AISBOPEF CIR. NO. 18/2013 DATED: 29th March, 2013

to all MEMBERS

Dear Comrades,

We hereby reproduce Circular No. 27/8/2013/14 dated 29th March, 2013 issued by Com. C.H. Venkatachalam, General Secretary, AIBEA for the information of our members. Further, we advise to be prepared for coming struggles and report to the Central Office of the Federation in case any type of outsourcing is being done in your area/branches.

With greetings,


(General Secretary

 Plunge into national campaign

 Defend Jobs and job security

 Defeat Outsourcing – Demand more recruitments

 Utilise May, 2013 as the month of campaign

 Observe National Demands Day on 22nd May, 2013

 Massive Dharna before Parliament on 29th May, 2013

 Prepare for All India Strike

 Organise Contract/Outsourced employees in Banks.

In our recent Conference of AIBEA, we have discussed in detail many of the challenges that are emerging before us and the need to meet these challenges through organisational efforts and struggles. One of the challenges that we face today is the increasing outsourcing of our regular and perennial jobs and the increasing attacks on our jobs and job security. Hence the Conference resolved to launch extensive campaigns and intensive struggles to resist outsourcing in the banking industry.

Why we oppose outsourcing:

 Outsourcing, if allowed unchecked, will endanger the jobs and job security in the Banks sooner or later.

 Outsourcing, if allowed unchecked, will permeate exploitation of employees working in the Banks.

 Outsourcing, if allowed unchecked, will curtail permanent employment opportunities.

 Outsourcing, if allowed unchecked, will result in differential wage payments for the same job done – one for the permanent employees and the other and lesser wage for the outsourced workers.

 Outsourcing, if allowed unchecked, will weaken our trade unions, since the oursourced workers will not be part of our Union, rather they would nurse grievances and grudge against the permanent employees who would be enjoying all benefits and job protection unlike them.

 Outsourcing, if allowed unchecked, would also blunt the effectiveness of our struggles, since the outsourced employees would always be available to the management to offset out strikes.

Utilsie May, 2013 for month-long campaign:

May Day is the day of the working class. Let us commence our campaign against outsourcing from 1st May and utilize the entire month for undertaking various campaign programmes. Hold meetings and workshops at all levels to explain to our members about the adverse effects of outsourcing our regular jobs. Prepare the employees for prolong struggles.


1-5-2013 / Observe May Day – 2103 – Hold/join rallies, processions and focus on the issue of outsourcing – Month-long postering campaign , meetings, etc.
7-5-2013 / Memorandum to be submitted to the Labour Minister, Govt. of India by all our units
10-5-2013 / Memorandum to Chief Labour Commissioner, Govt. of India by all our units
14-5-2013 / Memorandum to CMD/MDs of Banks by our units in respective Banks
22-5-2013 / National Demands Day - Badge Wearing – holding demonstrations in all centres
29-5-2013 / Massive Dharna before Parliament by 5000 bank employees and contract/outsourced workers from all over the country
All India Strike / AIBEA CC meeting to decide on further programmes including strike action


  • Stop outsourcing regular and perennial bank jobs
  • Stop private Banking Correspondents
  • Stop outsourcing ATMs, Clearing operations, etc.
  • Recruit permanent employees
  • Adequate Recruitments in Banks
  • Regularise the existing contract/outsourced employees
  • Equal Pay for equal work

Organise Contract workers/Outsourced employees:

Already in various forms and types, our regular banking jobs and services are being outsourced. The number of contract employees in the Banks is increasing day by day. These outsourced employees are being exploited with low wages, unlimited working hours, lack of job security and service conditions, etc. It is our duty to organise them under the fold of our organisation and fight for their cause. As decided in our Conference, all our State Federations should immediately take steps to organise these contract workers and outsourced employees in all the Banks and form unions for this purpose. This task brooks no delay and should be attended on priority basis.

Make the campaign effective

Make the programmes a success

Mobilise in large number for the Dharna before Parliament.

With greetings,

Yours Comradely,




  1. Draft of the Memorandum, specimen of Badge/Poster, etc. woll be sent to units shortly.
  2. Both our members as well as contract/outsourced employees should be mobilised for the Dharna programme at Delhi on 29-5-2013.