
Participant’s Name: Participant’s DOB:

Parent or Guardian’s Name:

Address: City State Zip Code

Phone: (H) (W) (Cell/Pager) ______

Email Address:

Please give the following information about the child since we have to order materials that match up to the size of the child. Right Handed: Boy Girl Left Handed: Boy Girl

Height in tennis shoes: 52” and under____ 53” to 62”____ 63” and over _____

Participant Shirt Size:YM YL AS AM AL AXL_____

In case of an emergency and you cannot be reached, who should we contact?

Contact #1: Phone: Cell/Pager:

Contact #2: Phone: Cell/Pager:

Preferred Hospital:Aiken Regional: Other:

Physician’s Name: Phone:

Allergies: Medications:

Please list anyone besides yourself that has permission to pick up your child:

Name: Relation: Phone:

Name: Relation: Phone:

Please check your 1st and 2ndsession preferences. You will be sent a confirmation card.

GOLFCLINICS- (all sessions are for beginners or near beginners)

Session IJune 9 - 13, 2014Palmetto Golf Club (FULL)

Session IIJune 16 - 20, 2014Golf Club at Cedar Creek

Session IIIJuly14-18, 2014Houndslake Country Club

Session IVJuly21 - 25, 2014Woodside Plantation Country Club

______Session VAugust 4 - 8, 2014The River Club (FULL)


______Croquet Clinic June 9 - 13, 2014Green Boundary Club(FULL)

Following these one-week clinics interested participants are encouraged to signup with the Aiken First Tee program at

Houndslake C. C. (803-226-0053) or to continue their development.

In the event of an emergency, the Aiken Junior Sports Association has my permission to send my child (properly accompanied) to the hospital or doctor for treatment. I also hereby allow my child to participate in the Aiken Hook A Kid On Golf or Aiken’s Croquet Kids Program and I release any person, persons or agencies supervising the program from any liability that may occur. By my signature below, I acknowledge that there are inherent risks and dangers associated with recreation programs and therefore, I hold the Aiken Junior Sports Association and its representatives, successors and assigns harmless from all claims for injuries, damage or loss which may result from my or my child’s participation in recreation activities.

Parent or Guardian Signature: Date:



Tee Level ($50); Croquet ($15). Scholarships based on need will be available to those who qualifyfrom the Aiken Junior Sports Association - Contact Joe Spencer at 643-4657.


All participants must be from 8-13 years old. Boys and Girls are encouraged to participate. Each golf clinic will be available to the first 35 who register except for the River Club which will be limited to 30 . Croquet will be limited to 25 attendees.


Each Golf Clinic will begin at 8:45am each day with the focus on learning the fundamentals of golf (putting, chipping and full shots). Each participant will be provided with golf clubs, a golf bag, balls, tees, bag tag,shirt, hat and a rule book. Participants get to keep all of the items upon completion of the Clinic. The Clinic will be completed at 11:15am on Mondayand Friday. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lunch will be provided followed by special programs on critical topics (avoiding alcohol/tobacco abuse, seat belt safety, meeting with Public Safety Officers or other relevant subjects.) The clinic will be completed by 12:30pm on those days. On Friday we invite parents/grandparents to watch their children play and to attend the awards ceremony.


A croquet clinic will be held at the Green Boundary Club on Whiskey Rd. Participants will be given a hat and shirt. Croquet mallets and balls will be furnished. The croquet clinic will start each day at 8:45am. It will conclude at11:15am on Monday and Friday. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the croquet players will join the golfers for lunch and the special programs at the Palmetto Golf Club. The clinic will be completed by 12:30pm on these days. On Friday we invite parents/grandparents to watch their children play and to attend the awards ceremony.


All forms and payments must be received by Thursday May 1, 2014 (or earlier). Selections of applications will be made on a first come, first serve basis. Clinics fill up rapidly. Later applicants will be accepted, if space is available


Forms can be downloaded from our website ( by sending an email request to or by calling Joe Spencer at 803-643-4657.

Please make check payable to Aiken Junior Sports Association and mail with signed application form to:

Aiken Junior Sports Association

1677 Huntsman Drive

Aiken, SC29803