Airlogica Corporation

Hera - User Guide

Table of contents

Update time period for your report…

Attaching a database

Menus of standard reports and chart

Menu for Database Maintenance

Welcome to Hera

Introduction: Hera is a simple yet powerful database tool that enables airlines to use aggregate data from the massive BIDTs in order to analyze their distribution costs rapidly and without excessive computing power. Hera incorporates a number of user-friendly menus that will enable even a new user to generate powerful and eye-catching reports and charts with a minimum of training or experience.

Since the reports can be targeted on cost center, country, GDS or the total picture for time periods varying from one month to multiple years of data, an airline analyst should be able to paint a very accurate picture of their distribution costs, efficiencies and abuses quickly and easily. In summary:

  1. Hera allows you to analyze your CRS data as a whole or by cost center, country or CRS for any time period you desire once it has been imported.
  2. Zeus will aggregate the data for you when you click on the "Library Exports" option under the Tools menu item and you save the resulting files to the Hera folder (\DSS\libhold)
  3. When you click the Hera icon you are opening an Access database named “Libmain”.
  4. There is a list of tables on the left and a main menu on the right.

Options on default startup are outlined below:

Update time period for your report…

Click the button with the funnel you will open a form called Narrow the user data where you can select what specific data you wish to analyze:

You may analyze by Cost Center, by Country or by CRS (Note Cost Center analysis requires a Cost Center entry in the Country Code table in Zeus).

Define the title for the caption line that will appear on all reports produced; this may be a month and year, a quarter, a CRS, country or Cost Center as selected above.

The next four items are user contact information; please enter your name, email, etc. in the text boxes provided. This information will also be included on all reports created by Hera.

When you have completed your selections, please close the form by clicking on the close [X] button in the top right corner of the form

Attaching a database

The database to be analyzed may be for a current month, current quarter, half-year, year, year-to-date or even multiple years. (Please see the Menu for database maintenance below.)

This will open the following form:

To attach the desired database click on the ellipsis button […]

A reminder message box will prompt you to select the desired database and offer you a browse form (the default configuration stores all working databases in a sub folder of \DSS named “libhold”). Select the database for the desired time period and click on the “link” button.

You will be asked to link the tables from the working database to the ‘libmain’ database. Since there is only one table, you may highlight “Master spreadsheet” with the mouse or click on the “Select All” button. Then click ‘OK’. You will receive a message box advising you the new Master Spreadsheet has been linked.

Note: You may not link multiple files; in order to combine multiple months of data please refer to the steps for merging months of billing data with prior months in the Menu for database maintenance.

When you have successfully attached the desired database you may close the “Attach a Database: form by clicking on the close button [X] in the top right hand corner of the form.

(If you wish to add emplanement data please contact your Airlogica consultant for the proper format before continuing.)

Now you are ready to analyze your data, so please proceed to the Section “View menus of standard reports and charts”.

Menus of standard reports and chart

Before beginning your analysis, you are permitted to limit the reports to meaningful data in order to make them more concise and useful. You may set threshold limits for dollar amount or a meaningful percentage of qualifying agencies for the reports. This is true on all report and charting options.

Hera offers three groups of reports:

Charts and summary reports,

Negative agency data, and

Positive agency data.

By clicking on the button next to your choice you will be taken to a menu of the desired reports.

(The areas, such as premium bookings and international travel, have been defined in the Format option of Zeus while areas such as “abuse” were identified using filters in Zeus and then posting the abusive segments with unique exception codes.)

Clicking the View Charts and Summary reports button will open the Menu of Summary reports where you may select:

Standard Charts

Pie Chart of GDS cost

Pie chart of terminal share worldwide (if terminal share by GDS is current in Hera)

Area chart of GDS cost by Cost Center (if cost center data is applied in Zeus)

Bar chart of average GDS cost (gross, not adjusted for “productivity”)

Actual emplanements compared to GDS costs (if you have imported the emplanement data)

Report of GDS production by terminal (if current terminal installation data is imported)

Average cost by GDS

Most important, Average productive cost by GDS.

This is the key report since it eliminates segments that do not generate a passenger (schedule changes, waitlists, passives, duplicates, etc.) to give you an actual GDS cost per boarded passenger, which is really the bottom line.

Remember: these charts and the subsequent reports are only valid for the GDS,
Cost Center and/or country previously selected in Narrowing the user data.

Individual reports and charts may be printed or saved. To close a report or chart, please click the close button [X] at the top right corner of the form. When you have finished with each of these menus you may exit back to the previous menu by clicking on the Exit or Cancel button:

Note: Occasionally when returning to a previous menu from a chart or report you will find the menu form has expanded to the full screen on your PC. Reduces size may be restored by clicking the 'restore' button (between the minimize and close buttons) in the upper right corner of the form.

