Ahmed Shawky Mohammedin CV version 15
Ahmed Shawky Mohammedin
MB BCh. (Hons), Dipl (Internal Medicine), Certif (Psychogeriatrics), MSc & MD (Geriatrics), Advisor On Elderly Health And Social Care (WHO)
This is a curriculum vitae and a portfolio to help presenting the full background and experience plus understanding of capabilities & potentialities of the candidate. It might serve as a virtual interview.
Resume 3
ملخص السيرة الذاتية 4
Clinical, Procedural and Other Skills 18
Continuing Professional Development activities 19
Other Papers 24
Thesis 25
Curriculum Vitae
Version 15
An Egyptian male Geriatrician. Received his MB BCh (Hons) degree from Ain Shams University faculty of Medicine in 2003. Then he joined a 3 year (2005-2008) residency program in Geriatrics & Gerontology dpt of the Internal medicine dpt at Ain Shams University Hospital. He earned an MSc degree in Geriatrics (Ain Shams Univ 2008); He has also earned a Diploma in Internal Medicine (Ain Shams Univ 2010); a course diploma in Psychogeriatrics (Arhus Univ Denmark & Ain Shams Univ 2005); a Professional certificate in Psychogeriatrics (Ain Shams Univ 2012). He has earned a Medical Doctorate degree in Geriatrics & Gerontology (Ain Shams Univ November 2012).
He is currently a Lecturer & specialist of Geriatric medicine at Ain Shams University Hospital.
After spending 3 years as a resident doctor of Geriatric medicine at Ain Shams University Hospital, he was appointed as an Assistant Lecturer and specialist in the Geriatrics & Gerontology dpt and the Geriatrics Intensive care unit. He was promoted to Lecturer position in April 2013.
He received Postgraduate clinical training in Geriatrics & Gerontology dpt, Ain Shams University hospital. He also received training at Ain Shams Psychiatry institute (Okasha institute) and United Nations Institute for Aging at Malta.
His field of interest include Internal medicine of elderly, Dementia care, Preventive Geriatrics, Palliative care & Elderly care services planning.
He practices Geriatric medicine (Acute care, Intensive care, Home care, Transitional care, Nursing homes & Long term care); Internal medicine & intensive care medicine for elderly (including mechanical ventilation). He currently practice internal medicine in a Joint Commission International (JCI) certified hospital. He also works as an advisor and researcher in Elderly care services development.
He has attended several continuous professional development activities in the field of Geriatrics, Internal Medicine & Critical care. Including Dementia care, Palliative care, Psychogeriatrics, Diagnostic ultrasonography, fundamental critical care support, Pain management, Advanced life support, & mechanical ventilation.
He also works as a temporary advisor to the World Health Organization regional office (WHO-EMRO) in Aging division. He has also worked as a researcher at the Elderly care development project of the Egyptian Ministry of Social Affairs.
He has authored and coauthored several articles published in Peer reviewed journals. He has authored several chapters on a WHO training guide for health care professionals caring for elderly; and also an Alzheimer care Guide. He was one of the developers of the Condensed Geriatrics & Gerontology Course at Ain Shams University.
He is a member of the International Psychogeriatrics association; American Geriatrics Society; Egypt Alzheimer Association; Egyptian Intensive care & Trauma society; and Arab Scientific Community Organization.
ملخص السيرة الذاتية
الدكتور أحمد شوقي محمدين هو طبيب مسنين حصل على بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة (مع مرتبة الشرف) من كلية طب جامعة عين شمس في عام 2003. ثم حصل على وظيفة طبيب مقيم لمدة ثلاث سنوات (2005-2008) بقسم طب المسنين وعلوم التعمر بقسم الأمراض الباطنة في مستشفى عين شمس الجامعي. و حصل على شهادة الماجستير في طب المسنين وعلوم التعمر (جامعة عين شمس 2008). كما حصل على دبلوم في الأمراض الباطنة (جامعة عين شمس 2010)؛ ودبلوم في طب نفسي المسنين (جامعة أرهس بالدنمارك وجامعة عين شمس 2005)؛ وشهادة تخصصية في طب نفس المسنين (جامعة عين شمس 2012)؛ وحصل على درجة الدكتوراة في طب المسنين وعلوم التعمر (جامعة عين شمس نوفمبر 2012).
وهو حالياً مدرس بكلية الطب – جامعة عين شمس وأخصائي طب مسنين في مستشفى عين شمس الجامعي. وكان قد تم تعيينه مدرساً مساعداً وأخصائي طب مسنين بعد قضاء الثلاث سنوات كطبيب مقيم وذلك في قسم طب المسنين وفي وحدة الرعاية المركزة لطب المسنين. وتم ترقيته إلى درجة مدرس طب مسنين في أبريل 2013.
