Ahlcon Public School, Mayur Vihar-I, Delhi

Class: XII Subject: HISTORY Assignment No. 14

Academic Session: 2016-17

Theme 14: Understanding Partition (Questions marked with an ** are to be done for H.W.)

1.  Examine the reasons given by historians as to whether the events of 1947 constituted a mere partition of India or could be termed a holocaust.

2.  What are the stereotypes prevalent in India and in Pakistan about the Partition? OR “The relationship between India and Pakistan has been profoundly shaped by the legacy of Partition”. Explain this comment with the help of examples. OR What has been the impact of the Partition on people living on both sides of the border?

3.  ** What do you understand by the term “communalism”? Examine the reasons why some historians believe that Partition was the culmination of communal politics originating from the medieval period, and that developments from the early 20th century consolidated these sentiments.

4.  Examine the significance of the provincial elections of 1937.Refer to the attitude and role played by the INC and the Muslim League.

5.  ** When and under what circumstances was the “Pakistan Resolution” passed? Examine the origins of the Pakistan demand. Why do some historians believe that Partition was ‘sudden’?

6.  Examine the developments taking place in the Indian national movement immediately after the end of World War II.

7.  Explain why the Cabinet Mission proposals could have offered an alternative to Partition? How did the INC and the Muslim League react to these proposals? Why did Partition become inevitable?

8.  Explain why discussions for the transfer of power broke down for sometime in 1945.

9.  What was the “Direct Action Day”? How did it contribute in leading events towards Partition?

10.  ** Examine the various events that led to the partition of British India. OR Analyze how the events in the last decade of British rule culminated in the Partition. (Refer to pages 385-394)

11.  ** Describe the manner in which institutions of governance collapsed from early 1947 onwards. Explain the role played by Gandhi during this period. OR Why was Gandhi referred to as being a “one man army” during this time? OR Describe the controversial role played by bureaucrats, soldiers and policemen after the communal tensions of 1947.

12.  ** Analyze the impact of the events accompanying Partition on women. How did the concept of community honour become a significant feature of this period? OR Describe the ‘remembrance ritual’ performed in gurudwaras in Delhi on 13th March every year. What is supposed to be the message / lesson that women should remember?

13.  How did experiences / peoples reaction vary in different parts of India / Punjab and Bengal?

14.  ** “Buried under the violence and pain of Partition is an enormous history of help, humanity and harmony”. Comment on this statement, with examples.

15.  ** Analyze the distinctive aspects of oral testimonies to understand the history of the partition of British India. OR Analyze the significance of oral testimonies in reconstructing the history of the Partition.

16.  ** Mapwork (locate and label, identify and label) on political maps of India:

Map1: page 390- Sections A, B, C of the Cabinet Mission proposals;

Map 2: page 305- important centers of the national movement: Champaran, Kheda, Ahmedabad, Benares, Amritsar, Chauri Chaura, Lahore, Bardoli, Dandi, Bombay (Quit India Resolution), Karachi.

17.  Source / Passage-based questions may come from the following pages:-

Pg. 377,378- “I am simply returning my father’s karz, his debt” Pg. 378- “For quite a few years now, I have not met a Punjabi Musalman” Pg.379- “No, no! You can never be ours” Pg.387- The Muslim League Resolution of 1940 Pg.390- “A voice in the wilderness”

Pg.392- “Without a shot being fired” Pg. 395- What “recovering” women meant

Pg. 399- A small basket of grapes