Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

[Page 12]


Agnes Wylden Wildman widow, late wife of Miles}

Wildman, holds one tenement messuage with the}

appurtenances in the same place by the lord’s}

warrant in the name of Henry Clyfford Lord}

Clyfford during her widowhood and renders per}


The relict of Robert Somerscales holds one}

tenement with the appurtenances by the lord’s}

warrant as above <12s for gersum> and renders}

per annum}8s

John Foster holds The Tolle Both in the same place}

by the lord’s warrant as above for the term of the}

life of the lord and the lives of the same John and}

his assigns <gersum not appraised> and renders}

per annum}8d

Gersum £40Thomas Somerscale and Peter Iveson hold a grain}

mill in the same place by the lord’s indenture for}

the term of 21 years and renders per annum}£3 6s 8d

At the lord’s willRichard Cam holds one cottage with garden in the}

same place and five roods of land at the will of the}

lord and renders per annum}6s

But he shows a billet from Thomas Lyster for 18s paid

Note that he isWilliam Carr holds one messuage with the}

very old.appurtenances in the same place by the lord’s}

Gersum 46s 10dwarrant as before for the term of the life of the lord}

paid to Anthonyand the life of the same William and that of his}

Dalewife during her widowhood and renders per annum}27s 7d

Adam Carr, son of the said William, married, refuses

to accept it.

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

[Page 13]


Gersum notAnthony Knolles holds one ten messuage with the}

appraisedappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s}

warrant as before and renders per annum}50s

Gersum 2s 6d paidThe same Anthony Knolles holds one shop in}

Settle by the lord’s warrant as before and renders}

per annum}2d

Gersum 9s 3d paidWilliam Brown holds one tenement and the fourth}

to Anthony Dalepart of a tenement in the same place by the lord’s}

warrant and renders per annum}6s 6d

At the lord’s willChristopher Brown holds one messuage and the}

third part of a tenement with the appurtenances at}

the will of the lord and renders per annum}19s 6d

Gersum £6Henry Hulson holds one tenement with the}

paid to the lordappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s}

warrant as above and renders per annum}28s 8d

Aged.Richard Heyton holds one tenement and one bovate}

At the lord’s willof land with the appurtenances in the same place}

at the will of the lord and renders per annum}26s 10d

William Heyton his son refuses to accept it.

Gersum 22dWilliam Watkynson holds one cottage and one}

and paidgarden with the appurtenances by the warrant of}

the lord’s Commissaries for the term of the life of}

the lord as above and renders per annum}15d

Aged.George Coykson holds one tenement and one}

At the lord’s willbovate of land with the appurtenances in Newfield}

at the will of the lord and renders per annum}27s

Richard Coykson his son, unmarried, refuses to accept it.

Note. Aged.John Coykson holds one tenement and one bovate}

Gersum 44s 6dbovate of land with a parcel of demesne land and}

paid to Anthonyparcel of Newfield by the lord’s warrant as above}

Daleand renders per annum}29s 8d

Richard Coykson his son, married, refuses to accept it.

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

[Page 14]

Preston Settle

Note. For the son.James Cam holds one tenement and one bovate}

Gersum 18s paidof land and a parcel of demesne land in Newfield}

to Anthony Daleby the lord’s warrant as before and renders per}


Thomas Cam his son, married, refuses to accept it.

At the lord’s willAdam Somerscale holds one tenement and one}

bovate of land and a parcel of demesne land in}

Newfield at the will of the lord without warrant}

and renders per annum}14s 8d

But he says that Anthony Dale has received 22s

for gersum.

Gersum 2s 4d paidEd’ Watson holds one cottage in the same place}

to Anthony Daleby the lord’s warrant and renders per annum}18d

At willThomas Lawson holds one tenement with the}

appurtenances in the same place without warrant}

and renders per annum}26s 6d

And he says that Anthony Dale has received 25s for

a fine, and he says that he has the lord’s warrant and

delivered it to Richard Grene esquire, witnesses being

Anthony Knolles and Hugh Lawson.

At willRichard Preston junior holds one tenement with}

the appurtenances without warrant and renders}

per annum}16s 8d

And he says that Anthony Dale has received 25s

for gersum.