وقد حصل على تدريبه الإكلينيكي في قسم طب المسنين بمستشفى عين شمس الجامعي. كما تدرب في معهد جامعة عين شمس للطب النفسي (معهد عكاشة) وفي معهد الأمم المتحدة لعلوم التعمر بمالطا. ومجالات إهتمامه تشمل الأمراض الباطنة في الكبار ورعاية مرضي الدمنشيا (ألزهيمر بأنواعه)، طب المسنين الوقائي، الرعاية التلطيفية، وتخطيط الرعاية الصحية والإجتماعية لكبار السن.
وهو يمارس طب المسنين بكل مستويات الرعاية (الرعاية الحادة، الرعاية المركزة، الرعاية المنزلية، الرعاية الإنتقالية، الرعاية في دور المسنين والرعاية الممتدة(؛ والطب الباطني وطب الحالات الحرجة لكبار السن (بما في ذلك أجهزة التنفس الصناعي). وبجانب عمله في الجامعة فهو حالياً يمارس الطب الباطني في مستشفى حاصلة على شهادة الجودة الدولية في الرعاية الصحية (JCI). كما عمل ويعمل كمشير وباحث في تطوير خدمات رعاية المسنين.
كما حضر العديد من أنشطة التطوير المهني المستمر في مجال طب المسنين وعلوم التعمر والطب الباطني وطب الحالات الحرجة. ويشمل ذلك رعاية مرضى الدمنشيا (ألزهيمر بأنواعه)، الرعاية التلطيفية، طب نفس المسنين، الموجات الصوتية التشخيصية، الرعاية الحرجة، علاج الألم، دعم الحياة المتقدم، وأجهزة التنفس الصناعي.
وقد عمل كمشير مؤقت لمكتب شرق المتوسط بمنظمة الصحة العالمية في صحة كبار السن. ويعمل كمشير وباحث في مشروع تطوير خدمات كبار السن بوزارة الشئون الإجتماعية المصرية. كما ألَف وشارك في تأليف عدة مقالات منشورة في مجلات مٌحَكمَة عالمية. وشارك بتأليفه عدة أبواب عن الرعاية الطبية لكبار السن في دليل منظمة الصحة العالمية لمقدمي الخدمات الصحية لكبار السن وفي دليل جمعية ألزهيمر مصر لرعاية مرضى الدمنشيا. كما كان أحد منشئي الدورة المكثفة في طب المسنين بجامعة عين شمس.
وهو عضو في الرابطة الدولية لطب نفس المسنين؛ الجمعية الأمريكية لطب المسنين؛ جمعية ألزهيمر مصر؛الجمعية المصرية للرعاية المركزة والإصابات؛ ومنظمة المجتمع العلمي العربي.
Dr Ahmed Shawky Mohammedin
MB BCh (Hons), Dipl (Internal Medicine), MSc & MD (Geriatrics)
Advisor On Elderly Health And Social Care (WHO)
Name: Ahmed Shawky Mohammedin
Date of birth: 1st October 1979
Nationality: Egyptian
Religion: Muslim
Marital status: Married to Dr Shaima Nabil Rohiem, (MSc Geriatrics), has 2 children (Farida 1.5 year old and al-Hasan 1 month old)
Address: 29 Dar el-Ezz, Zahraa Helmyet El-Zayton, Cairo, 11321
Residence: Egypt
Experience/stays abroad & field visits: Malta (attending a short training course), Saudi Arabia (trip), Inside Egypt[1] (Port Said, Beni Swaif, Mansoura, Tanta, Alexandria, Helwan, Giza, Fayyoum)
Telephone: +201002412579
Email: Personal Email:
Alternate Email:
· Arabic (Mother tongue); English (Excellent); French (fair)
Current & All Previous Medical Licensing Authorities:Type of registration / Date (from/to) / Registering authority / Restrictions
Practicing Physician license No.160396 / 2005 - present / Egyptian Ministry of Health / None
Specialist in Geriatric medicine, No. Geriatrics-37 / 2008 - present / Egyptian Medical syndicate / None
Specialist in Internal medicine, No. Internal medicine-10366 / 2010 - present / Egyptian Medical syndicate / None
Specialist in Psychogeriatrics / Pending / Egyptian Medical syndicate / None
Detailed Employment History:
All employment are listed in chronological order starting with your current/most recent position, including positions held during your medical training (including your internship) and any other employment prior to specialist training.Dates of commencing and ceasing employment in each position are listed (in month and year format).
Full locations of all positions (street, suburb, city/town, state, country) and brief description of day to day duties are provided. Gaps are explained if any is present.
Intern year (postgraduate year 1) and other years between obtaining medical degree and commencing specialist training are clearly explained.
