Agenda Welcome/apologies/Introductions

Review minutes of previous meeting

Review/evaluate school fair


Fashion show/discounted clothes sale

upcoming events/school dairy

Next meeting set date



Present R Ryan

J Butcher


B Locker

W Morris

M Gladwin

S Challenger Hay

W Morris

S Hayat

S Perkins

T Stanton

K Elks

No apologies

Introductions and welcomes to Tracey Stanton (Teacher) who is in charge of marketing in school and welcome to Saddaf Hayat who is also a teacher at Paget and a new member of Paget Pals.

Review minutes of previous meeting - no issues

Summer fair was discussed and it was all agreed that it was a great success. It was felt that the fair was a lot more upbeat, there were a lot more children in attendance this year. Notes taken for next year - more volunteers at the beginning and during the day and also at the end of the fair for the tidy up. It was mentioned that 6th formers' could get involved. Saddaf said that the people seemed really happy when they were exiting the building . It was agreed that we would build year on year making it bigger and better. PTA Have asked for some bunting etcto be put out on the day to draw a little bit more attention to passing traffic etc.

Finance - Copy given out of finances with a breakdown of individual costs etc we now have a net profit of £2620.39 in the bank, we all felt it was a good healthy balance. What to spend it on? A new P.A System was mentioned and Sarah Challenger Hay offered to get 3 separate quotes. It was stated that the P.A system must be mobile and waterproof and good quality. The PTA thought it would be a good idea to get advice before purchasing and Sarah said she would speak to Stuart who is a sound engineer. A much needed freezer was discussed, location was to be decided between Bella and Julie. Michaela said that she would obtain prices.

Fashion show to go ahead Thursday 21st September. There has been a lot of interest shown from staff and pupils. The event is to be held in the Activities Hall. Saddaf and Sarah to 'plug' fashion show at apple day at the farm.

Upcoming events/school dairy - open evening to take place for the upcoming year 6's on the 27th September, Kerry, Sarah to promote Paget Pals on the evening. There is also a settling In evening on the 11th October.

The 17th Branston scouts autumn fair is being held on the 14th October, the PTA thought this might be an opportunity for the prom committee to be there to raise money and promote the school at the same time. A Christmas bingo is to be held on the 29th November a new time was proposed 4 till 6 pm, Julie is going to ask Brenda to send out flyers for the bingo when letters go out for the OAP Christmas party No entrance fee will be charged. Michaela is going to sort prizes. Rykneld Fair is to be held on the 1st December 6 till 8, it was agreed that Tin Can Alley would be the stall, student management team would be asked to help along with Liz & Sarah.The OAP Christmas Party is to held on the 6th December. Liz put a proposal across for a sleepover, a date of 8th December would be put forward to Bella and Jane. The theme will be 'Home Alone' with refreshments provided and breakfast. A cost of £3 would be asked for pupils to participate and a donation of toiletries or tin or dried foods for the YMCA.

Date for next meeting 16th November 2017

Meeting closed