Meet the Buyer: Tillington Group
17th May 2018
Supplier nameWebsite
Do you currently supply any members of the Tillington Group? If so, who?
What are you hoping to achieve from the day?
What type(s) of product do you intend to show? (Mark X for all that apply)
Christmas Gifting / Outdoor furniture or accessories
Stationery, cards or giftwrap / Home fragrance
Kitchenware / Wall art, mirrors or clocks
Games and puzzles / Seasonal events
Decorative accessories / Gift collection
Fashion accessories / Other (please specify)
What other topics would you like to discuss, if any?
My company is: (Mark X for all that apply)
A past supplier to the Tillington Group
Experienced supplier to multiple retailers / Experienced supplier to independent retailers
Less experienced supplier ready to supply / Start-up supplier seeking to learn about supplying
CONTACT DETAILS (GA office use only)
Name / Email address
Office phone / Mobile
Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
Please send labelled images of each range or product you intend to show, along with a list of both trade and retail prices.
Then email your form, along with payment details (overleaf) and the list of prices and products, to .
Closing date: We cannot accept applications or payments afterMonday, the 9th of April.
Upon receipt of your application and payment, we will send a confirmation email. All card details will be deleted after your payment has been authorised.
If you prefer to make your payment over the telephone, email your form as normal and phone 0121 237 1104 to provide your card details.
Upon completion of payment, your application will be processed, and you will receive a paid invoice within a few days.
Card TypeStart Date / End Date
Card Number
Security Code
(found on card reverse)
Issue Number
(Switch or Solo)
Name on Card
Cardholder Address
(if different from above)
I agree to the charge of £30 plus VAT, for a total of £36. I understand that this payment is a non-refundable administration fee, and that neither this application form nor a completed payment constitutes a confirmed booking, or a guarantee that my application will be accepted. I understand that the event is facilitated by the Giftware Association, but that they do not have any influence over the selection process, which is undertaken by members of the Tillington Group.
Signed(type name)Date