Gersum 2s 6d paidThe relict of Christopher Walker holds one cottage}

to Anthony Daleby the lord’s warrant during her widowhood and}

renders per annum}20d

Gersum £8 paidChristopher Lawson of Lodge <holds> one}

to Edwardtenement with the appurtenances in the same place}

Pekyringeby the lord’s warrant after the death or widowhood}

of the relict of John Wiglesworth and renders per}

annum}11s 8d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

No gersumThe same Christopher holds one two acres of land}

lately enclosed, according to the measure of}

yard-land used in Settle, by the lord’s warrant and}

renders per annum}2s

At willThomas Cletherowe holds one cottage and garden}

garden with the appurtenances without warrant and}

renders per annum}4s

And he says that he has the lord’s warrant and}

delivered it to Thomas Proctor, and the same}

Thomas holds certain other parcels of land and}

renders per annum}4s

[Page 15]


Note. Aged.Roger Payley holds one tenement with the}

At willappurtenances at the will of the lord and renders}

per annum}14s 8d

And he says that he has paid to Anthony Dale 3s 4d

for gersum.

Aged.Richard Althame holds one tenement and one}

At willbovate of land with the appurtenances at the will}

of the lord and renders per annum}12s

Robert Althame his <2nd> son refuses to accept it.

Cristopher Lawson of Lodge holds one tenement}

with the land appertaining to the same by [blank]}

and renders per annum}26s 6d

Note. At theThe relict of Richard Preston senior holds one}

lord’s willtenement at Merebeke with the appurtenances at}

the will of the lord <during her widowhood> and}

renders per annum}33s 4d

And she says that the aforesaid Richard had the lord’s

warrant and delivered it to Richard Grene

Note that a date has been given to Christopher

Preston, the elder/eldest son of the said Richard, to

accept the said tenement; within one month next


Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

At the lord’s willHugh Lawson holds one tenement with the land}

appertaining to the same in the same place at the}

will of the lord and renders per annum}37s

And he says that Anthony Dale has received 20s for


At willRobert Lawson holds one tenement cottage with}

<the land> appertaining <to the same and one}

[?]water-sewer [geb’ aque] in [?]Afibble [NB this}

may be ib[ide]m “in the same place” written on top}

of another word] at the will of the lord and renders}

per annum}5s

And he says that he has paid Master Berry 7s 6d

At willThomas Foster holds one toft with the}

appurtenances in the same place at the will of the}

lord and renders per annum}6s

Fine 18sAnd he says that Anthony Dale has received 19s for

gersum. And the same Thomas has resigned for [?the

tenant of?] Christopher Lawson who has taken the said

cottage from the Commissaries for a fine

At willThomas Iveson holds one cottage and garden with}

the appurtenances at the will of the lord and renders}

per annum}5s

Gersum notRandolph Newhouse the son of John holds a small}

appraisedmessuage, one bovate of land and a parcel of}

demesne land by the lord’s warrant and renders}

per annum}22s 6d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

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[Page 16]


Free Tenants

The heirs of Stephen Hamerton render freely for}

their land}4s 10d

Joseph Banke renders for his land}3s 7d

Christopher Conyers renders per annum}16d

Henry Pudsey renders per annum}3d

William Westby renders per annum}6d

Richard Tenaunt renders per annum}12d

Roger Carr and [blank] Hewytson render freely}

per annum}6d

Thomas Armysted renders per annum}6d

Thomas Knolles renders per annum}9d

Thomas Hustekes clerk renders per annum}6d

Richard Chewe renders per annum}6d

The same Richard Chewe for other [land] renders}

per annum}2s 4d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

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Tenants at will

The relict of Richard Armisted holds one cottage}

and garden with the appurtenances [blank] and}

renders per annum}18d

Gersum 11s paidWilliam Wyndesor holds one cottage and garden}

to Anthony Dalewith the appurtenances by the lord’s warrant and}

renders per annum}18d

At willRichard Mellynge holds one tenement with the}

appurtenances in the same place at the will of the}

lord and renders per annum}13s 4d

And he says that Anthony Dale has received 15s for

his gersum.

