SWIDOVS Meeting Minutes 3/21/13
Sandi BorupElks Rehab
Cathe ScottIdaho Food Bank
Marcia DavisC.C. Habitat for Humanity
Kathryn HamptonParks & Rec
Linda CrawfordLegacy Home Health & Hospice
Sheila WintherIdaho Commission of Libraries
Shirley CongerRetired
Dave CannamelaMK Nature Center
Dusty BodieBoise State University
Court JohnsonBSU—Student
Landon BarnesBSU—Student
Barbara HatchMeridian PD
Karen ChristensonIdaho Botanical Gardens
Leslie MarstonIdaho Youth Ranch
Alexis NeufeldServe Idaho
Tracy BryanZoo Boise
Amanda VaughnBoise Rescue Mission
Margie JacobsGarden City PD
Michelle HiltonBoise PD
Beth UltisRSVP/FGP
Vivian YuBoise State University
Lorene OatesWest Valley Med Center
Kimberly OuwehandTreasure Valley Hospice
Faith Beyer HansenBoise State University
Michelle DespainFirst Choice Home Health & Hospice
Recognition: Round Table
Sandi—Volunteer appreciation—luncheon/hours bars/special pins/drawings
Shirley—coffee mug w/ years of service; certificate & card in wallet; adopt a vol.; ice cream social; employee/volunteer connect
Dusty—is there anything volunteers don’t appreciate?
Dave—get together is more valuable than cups, shirts, etc.; get away from cups/pins…gifts from gift shop are better…newsletter, gift cards, send a card
Cathe—Aug. big event; do what works for your program—all different; water bottles? Apr. 5th, 50+ hrs.—invited to breakfast
Tracy—3 special events a year
--“Move it to the Mission”
--movie nights, show zoo movies
--ice breaker—move around ½ hr before movie
--continuing education classes
--ice cream social—do in Aug. when it’s slower
--Desert contest, animal themed—has director go tell volunteers how great they are
--newsletter feature
Kimberly—Don’t see volunteers all the time—what can you do?
Energize.com—has outside the box recognition ideas
High level vol’s—annual eval’s—self & staff—also let vol’s eval staff
Pyramid of Service—small name plates that move up w/ more hours
Good360.org—can get donations from places like Williams Sonoma—use as prizes for vol’s
Volunteer newsletters
President’s Vol. Service Award—certificate, pin & letter from prez
Youth volunteers—nominate 1 per yr. for scholarships
Tracy—Resume nights—have ppl from different careers speak, do mock interviews, behind scenes tours
Hawaiian Luaus
Give vol’s a “store”—they can buy what they want
Books Are Fun—sell 10 things & get 1 free item—use for door prizes
Cathe—Hours for Dollars, maybe Casino night?
“Prom” for vol’s
Slumber parties
Coalition on Volunteerism
- Brought together U.W., INC, SWIDOVS, Serve Idaho for mtgs.
- Haven’t had mtg for while—had one last week
- Want to work together on specific things
- Next mtg. in 6 wks.
- Main topics:
- Central location to put info for vol’s
- Education of groups/orgs
Round-table Updates/Announcements
- MKNC—new mural unveiled May 2—public event
- Youth Ranch Fairview store opening this Sat.
- Y.R. will do who they are topic on Nov. 21
- Summer classes @ BSU
- Vol. Mgmt. class in July
$1369.48 & 45 members
Dues = $20/yr.
4-Top workshop
- May 23 @ Intermountain Gas, 8-Noon
- Kari Rishel w/ HP confirmed—topic = Overcoming Resistance
- Courtney Rush—Pick Me—likely but not yet confirmed
- Panel
- Fee for non-members—applied to membership?
- **Replaces regular 3rd Thurs. mtg.**
DOVE awards
- 2 award categories
- Will send out info re: nominations
- Int’l Vol. Managers Day & Proclamation @ Capitol = Nov. 5
Next Mtg @ AARP in Meridian
Topic is Hospice—what we are about