Below is a relatively comprehensive list of CERIC publications since 2001. It is not, however, exhaustive. We have not included ‘other journal articles’ for practitioner or policy publications or our extensive list of conference (well over 100 international conference papers) or project related reports (around 80) many of which were produced for end users but not formally published – a selection of these is considered elsewhere on our webpage.

In each case the lead CERIC author is listed. All other authors are listed in brackets.


Brown, A. (2001) The Euro: Evolution and Prospects, pp.152, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, (with Arestis, P. and Sawyer, M.)

Kirkpatrick, I. (2004) The New Managerialism and Public Service Professions, London: Palgrave. (with Ackroyd, S. And Walker, R.)

Kirkpatrick, I. (2004) Managing Residential Child Care: A Managed Service?, London: Palgrave. (Whipp, R. and Kitchener, M.)

Yeandle, S. (2002) Employed Carers and Family Friendly Employment, Bristol: The Policy Press (with A Wigfield, R Crompton and J Dennett)

Yeandle, S. (2003) Line Managers and Family Friendly Employment: roles and perspectives Bristol: The Policy Press (with J Phillips, F Scheibl, S Wise and A Wigfield).

Yeandle, S. (2003) Work to Welfare: how men become detached from the labour market Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (with P Alcock, C Beatty and S Fothergill)

Books (EDITED)

Brown, A., (2002), Critical Realism and Marxism, pp.280, London, Routledge, (Edited with Fleetwood, S. and Roberts, J.M.)

Muzio, D. (2007) Redirections in the Study of Expert Labour: Established Professions and New Expert Occupations (Basingstoke: Palgrave) (Edited with S. Ackroyd, and J.F. Chanlat)

Stuart, M. (2005) Partnership and Modernisation in Employment Relations. (edited with Martinez Lucio, M.) London: Routledge 280pp xii.

Stuart, M. (2004) Trade Unions and Training: Issues and International Perspectives. (edited with Cooney, R.). Caulfied East: National Key Centre in Industrial Relations. 174pp (contract signed with Routledge for updated version)

Short works, published reports and monographs

Brown, A. (2006) Changing job quality in Great Britain 1998-2004, DTI Employment Relations Research Series No. 70. London: DTI. (with Charlwood, A., Forde, C. and Spencer, D.)

Forde, C. (2005) ‘Good Industrial Relations in the UK Oil Industry’, (with Stuart, M. MacKenzie, R. and Perrett) Working Paper No. 230. Geneva: International Labour Organisation Sectoral Activities Department. 55pp. ISBN 92-2-117254-6

Greenwood, I. (2002) Restructuring, Partnership and the Learning Agenda: A Review. (with Greenwood, I.) Learnpartner Monograph. E.M. Harmer Print: Leeds. 68pp

Robinson A.M. 2003 Equal Opportunities Practices and Enterprises Performance: An Investigation on Australian and British Data, Working Paper no. 14, International Labour Office; InFocus Programme on Promoting the Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work ( with Perotin, V.A.T.; Loundes, J.).

Robinson A.M. 2002. ‘Employee Participation in Ownership and Profit. A Review of the Issues and Evidence’, European Parliament Working Paper, No. SOCI109EN, Social Affairs Series, Directorate-General for Research (with V. Perotin)

Robinson A.M. 2002. "Participation aux bénéfices et actionnariat salarié: les éléments du débat" Document de Travail du Parlement Européen, n° SOCI109FR, Série Affaires sociales, Direction générale des Etudes, (with V. Perotin)

Robinson A.M. 2002. "Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung an Gewinn und Kapitalö Ueberblick über Fragen und Befunde", Europäisches Parlament Arbeitsdokument, SOCI109DE, Generaldirektion Wissenschaft, 2002. (with V. Perotin)

Stuart, M. (2007) Training, union recognition and collective bargaining: findings from the 2004 workplace employment relations survey. unionlearn Research Paper No.4 London: unionlearn/TUC (with Robinson, A.) 24pp. 2007

Stuart, M. (2007) A collective learning culture: A qualitative study of collective learning agreements. unionlearn Research Paper No.3 London: unionlearn/TUC (with Wallis, E.) 76pp.