Gersum £4 paidThomas Watkynson holds one tenement called}

to the lordLodge with the appurtenances by the lord’s}

warrant and renders per annum}17s

Gersum 20s. PaidThe relict of Roger Medhope holds one cottage in}

to the lord 13s 4dthe same place by the lord’s warrant during her}

and to Thomaswidowhood and renders per annum}2s

Lyster 6s 8d

At willWilliam Wildman holds one cottage and one croft}

Fine 20sin the same place with the appurtenances at the will}

of the lord and renders per annum}4s 1d

And he took [it] from the Commissaries by warrant

for a fine 20s

Thomas Buckden holds one cottage in the same}

place and renders per annum}4d

Gersum notWilliam Lunde holds one messuage and one bovate}

appraisedof land and a parcel of demesne land and a parcel}

of Newfield with the appurtenances by the lord’s}

warrant and renders per annum}26s

And he says that he has paid to the lord £3 6s 8d

James Knolles holds one parcell of waste land and}

a shop built upon it by warrant of the lord’s}

Commissaries and renders per annum}4d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

At willJohn Iveson holds one cottage in the same place}

and renders per annum}6d

And he says that he has paid 12d to Anthony Dale.

At willJohn Alltham holds one chamber and one parcel}

of meadow in the same place with the}

appurtenances at the will of the lord and renders}

per annum}2s 2d

Fine 8sAnd he took [it] from the Commissaries for a fine of 8d.

[Page 18]


Free Tenants

John Tailour renders per annum}9d

Henry Kynge, William Kynge and George}

Coykson render per annum}9d

John Morehouse and Roger Clederowe render}

per annum}[blank]

Roger Fallthrope renders per annum}6d

Peter Newhouse Proctour renders per annum}20d

Roger Proctour, Christopher Brown and John}

Balderston render per annum}3d

Arthur Darcy, knight, renders per annum}½d

The heirs of Richard Hotton render per annum}½d

Henry Pudsey holds free one messuage of Saint}

John and renders nothing}nothing

Giggleswick Rental c1550

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[Page 19]

Tenants at will


Gersum £7 paidAdam Brown holds one messuage with <the}

into the lord’sappurtenances> in the same place by the lord’s}

handswarrant and renders per annum}23s 11½d

Christopher Kydd holds a certain parcel of}

demesne land}6s

The relict of Richard Jackson holds two cottages}

and renders per annum}12d

The relict of Thomas Somerscalle holds one}

cottage and garden in the same place [blank]}

and renders per annum}5s

John Iveson holds one cottage and garden and}

renders per annum}15d

Henry Atkynson holds 1 cottage and garden in}

the same place by [blank] and renders per annum}10s

Thomas Buckden holds one cottage and renders}

per annum}3d

Henry Tenaunt holds the Manor of Oletope [blank]}

and renders per annum {Phil where’s this?}} £7 7s 8d

The tolls of Settle are worth per annum}66s 8d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

[Page 20]


Free rents lately paid in the same place

James Parker, Alice Yonge widow, John Faldshay}

and Richard [?]Sowson render freely for their}

lands in Buckden}3s

The late Abbot of Sawley for land in Staynforde}12s 1d

The same Abbot for day-works in the said town}2s 8d

The same Abbot for land in Langclyff}12s 1½d

The same Abbot for day-works in the said town}2s 8d

Lady Mabel Tempest renders for land in Staynforth}


The same Lady for day-works in the said town}3s

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

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Gersum 43s ¾dRichard Ratclyff holds one messuage, one bovate}

