Alpine School District out of District, Transfer Student Checklist:In-State Sped 11/2012

Alpine School District out of District, Transfer Student Checklist:In-State Sped 11/2012

Alpine School District Out of District, Transfer Student Checklist:In-State SpEd 11/2012

Student’s Name: ______Date of Birth: ______Date: ______

School: ______Date Enrolled: ______

1. IF Student is entering with special education records, including current IEP.

And □ School and parent(s) decide the IEP addresses identified student needs and receiving school determines that current IEP can be implemented as written (goals, progress, special education and related services).

Then □Provide FAPE to the student, including comparable services to those on existing IEP.

□Open an “In Process” IEPPro demographics page, update access list, and notify related servers within 3 school days.

□Gather present levels data, and invite parents/ guardian and related servers to an IEP meeting within 15 school days –

putting your PLAAFP, goals and services on IEPPro. The next IEP will not be required until 364 days later.

*Send in SCRAM□See step 4 below when records arrive.

2. IFStudent is entering with special education records, including current IEP.

And□ School and/or parent(s) decide the IEP does not address identified student needs and receiving school determines that

current IEP cannot be implemented as written (goals, progress, special education and related services).

Then□Provide a FAPE to the student, including comparable services to existing IEP.Your Teacher Leader can help regarding implementation of comparable services.

□Open an “In Process” IEPPro demographics page, update access list, and notify related servers within 3 school days.

□ Provide Notice of Meeting and hold an Interim IEP within 10 school days, written on ASD IEPPro.

□Gather present levels data, provide Notice of Meeting, develop a new IEP and hold IEP meeting within 30 days after

Interim IEP.

*Send in SCRAM □ See step 4 below.

3. IFStudent is entering without special education records.

And□ Parent reports/indicates that student had an IEP in previous school.

First□ Request all special education records from previous LEA.

Document type (phone, written, etc) and date of records request: ______

□ Verify special education status within 5 days by telephone; by documenting the following:

  • Contact Date: ______By: ______
  • Previous School: ______Phone: ______
  • Information obtained from (name and role of informant): ______

PrimaryDisability category (circle one): □ AU □ SLI □ DB □ DD □ ED □ HI □ ID

□ MD □ OHI □ OI □ SLD □ TBI □ VI

Description of type, location, and duration of special education and related services: ______


Date of current eligibility: ______Date of current IEP: ______

How student participated in Statewide assessment: ______

Attendance and disciplinary data: ______

Then □Provide FAPE to the student, comparable to the info listed above.

□ Open an “In Process” IEPPro demographics page, update access list, and notify related servers within 3 school days.

□Gather present levels data, and invite parents/ guardian and related servers to an IEP meeting within 15 school days –

*Send in SCRAMputting your PLAAFP, goals and services on IEPPro. The next IEP will not be required until 364 days later.

4. Receiving student special education records.

□ Upon receipt of special education records, review file and ensure special education file contains at least minimum requirements:

  • Signed parental Consent for Initial Placement
  • Current Eligibility Determination with an Evaluation Summary Report
  • Current IEP

□Have team decide what additional data/documentation are needed to correct incomplete or incorrect file contents. Take necessary actions to ensure file compliance.

Note: Experiencing difficulty in obtaining the IEP from the previous LEA does not relieve the current LEA of its obligation to have a current IEP in place for an eligible student.

Rb/ Nov 2012