Stuart, M. (2007) ‘An Impact Study on Relocation, Restructuring and the Viability of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: The Impact on Employment, Working Conditions and Regional Development’ (with Forde, C., MacKenzie, R. and Wallis, E.), Policy Department Economic and Scientific Policy Study, IP/A/EMPL/ST/2006-02. Brussels: European Parliament. 91pp

Stuart, M. (2006) Union Modernisation Fund: Interim Evaluation of First Round. DTI Employment Relation Research Series No. 68. London: DTI (with Charlwood, A., Martinez Lucio, M. and Wallis, E.). 69pp

Stuart, M. (2005) Acas in the NHS: Helping improve employment relations in response to agenda for change. (with Martinez Lucio, M.) Research Paper 06/05. London: ACAS. ISBN 0 9552187 5 6. 60pp

Stuart, M. (2001) In Search of Partnership: Trade Union Experiences of Contemporary Employment Relations and the Management of Change. (with Martinez Lucio, M.). London: Manufacturing, Science and Finance Union: London. ISBN 1-900840-17-0. 26pp iii

Tomlinson, J. (2005) Examining the Potential for Women Returners to Work in Areas of High Occupational Gender Segregation” Department for Trade and Industry Publications, Nov 2005, pp1-106.http://www.dti.gov.uk/training_development/Women_Returners_DTI_November2005.pdf?pubpdfdload=05%2F1790 (with Olsen, W., Neff, D. and Purdam, K.)

Tomlinson, J. (2004) Reconciling work and Family Life: Central Issues for Women Returners in the 21st Century. Report for the Women Returners’ Network. http://www.women-returners.co.uk/Library/WRNresearch.pdf

Editorships of Journals

Kirkpatrick, I. (ed – with Boyne, G. and Kitchener, M.) (2001) New Labour and the ‘modernisation’ of public management, Public Administration, 79(1).

Nolan, P. (2004) ‘Shaping the Future: The Political Economy of Work and Employment’, Industrial Relations Journal, 35(5): 378-387

Nolan, P. and Wood, S. (2003) ‘The Future of Work’, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 41(2): 165-389

Robinson, A. (ed. with Perotin, V.) (2004) ‘Employee participation, firm performance and survival’ Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labour-managed Firms. Vol. 8

Stuart, M. (ed) (2007) ‘The industrial relations of training and development in Europe’, European Journal of Industrial Relations. 13(3): 267-380

Stuart, M. (ed) (2008) ‘Training and employment relations’, Industrial Relations Journal (with Cooney, R.)

Stuart, M. (ed) (2002) ‘Assessing partnership: the prospects for and challenges of modernisation’, (edited with Martinez Lucio, M.) Employee Relations, Vol.24. No.3: 243-360

Refereed Journal Articles

Brown, A, ‘Job Quality and the Economics of New Labour: a critical appraisal using subjective survey data’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol.36, No.6, pp. 941–71, 2007 (with Charlwood, A., Forde, C. and Spencer, D.A.,)

Brown, A. (2007) ‘A materialist development of some recent contributions to the labour theory of value’, Cambridge Journal of Economics Advance Access published [DOI 10.1093/cje/bem017], pp.1–22, August 6, 2007

Brown, A. (2007) ‘Reorienting critical realism: a system-wide perspective on the capitalist economy’, Journal of Economic Methodology. Vol. 14, No. 4, pp.497–517, 2007

Brown, A. (2002) ‘The Euro: reflections on the first three years’, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol.16, No.1, pp.1–17, 2002 (with with Arestis, P., Mouratidis, K. and Sawyer, M.)

Brown, A. (2002) Biefang-Frisancho Mariscal, I. and Sawyer, M.C., ‘Explaining the Euro’s Initial Decline’, Eastern Economic Journal, Vol.28, No.1, pp.71–88, (with with Arestis, P. and Sawyer, M.)

Brown, A. (2002) ‘Driven to abstraction? Critical realism and the search for the “inner connection” of social phenomena’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 26(1) (with Spencer, D.A. and Slater, G.)

Brown, A. (2001) ‘Comment on Dow’s “Post Keynesianism and Critical Realism: What is the connection?”’, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Vol.23, No.2, pp.348–56,

Forde, C. (Forthcoming) ‘'You know we are not an employment agency':
Manpower, government and the development of the temporary help industry in Britain’, Enterprise and Society (the Journal of the American Business History Conference).