paid to Anthonyand one parcel of arable land by the lord’s warrant}

Dalefor the term of the lord’s life and that of the said}

Richard, and that of his wife during her widowhood}

and renders per annum}28s 8d

Gersum 24s andJames Brown [holds] one messuage with garden}

he pays to the vicarand half an acre of arable land by the lord’s warrant}

of Skipton 12sand renders per annum}6s

Gersum 15s paidRichard Payley holds one messuage and one bovate}

to Anthony Daleand a half , with the appurtenances, by the lord’s}

warrant, and renders per annum}10s

Note. For the son.Richard Brayshay holds one messuage with the}

Gersum 34s 6d paidappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s}

to Anthony Dalewarrant and renders per annum}23s

Gersum 42s 6½dWilliam Banke holds one messuage with the}

paid to Anthonyappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s}

Dalewarrant as before and renders per annum}28s 4½d

The same William holds <3 parts> of a fulling mill

in the same place and renders 114d & 3 …

At willJohn Webster holds one tenement with the}

appurtenances in the same place at the will of the}

lord and renders per annum}24s 8d

Gersum 24s paidThomas Brashay [holds] one messuage with the}

to Anthonyappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s}

Dalewarrant and renders per annum}15s 11d

Gersum paidWilliam Preston senior holds one messuage and}

in fullone bovate of land and a parcel of demesne land}

and renders per annum 23s 11½d, and one cottage}

and renders per annum 3s, and two parcels of land}

called Thakthwayte per annum 22d by the lord’s}

warrant and by his commission, and he renders per}

annum in total}28s 9½d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

Gersum 20s paidThe same William holds the fourth part of a fulling}

to the lordmill by Indent warrant of Commissaries of the lord}

and renders per annum }3s 4d

[Page 22]


Gersum 30s paidRoger Claphamson holds one messuage, one bovate}

to Anthony Daleof land and one parcel of demesne land, with the}

appurtenances, by the lord’s warrant, and renders}

per annum}20s

Gersum 42s paidReginald Wilson holds one messuage, one bovate}

to Anthony Daleof land and one parcel of demesne land, by the}

lord’s warrant, and renders per annum}21s 4d

Gersum 6s 8dWilliam Saylbanke holds one cottage in the same}

paid to the lordplace by the lord’s warrant and renders per annum}6d

Gersum £5 10sWilliam Foster holds one tenement with the}

paid to the lordappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s}

warrant as before and renders per annum}22s

Gersum 20s paidRandolph Newhouse holds one fulling mill in the}

to Richard Grenesame place by the lord’s warrant and renders per}

annum}3s 4d

Gersum 8s paidThomas Tailour holds one tenement with the}

to the lordappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s}

warrant as before and renders per annum}4s 7d

Gersum 15s 6dRobert Taillour holds one messuage and one}

and it was paidbovate of land with the appurtenances in the same}

to various peopleplace by the lord’s warrant and renders per annum}10s 4d

as appears;And Anthony Dale was paid 5s, Richard Ratclyffe

5s, John Caterall esq 5s 4d and Thomas Lyster 2d

Gersum 20s paidThomas Claphamson holds one cottage with the}

to the lordappurtenances by the lord’s warrant and renders}

per annum}2s 4d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

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[Page 23]


Note. For the son.John Rome senior holds one messuage and one}

At willbovate of land with the appurtenances in the same}

place and a parcel of demesne land at the will of}

the lord, and he says that he has lost the lord’s}

warrant, and he renders per annum}20s 9½d

William Ro

Gersum 18d paidThomas Brennande holds one cottage by the lord’s}

warrant and renders per annum}6d

Fine. Warrant andRichard Foster holds one messuage with the}

fine 20sappurtenances at the will of the lord but says that}

he delivered his warrant to the lord’s counsel, and}

renders per annum}6s

And he has taken the premises from the

Commissaries for a gersum of 20s

Note. At the lord’sThomas Payley holds one messuage and one}

will. Dead.bovate of land at the will of the lord and renders}

Dismissed for a fineper annum}10s

William Payley his son has taken the said messuage

from the Commissaries for a fine of 40s

Gersum 2s 2½dJohn Grewe (Chew) holds one cottage and garden in}

paid to Anthonythe same place by the lord’s warrant and renders per}


Gersum 40s paidHugh Newhouse holds one cottage with garden}

to Richard Greneand two small closes and the moiety of a fulling}

mill by warrant of the lord’s Commissaries and}

renders per annum}6s 8d

Gersum notRandolph Newhouse the son of John holds a small}

appraisedmessuage, one bovate of land and a parcel of}

demesne land by the lord’s warrant and renders}

per annum}22s 6d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

[Page 24]


Note. For the son.<Agnes Craven> The relict of Richard Craven}