SIG Strategic Goals 2012 - 2016
Approved 8/12
Coordinator / Rose Ermete
Coordinator-Elector Ex-Officio / Denise Friesema
SIG Mission / The mission of the Clinical Trial Nurses (CTN) Special Interest Group (SIG) is to promote excellence in oncology clinical trial nursing and quality care in cancer clinical trials.
Agreed Upon SIG Goals
Goal 1KNOWLEDGE / The CTN SIG isviewed as a trusted source of clinical trial education for all nurses providing care to oncology clinical trials patients regardless of setting.
Deadline / December 2016
Action /
- Develop basic and advanced content materials for members based on Needs Assessment survey.
- Submit 5 questions for annual needs assessment survey. (ongoing)
- Conduct SIG Specific Needs assessment every 3 years, (next 2014)
- Develop educational materials identified in Needs Survey
- Webinars – Send out request for project teams
- Assess feasibility of offering with advanced content. (2012)
- Develop process for offering 2 hot topics/year (2013 – 14)
- Conference topic submissions
- Submit at least one topic annually
- Explore/develop topic for fall connects conference by 2014 r/t needs of nurses caring for Clinical Trials Pt.
- Newsletter articles - Education corner in each issue
- Explore partnership opportunities with other professional organizations.
- Contact ONS Liaison: (Michelle Dietz) to explore CTN SIG liaison to professional oncology/research organizations (2012)
- ISNCCInternational Society of Nurses in Cancer Care
- IACRN International Association of Clinical Research Nurses
- If feasible and supported through ONS, have liaison from CTN SIG represented within the identified organizations. (2013-14)
- Establish a system with ONS education team to evaluate established web courses and make any changes/improvements annually & as needed related to regulatory updates. (ongoing)
- Review & updateeducational resources on the CTN Virtual Community annually. (ongoing)
Measurable /
- By 2013 we will identify a project team. By 2014 we will offer two hot topic sessions / year.
- By 2012 we will determine the feasibility of having at least 1 representative from the CTN SIG liaison to ISNCC &/or IACRN &/ or other organizations as identified.
- Basic Web course will be reviewed and updated annually.
- Resources provided on the CTN Virtual Community will be reviewed and updated annually.
Goal 2
LEADERSHIP / Provide volunteer opportunities for members & mentor into leadership roles within the CTN SIG.
Deadline / June 2016
Action /
- Identify & mentor volunteers into leadership roles: (ongoing)
- Newsletter editors
- Column leaders
- Project team leaders
- Liaison (e.g. IACRN & ISNCC)
- Additional roles as identified
- Members showing an interest in the field of clinical trials (e.g. authors, presenters at conferences, working group participants)
- Establish roles and responsibilitiesfor elected & non-elected leadership positions within the SIG that are specific to CTN.(2014)
- Network with international members & provide tools to promote evidence based care in the field of research.
- Spotlight international members
- Discuss with ONS the feasibility of establishing a Liaison role with IACRN
Measurable /
- Identify at least one potential leader per year (ongoing)
- By June of 2014 we will develop roles and responsibilities for elected and non-elected leadership positions and post on VC.
- Beginning in 2012, International members will be spotlighted in each newsletter & if liaisons approved by ONS they will report on leadership calls.
Goal 3
QUALITY / Review and disseminate changes in clinical research practice to ensure human subject protection and quality research data.
Deadline / June 2016
Action /
- Disseminate & Evaluate CTN competencies implementation.(ongoing)
- Explore Development of an orientation toolkit based on competencies.
- Include question r/t toolkit in needs assessment (2012)
- Put call out for project team/work group (2013)
- Explore collaboration with
- Form project/team and develop toolkit (2014)
- Develop a study identifying the value added by a nurse in the study coordinator role.
- Discuss project with Director of Research at ONS and Advanced Nursing Research SIG.
- Identify nurse research to assists in project
- Develop study concept
- Identify Funding.
- Establish a mechanism to insure that all members are aware of changes in regulatory requirements as they are published. (ongoing)
- Establish a workgroup to define workload measures and publish.
Measurable /
- By 2013 we will publish at least 1 article in newsletter r/t utilization of competencies for best practice.
- By 2014 an Orientation Toolkit will be developed and disseminated
- By December 2012 – feasibility of study will be determined.
- Changes in rules and regulations will be disseminated to members within 1 week of their publication, via announcements and posting on Virtual Community and summarize in newsletters annually. (ongoing)
- By Fall 2013 a Working group will be formed .
Goal 4
Technology / Provide communication and educational opportunities utilizing current technology.
Deadline / December 2014
Action /
- Determine the means of communication with membership for each quarter of 2013)
- Evaluate & promote the Virtual Community and Facebook via newsletter, annual survey & meetings at conferences. (Ongoing)
- Review, & update as necessary,training tools on the Virtual Community annually
- Collaborate with AcrualNet to share links for tools/best practice SOPs on the Virtual Community and AcrualNet
- Explore information technology for dissemination of educational offerings
- Explore virtual poster for congress
- Utilization of QR Codes on educational material for downloading documents
- Explore with ONS feasibility of utilizing “Drop box” or other document tracking software.
Measurable /
- By 2013 – the SIG will notify ONS, of which forms of communication they will use for each quarter.
- The Virtual Community & Facebook sites will be discussed in at least 1 newsletter/year, and referred to at the SIG meeting at congress & evaluated in the annual survey.
- Training tools on the VC will be reviewed annually and updated.
- By 2012 the CTN SIG will have at least 1 member represented on ANSER group. Submit new link to AcrualNet for reference to SIG VC.
- By May 2013 two forms of information technology will be identified for dissemination of educational offerings.
(7/09, 1/12, 7/3/12, 7/13/13; 7/22/12, 8/12)
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