Forde, C. (2007) 'Getting the Mix Right: The Use of Employment Contract Alternatives in the UK Construction Industry', Personnel Review, 36 (4). (with Robert MacKenzie).

Forde, C. (2006) ‘It’s the taking part that counts? Participation, performance and external labour market conditions’, Relations Industrielles, 61 (2) (Slater, G. and Spencer, D.A.)

Forde, C. (2006) 'Fearing the Worst? The Threat of Job Loss, Participation and Productivity', Economic and Industrial Democracy, vol.27, no.3, pp.369-398. (with Slater, G. and Spencer, D.A.)

Forde, C. (2006) The Nature and Experience of Agency Working In Britain: What are the Challenges for Human Resource Management?', Personnel Review, 35 (2)., pp.141-157 (with Gary Slater)

Forde, C. (2005) 'Agency Working in Britain: Character, Consequences and Regulation', British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43 (2) pp. 249-271 (with Gary Slater)

Forde, C. and MacKenzie, R. (2004) 'Cementing Skills: Training and Labour Use in UK Construction', Human Resource Management Journal. 14, 3.

Forde, C. (2001) Temporary Arrangements: The Activities of Employment Agencies in the UK', Work, Employment and Society, 15 (3) pp.631-644

Gardiner, J. (2007) ‘Employee availability for work and family: three Swedish case studies’, Employee Relations, 29(4): 400-414 (with Bergman, A.)

Gardiner, J. (2007) ‘Work-Life Balance over the Life Course: employees’ perspectives on retirement transitions following redundancy’ (with Mark Stuart, Chris Forde, Ian Greenwood, Rob Mackenzie, Rob Perrett), International Journal of Human Resource Management. 18(3): 476-489

Greer, I. (2008) “Social movement unionism in Germany: the case of Hamburg’s hospitals.” Industrial Relations. Forthcoming. Forthcoming

Greer, I. (2008) önnen Gewerkschaften als soziale Bewegungen in Deutschland erfolgreich sein? Beispiele aus städtischen Kliniken.” WSI Mittelungen. Forthcoming.

Greer, I. (2008) “Political entrepreneurs and co-managers: Labour transnationalism at four multinational auto companies.” British Journal of Industrial Relations. 46:1. (with Marco Hauptmeier)

Greer, I. (2007) “Industrial relations, migration and neo-liberal politics: the case of the European construction sector.” Politics and Society. 35:4. (with Nathan Lillie)

Greer, I. (2007) ‘Vertical disintegration and the disorganization of German industrial relations.’ British Journal of Industrial Relations. 45:1. (with Doellgast, V)

Greer, I. (2006) ‘The industrial determinants of transnational solidarity: Global inter-union politics in three sectors.’ European Journal of Industrial Relations. 12:1. (with Anner, Mark, Marco Hauptmeier, Nathan Lillie, Nik Winchester)

Greer, I (2005) ‘Social Partnership in the U.S.A.? The Development Coalition in Buffalo, New York.’ International Journal of Action Research. 1:2. (with Lou Jean Fleron.)

Kirkpatrick, I. (2007) ‘Agency working and the degradation of public service employment: the case of nurses and social workers’, International Journal of Human Resource Management (with De Ruyter, A. Hoque, K., Lonsdale C. and Malan, J.)

Kirkpatrick, I. (2007) ‘Making the core contingent: managing professional agency work in UK social services’. Public Administration (with Hoque, K.)

Kirkpatrick, I. (2007) ‘Public management reform and its consequences for professional organisation: a comparative analysis’. Public Administration, 85, 1, (Ackroyd, S., and Walker, R.)

Kirkpatrick, I. (2006) ‘Between markets and networks: the reform of social care provision in the UK’, Revista de Analisis Economico, 21, 2, Sept-Dec.

Kirkpatrick, I. (2006) ‘A retreat from permanent employment? Accounting for the rise of professional agency work in UK public services’, Work, Employment and Society, 20, 4, (Hoque, K.)

Kirkpatrick, I. (2005) ‘Taking stock of the new managerialism in English social services’, Social Work and Society [online journal] 3, 3, December.

Kirkpatrick, I. (2005) ‘Los mercados de la asistencia social en la practica: La experiencia del reino unido’. Revista Asturiana Economia, num. 32, Enero-Abril.

