Committee Minutes / Air Ambulance CommitteeDate / September 22,2015
Time / 10:00 A.M.
Location / Iris Room 665 Mainstream Drive
Participants / Members present: Robert Byrd (Air EVAC), Matt Compton (PHI-Air Medical), Robbie Tester (Erlanger Life Force), Lis Henley (Vanderbilt LifeFlight), Mitch Hathaway (Wings Air Rescue), Keith Hodges, Donna Tidwell, Brandon Ward, Nita Jernigan, and Teddy Myracle.
Members absent: A Representative for Huntsville Air-Methods, Memphis Medical Air “Wing”, UT Life Star, and Robert Webb.
Overall Lead / Topic / Summary/Decisions / Assignments / Next Steps / Responsible Person / Time Frame /
Robert Byrd / Roll Call/Introduction / Roll call listed above
Approval of Minutes / Mr. Tester motioned to accept the June minutes with the one correction and Ms. Henley seconded. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Subcommittee / Mr. Bryd stated the subcommittee is recommending the air ambulance equipment list come before the Air Ambulance Committee for approval. The first item is to transfer the air ambulance equipment list to memic the ground ambulance list. Mr. Tester motioned to accept the subcommittee recommendation to develop an air ambulance equimpment list to memic the ground ambulance equimpment list and Mr. Hathaway seconded. There was a question about the template for the ground ambulance equipment list and Ms. Henley stated she has it. She did have a question about the list having numbers and how they would like to go forward with that. Ms. Henley showed the Committee what she has done with the list and asked the Committee if they needed anything else. Ms. Henley stated that they need to build the language out then they should be able to put the details in after they get the language in. They took a voice vote:
Robbie Tester (Erlanger Life Force)-Aye
Lis Henley (Vanderbilt LifeFlight)-Aye
Mitch Hathaway (Wings Air Rescue)-Aye
Matt Compton (PHI-Air Medical)-Aye
Robert Byrd (Air EVAC)-Aye
Motion passed
New Business / Mr. Tester asked Mr. Byrd what he presented at the last Board meeting. Mr. Byrd stated that he presented his report and that he recommend it be presented to the Clinical Issue Committee (CIC) and was not sure if CIC had reviewed. Ms. Henley stated that it was not presented to the CIC. Mr. Byrd stated that he will check into why it was not presented to the CIC and make sure it will be at the next meeting.
Old Business / No Old Business
Motion was made to adjourn