Employment labled during specialist training and employment in specialist practice (after award of principal specialist qualification)
Dr Ahmed Shawky Mohammedin believes that elderly care is truely a humanistic message that needs dedicated persons. His 1ry specialty is Geriatric medicine including (Palliative Care, Dementia care, End of life care, Psychogeriatrics). He is also specialised in general internal medicine. He has also been trained and practiced intensive care medicine of elderly. As a Physician practicing medicine in Greater Cairo (Egypt), he was very keen to get experience as much as possible in all medical specialties and all care levels related to geriatric medicine. Also in Egypt the is no working hour directive that regulates the working hours for Physicians and due to many causes, most of Physicians work on average 72 hours or more a week at the start of their medical carrier. They work at more than one hospital in the same time interval. Also they work on holidays. They are derived by their enthusiasm to gain as much experience as possible. This is why there is overlap between the time interval of employment at different hospitals.
Another thing that need to be clarified about the relation between Internal medicine subspecialties (as geriatric medicine) & the general internal medicine in Egypt. In Egypt subspecialties of internal medicine as cardiology, pulmonology and geriatrics have their own postgraduate clinical programs which includes literally the internal medicine curricula but by the end of the clinical training you receive a degree in the subspecialty directly as the Master of Science in Cardiology, Pulmonology and Geriatric medicine. Some of the alumni of these programs seeks to have official accreditation in internal medicine as by joining a diploma program in internal medicine (in Egypt or the MRCP).
EMPLOYMENT IN SPECIALIST PRACTICE (after award of principal specialist qualification):
Start/end dates / May 2013 - presentInstitution/Hospital / Geriatrics & gerontology dpt., Ain Shams university hospital, Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine. Ain Shams university hospital is a more than 350 actual active beds hospital dedicated only to medical cases, it is part of the Ain Shams university hospital (a more than 3000 functioning beds) serving internal medicine, paediatrics, obstetrics & gynaecology and surgical specialties). The geriatrics & gerontology department is a clinical inpatient and outpatient department established in 1983 and a Geriatrics intensive care unit since 1992. The Geriatric Medicine Department consists of 23 beds inpatients for sub acute and chronic cases and a 10 beds Geriatric ICU fully equipped including 6 mechanical ventilators for critically ill elderly patients).
Position title / Lecturer & MD bearer Specialist of geriatric medicine
Location / Abbasyia, Cairo, Egypt
Registering Authority / Egyptian Medical syndicate
Duties / Job title: Lecturer
Reports to: Head of department
Responsible for: Academic, Clinical, research & administrative duties.
Cooperate / Liaises with: Internal medicine department and other hospital departments
Job summary: lecturer and consultant of Geriatrics
Duties & Responsibilities:
a) Academic
Clinical teaching for residents, house officers, undergraduates and postgraduates
Training medical staff on management schemes
Preparing teaching material for undergraduate and postgraduates medical students and nurses.
Attending induction and CME courses.
Attending for continuous professional development.
Rotating weekly Conference preparation and academic presentation.
Rotating weekly Journal clubs presentation.
Teaching at continuous professional development courses as condensed Geriatrics & Gerontology course (CGGC).
Supervision of MSc & MD thesis.
b) Clinical
Supervising residents & assistant lecturers in OPC, inpatients, ward rounds, inpatient department & Geriatrics intensive care unit.
Decision making for clinical issues (Inpatient & Outpatient).
Conduction of special out-patient clinic services (as old age primary health care & Dementia care)
Osteoporosis diagnosis & management unit
c) Research
Clinical research as part of the department research plan.
Preparing reviews and methodologies for researches of interest for the specific unit.
Preparing statistical analysis for clinical activities for the specific unit.
Audits conduction
Conducting & publishing research in peer reviewed journals
d) Administrative
Includes supervision of residents & assistant lecturers in their administrative work and liaising with service manager and other team staff
Working as vice manager of Geriatrics Intensive care unit
Member of Quality assurance team
Perform other tasks as assigned (by supervisor) within the realm of his/her qualification and capabilities.
Knowledge, skills & Experience required:
Performing comprehensive geriatric assessment including cognitive functions, mood status, functional status, nutritional status, etc.
Providing acute , subacute and transient long term care and putting and implementing plan of management to the medical and other geriatric problems including atypical presentations of diseases in elderly, delirium, dementia, depression ...etc.
Providing health education to the patients, families & caregivers; about normal versus abnormal aging, healthy aging and preventive measures e.g. vaccination & screening for diseases; exercise & nutrition; improving quality of life, promoting safety, dignity, comfort and independency of elderly and handling the discharge plan with the family to home or various care institutions.
Management of emergencies, Cardio-respiratory resuscitation, endotracheal intubation and management of difficult airway.
Management of respiratory failure and mechanical ventilators.