Kirkpatrick, I. (2005) ‘The decentralisation of employment relations in the British public sector’, Industrial Relations Journal, 36, 2, (with Hoque, K.)

Kirkpatrick, I. (2003) ‘Archetype theory and the changing professional organization: a critique and alternative’, Organization, 10, 4, pp 739-758. (with Ackroyd, S.)

Kirkpatrick, I. (2003) ‘Non-standard employment in the management and professional workforce: training, consultation and gender implications’, Work Employment and Society, 17, 4. pp 667-689. (with Hoque, K.)

Kirkpatrick, I. (2003) ‘Transforming the professional archetype?: the new managerialism in UK social services’, Public Management Review, 5, 4. (with Ackroyd, S.)

Kirkpatrick, I. (2002) ‘A jungle of competing requirements: management reform in the organizational field of UK social services’, Social Work and Social Sciences Review , 10, 3, pp 24-47.

Kirkpatrick, I., (2001) ‘Out of sight, out of mind? Assessing the impact of markets for local authority children’s services’, Public Administration, 79, 1., pp 49-71. (with Kitchener, M. and Whipp, R.)

Kirkpatrick, I. (2001) ‘Introduction to the symposium on new labour and the “modernisation” of public management’, Public Administration, 79, 1. pp 1-4. (with Boyne, G., and Kitchener, M.J.)

MacKenzie, R. ‘From networks to hierarchies: the construction of a subcontracting regime in the Irish telecomminications industry’, Organization Studies. Forthcoming

MacKenzie, R. (2006) ‘All that is Solid? Class, identity and the maintenance of a collective orientation amongst redundant Welsh steel workers’, (with Stuart, M., Forde, C., Greenwood, I., Perrett, R. and Gardner, J.) Sociology. 40(5): 833-852

MacKenzie, R. M. (2005) 'The Realities of Regulatory Change: Beyond the Fetish of Deregulation', Sociology, 39, 3. (with Martinez Lucio, M.)

Mackenzie, R. (2004) 'Unstable Boundaries: Evaluating the 'New Regulation' within Employment Relations'. Economy and Society. 33,1. (with Martinez Lucio, M.)

MacKenzie, R. (2002) 'The Migration of Bureaucracy: Contracting and the Regulation of Labour in the Telecommunications Industry', Work, Employment and Society. 16, 4.

Muzio, D. (2008) ‘The Paradoxical Processes of Feminisation in the Professions: the case of established, aspiring and semi-professions'. Work, Employment and Society Forthcoming (With Bolton, S.)

Muzio, D. (2008) ‘Globalizing Law Firms and the Expansion of the US and English Legal Profession’ Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business – Forthcoming (with Faulconbridge, J., Beaverstock, J. and P., Taylor)

Muzio, D. (2008) ‘Response to David Brock: Reasserting the Reconstructed Professional Firm’ Organization Studies, 29(1), pp 150-155 (Ackroyd, S.). Forthcoming

Muzio, D. (2008) ‘Organizational Professionalism in Global Law Firms’. Work, Employment and Society, 22(1) (with Faulconbridge, J.) Forthcoming

Muzio, D. (2007) ‘The Reconstructed Professional Firm Explaining Change in English Legal Practices’ Organization Studies, 48(5), pp 1-19. (with Ackroyd, S.)

Muzio, D. (2007) ‘Re-inserting the Professional in the Study of PSFs’ Global Networks, 7(3), pp 249-270 (with Faulconbridge, J)

Muzio, D. (2007) ‘Can’t Live with ‘Em; Can’t Live Without ‘Em: Gendered Segmentation in the Legal Profession’, Sociology, 41(1), pp 47-61. (with Bolton, S.)

Muzio, D. (2006) ‘L’Esercito di Riserva: Femminizzazione e Profitto nella Professione Legale Inglese’. Economia & Management 5, pp 107-117 (with Bolton, S.)

Muzio, D. (2006) ‘Feminization and Paradox: Stratification and Segmentation in Professional Contexts’. Irish Journal of Management, Special Issue, pp 79-93 (with Bolton, S.)

Muzio, D. (2005) ‘On the Consequences of Defensive Professionalism: the Transformation of the Legal Labour Process’. Journal of Law and Society, 32(4) pp 615-642 (with Ackroyd, S..)