View reports of negative agency data

Agents with high passives

Agents with high waitlists

Agents with high rejected passives (PK, HX)

Agents with high exceptions (duplicate bookings, fictitious names, etc, as posted in Zeus)

View reports of positive agency data

An agency ranking by highest number of passenger segments

Agents with high international bookings

Agents with high premium class bookings

The international and premium classes are configured in Zeus using the ‘Library export’ option under the Format item from the menu bar.

Menu for Database Maintenance

This menu contains four (4) database maintenance functions:

Note: Each of these functions will require Hera to open a different Access database. When you have completed the update maintenance, you will need to close the individual maintenance database using the close button in the upper right corner of the tables (left window), then reopen the primary Hera database (“libmain”) by selecting "File" from the menu bar and then\DSS\Libmain from the list of recently opened databases form the lower part of the dropdown list

  1. Adding passive segments which have been rejected by Flash-TTR (PKs). The input for this operation is a series of tab files from Flash-TTR.
  2. Import a month of billing data from Zeus

  1. Enter the period, (e.g. January 2001)
  2. Enter the Amadeus conversion amount only if you did not already enter this conversion into Zeus when you processed the Amadeus BIDT.
  3. If you did not export the “Lib” files directly to the \DSS\Library exports folder when you clicked on the “Run Library Exports” function from the Tools menu in Zeus, please copy the,,,, and lib-WL.TAB into that directory now.
  4. You will now click on the button with the ‘glinting’ spreadsheet to create a Master Spreadsheet of the new Monthly file. Hera will import the data, advising and prompting you along the way as to what is happening - please click ‘OK’ when asked to do so.
  5. Here you will need to go to ‘File’ on the menu bar and select ‘New’ to create a new File, browse to the \DSS\Libhold’ folder and give the new database a name (e.g. ‘Jun01.mdb’).
  6. Go back to the File menu and select ZEUmmmyy.mdb from the File drop down menu and continue with step ‘6’ “Save the Master Spreadsheet in the new database”.
  7. Close and ext, returning to the ‘Libmain’ database.

III. Merge data

Before beginning – please assure you have available an existing Access database you h to use (i.e. update such as a YTD2001.mdb). If you do not have one then make a copy of the existing Libempty.MDB and rename it with a name that is meaningful to you.

  1. Delete the existing table “Master spreadsheet” and “Master spreadsheet1” if they exist. If there are no current tables with these names, please skip this step.
  2. Attach the two tables you want to merge.
  1. You will be prompted to select the files to merge one at a time, and you will be offered a browse form. These should be in the \DSS\Libhold folder. Please note the earlier period (month) should be selected first. Once you select the first month, please click on the “link” button. You will need to select (highlight) the Master spreadsheet table in each of the files.
  2. Repeat the previous step to link the second file. You will then be prompted to continue to step 3.

Also note, you can only merge two (2) files, so if you are building quarters or six-months, you need to do this by adding Feb to Jan to make a 'YTD' then adding Mar to the 'YTD' to create a “First Quarter” file (as well as a YTD with the first three calendar months data).

  1. You will then click on the button with the glinting spreadsheet to merge the two files. A message box will advise you that you are running a “make table” query and this make take some time, Please be patient while the files are merged; the larger the files, the longer this will take. During the course of the merge you will be asked permission to paste ‘x’ number of rows and to run additional queries – please click ‘OK’ or ‘Yes’ on all requests. At the completion of the merge you will be advised to proceed to step 4.

  2. Finally you will be asked to export the merged table (Master spreadsheet) to a new database. I suggest you call it YTD (e.g. YTD2001.mdb). In the future you will then merge subsequent months to the YTD to form a new YTD. You may copy the 3-
  3. month YTD as first quarter, etc.

You will again be advised of the processes and asked to approve them by clicking ‘OK’ or ‘Yes’, please do so.

You will then be asked to right click on the master spreadsheet to and select export. Please click “OK” and do so. You will then be offered a browse box to locate the database you wish to export the Master Spreadsheet table to; please highlight it and click ‘OK”.

  1. You may now click the button to return to Access or from the file menu select the “\DSS\Libmain” file to return to the Hera Main Menu.

In the Main Menu you may now select the merged database you just created if you want to analyze data for the multiple months that have been merged into the YTD (or other) database, just as you would attach a single month’s database.

  1. Update emplanement data (to be added)

We hope this will get you off to a flying start with Hera. If you have any questions or need any help, please do not hesitate to contact your Airlogica Consultant.

Hera users’ manual, ver 2, May 22,2001Page 1