensure your success in my class.


Each week students will receive a list of new roots and vocabulary words to study. Students must first, for homework, write ten sentences using their new vocabulary words. Each day we will do an activity based on the vocabulary to familiarize the students with the words and their uses. Friday you will have a quiz on the words that we studied throughout the week. The words are available any time in the vocabulary section of my PBWorks page.

Makeup Work:

I accept makeup work until the Friday before the end of the quarter. Any work turned in after the date it is assigned automatically receives a 70%(provided the work is done correctly), regardless of what date it was turned in. This is especially important for projects and essays, which count as quiz or test grades.

Expected Behavior:

I expect a certain level of behavior and maturity from my students. You are no longer in middle school, so I refuse to treat you like middle school students. I treat my students as if you are functioning adults in the real world, and therefore expect you to act accordingly. This means that certain things will not be tolerated in my classroom. First and foremost, derogatory language of any kind and in any form(verbal, nonverbal, electronic) is unacceptable. Basically, if you are showing someone hate because of their skin color, sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, etc., you will be asked to leave me class for the day. I do not tolerate bullying, and any acts of bullying will be immediately reported to administration, or in necessary the proper authorities. If all else fails, remember to follow the golden rule and treat others how you want to be treated.


Many things in my classroom come from my own money, things that many students and parents take for granted. If you could donate any of the following items it would be greatly appreciated.

·  Tissues/Hand Sanitizer/Band-Aids

·  Loose Leaf Paper/Printer Paper

·  Markers/Crayons/Colored Pencils/Pencils

·  Glue/Glue Sticks/Old Books & Magazines(for visual projects)

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Student Signature: ______

Date: ______

Best Contact: (email/home/cell)______