Management of venous access and central venous line insertion by various routes . Attending intensive care medicine lectures and workshops delivered by anesthesia & intensive care department staff at the ICU.
Experience certificate is available in Arabic.
Start/end dates / October 2008 - present
Institution/Hospital / Medical assessment unit, Magrabi Eye Hospital (a standalone eye care hospital, with 34 inpatient beds. It receives referrals from all over Egypt and Middle East). It is an internationally accredited hospital by Joint commission international (JCI) ( twice accredited in 2008 & 2012). Includes Lab and radiology services.
Position title / Specialist of Geriatric medicine & internal medicine
Location / 1 Sayeda Nafisa square, Old Cairo, Cairo – Egypt
Registering Authority / Egyptian Medical syndicate
Duties / Average flow of medical assessment unit is 30 patients per day, with most of them being elderly suffering from cataract or retinopathy.
Average number of daily ophthalmologic surgeries is 65 per day. Most of them need medical management to stabilise common medical comorbidities as diabetes, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, renal & hepatic impairments, anticoagulation.
Medical assessment & management of common medical disorders
Pre-operative assessment of medical disorders
Postoperative medical care (e.g. stabilisation of medical comorbidities, postoperative delirium, falls and avoidance of complications of prolonged recumbency)
Code blue team leader (advanced cardiac life support certified) to manage any medical emergency, supporting ECG & pulse oximetery, defibrillator and fully equipped medication crash trolley.
Start/end dates / September 2011 - present
Institution/Hospital / World Health organization, Eastern Mediterranean regional office.
Health of special groups (old age division)
Position title / Temporary advisor
Location / World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Monazamet El Seha El Alamia Str, Extension of Abdel Razak El Sanhouri Street P.O. Box 7608, Nasr City Cairo 11371, Egypt www.emro.who.int/
Tel. No.: +20222765380 Fax No.: +20226702492/94
Email address:
Registering Authority
Duties / Participating in Workshops on Ageing
Co-authoring scientific material related to ageing
Start/end dates / July 2009 – April 2013
Institution/Hospital / Geriatrics & gerontology dpt., Ain Shams university hospital, Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine
Position title / Assistant lecturer & MSc bearer specialist of Geriatrics & gerontology
Start/end dates / January 2009 – June 2009
Institution/Hospital / Accident and emergency unit, Ain Shams specialized hospital (a tertiary care hospital (837 actual functioning beds); A & E unit is a 12 beds unit & 10 beds ICU. It is supported by a 40 beds emergency inpatient section (until transferral to other inpatients); 30 beds intensive care units; 10 beds coronary care unit; Haemodialysis units, Endoscopy, Laboratory & radiology units (including CT & MRI). The medical team on duty in the unit include specialists in: Internal medicine, general surgery, Orthopaedics, anaesthesia, cardiology, neurosurgery & neurology. The team is supported by on call services of urology, vascular surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, plastic surgery, ENT & ophthalmology.
Position title / Specialist of internal medicine
Location / Khalefa Mamoun street, Abbasyia, Cairo - Egypt
Registering Authority / Egyptian Medical syndicate
Duties / Providing medical care at the accidents and emergency department.
Working as a part of on-duty team was exposed and actively involved in the assessment and management of a wide variety of clinical and surgical situations encountered in the accidents and emergency department.
See experience certificate is available in English.
Start/end dates / October 2008 – January 2011
Institution/Hospital / Geriatric medicine & physical medicine department, International medical centre hospital (a 600 bed hospital with 200 functioning beds). The hospital is an internationally recognised fully equipped hospital with all medical, lab and radiology equipment including PET scan. The hospital performs all major surgeries as complex surgeries and interventions in orthopaedics, cardiothoracic surgeries pain management and organs transplantations (as renal, hepatic and bone marrow transplantation. Geriatrics department is 16 bed department attached to the physical medicine and rehabilitation unit and an outpatient clinic.
Position title / Specialist of Geriatric medicine
Location / Cairo-Ismailyia desert road 43rd Km, Cairo Egypt
Registering Authority / Egyptian medical syndicate
Duties / Assisted in Establishing the geriatrics department and formulation of its policies and procedures
Providing geriatric care in the settings of:
· Acute care (common medical and geriatrics comorbidities, dementia care, Orthogeriatrics care, stroke care incontinence care, pain management and palliative care)
· Subacute care
· Transitional care in association with home care services
· Step-down care in association with intensive care unit
· Day care
· Long term care (20 % of cases)
· Providing consultations to other departments and emergency department
Working as part of an interdisciplinary team that includes (Geriatricians, nurses, trained caregivers, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, clinical pharmacology and sociologists).
Experience certificate is available in English.
EMPLOYMENT before & in SPECIALIST PRACTICE (before & after award of principal specialist qualification):