Helena Regional Airport Authority

Airport Authority Meeting

September 16, 2014


In Attendance:

Peter Donovan, Chair

Jane Fournier, Vice Chair

Janice Schenk, Secretary

Mark Eichler, Commissioner

Howard Skjervem, Commissioner

John Grant, Commissioner

Jon Moe, Commissioner

Jeff Wadekamper, Airport Director

Others Attending:

Hanna Warhank, Gough, Shanahan, Johnson & Waterman

Troy Watling, Junkermeier, Clark, Campanella & Stevens

Pete Hartman, RMESTC Coordinator

Connie Lundin, Financial Manager

Ross Marty, Business & Compliance Manager

Kerry Johnson, Administrative Assistant


Motion was made by Schenk, seconded by Grant, to approve the Minutes of the August 19, 2014 Authority Meeting. The motion carried unanimously.




Troy Watling, JCCS, presented the Fiscal Year 2014 Audit. Watling summarized the methods used to audit the Airport’s financial records. He pointed out the significant variations between the FY2013 and FY2014 Balance Sheets and explained that the primary differences were due to federal grants which had been utilized over the two years. JCCS provided an unqualified opinion on the Audit; no material findings, weaknesses or deficiencies were identified. The Airport Authority commended Connie Lundin, Financial Manager, for her excellent oversight of the Airport’s financial matters.

Motion was made by Moe, seconded by Fournier, to approve the Fiscal Year 2014 Audit as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


AIP-46 – Short Term Parking Lot Project. Helena Sand & Gravel has not yet received the light poles that will be installed around the Short Term Parking Lot; that is the final component of that project.

AIP 46 - Airfield Pavement Rehabilitation Project. The pavement maintenance and reconstruction projects on the airfield have been completed by Helena Sand & Gravel. Morrison-Maierle, Inc. has inspected and approved those projects.

AIP-46 – Snow Removal Equipment Acquisition. The large snow removal chassis with a broom and blower has been delivered. Orthmeyer recommended payment of 90% of the invoice for the equipment, with the remaining 10% to MB Companies to be approved after the final testing and training on the equipment have been completed. The bi-directional tractor is scheduled for delivery in late September.

Wadekamper and Orthmeyer recommended approval of the AIP claims as submitted.

Motion was made by Eichler, seconded by Schenk, to approve the following AIP-46 claims:

Morrison-Maierle, Inc. – Basic Services $3,800.00

Snow Removal Equipment Acquisition $2,310.00

Construction Management $14,658.41

PFC Program (Not AIP-eligible) $3,400.25

Helena Sand & Gravel – Construction $195,789.70

Montana Misc. Tax Division – 1% Gross Receipts Withholding $1,977.67

MB Companies, Inc. – Snow Removal Equipment $609,746.40

Total – AIP-46 Project Claims: $831,682.43

The motion carried unanimously.


Five-Year Capital Improvements Plan. The Federal Aviation Administration requires that airports submit a proposed Five-Year Capital Improvements Plan on an annual basis. The CIP is used to forecast and program grant funds for future projects. Wadekamper provided an update on the draft of the Fiscal Years 2015-2019 CIP. He is considering the possibility of completing the runway rehabilitation project in three phases over a period of two or three years; this would decrease the chance of inclement weather negatively affecting the project and would also allow for distributing the local match requirement over more than one fiscal year. Other items being considered under the CIP include updating the Airport Master Plan, updating security and access measures, and acquiring some Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting equipment. Wadekamper will provide additional information to the Authority on the CIP within the next several weeks.

Helena College Operations at the RMESTC. Dean Daniel Bingham of the Helena College has contacted the Airport about the possibility of developing a collaborative training partnership utilizing the facilities at the Rocky Mountain Emergency Services Training Center. Wadekamper and Bingham will meet to discuss the potential partnership; Wadekamper will keep the Authority advised on the issue.

Airline Agreement. Wadekamper continues to work with Delta Air Lines personnel on entering into a formal agreement with the air carriers who operate at the Helena Regional Airport. Wadekamper reported that the Missoula Airport has recently entered into an airline agreement, and there are components covered by the Missoula agreement that he wants to see implemented in Helena. Wadekamper will keep the Authority informed on any discussions related to a formal airline agreement.


Wells Fargo Building Lease. Wells Fargo has notified the Airport that it will return the keys to the building they lease on Airport Road on or about September 17. Their contract requires them to pay the lease payments through December, 2014.

Federal Motor Carriers. The GSA Leasing Agent who is in charge of the Federal Motor Carriers Lease has asked for a lease extension; the agency will not be ready to relocate by October 31. The Leasing Agent indicated that they may again be interested in entering into a new lease for their current space, along with an additional 300 square feet adjacent to their current location within the US Forest Service Building. Wadekamper reported that he will follow up on that option and will report to the Authority if there are any updates.


Motion was made by Eichler, seconded by Grant, to accept the Income and Expense and Past Due Financial Reports as presented. The motion carried unanimously.






Airport Director’s Comments – Jeff Wadekamper

Fiscal Year 2014 Audit - JCCS

RMESTC Coordinator’s Report – Pete Hartman

Income & Expense and Past Due Accounts Reports – Connie Lundin


Peter Donovan, Chair



Janice Schenk, Secretary (SEAL)

Helena Regional Airport Authority Meeting Minutes

September 16, 2014

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