ShastaCounty Office of Education
1644 Magnolia Ave.
Redding, CA 96001
August 11, 2010
Regular Board Meeting
1.Call Meeting to Order
The meeting was called to order by President McBride at 1:05p.m.
Members Present
Linda Bradford, Vice-President
Diane Gerard (arrived 1:10 p.m.)
Rhonda Hull
Steve MacFarland
Linda McBride, President
William Stegall
Susan Wilson
Administrators Present
Tom Armelino,CountySuperintendent of Schools
Judy Flores, Assistant Superintendent, Instructional Services
Adam Hillman, Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Services
Kathy Thompson, Assistant Superintendent, Early Childhood Services/Special Education
Others Present
Robin Beeson, Executive Assistant (Recording Secretary)
(NOTE: The following listed their name and representation on a sign-in sheet, there may have been others in attendance. Those in attendance may have attended only a portion of the meeting.)
Dan Ostrowski, SCOE
Vicki Smith, SCOE
De’An Miller, SCOE
Denny Mills, SCOE
Doreen Fuller, SCOE
2.Pledge of Allegiance
Board Member MacFarland led the Pledge of Allegiance.
3.Public Forum/Hearing of Persons Wishing to Address the Board
There were none.
3.1 School District Representatives
There were none.
3.2Bargaining Unit Association Representatives
There were none.
3.3Other Items for Discussion
Judy Flores, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services introduced Doreen Fuller who was recently hired as the Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction. She provided an overview of Executive Director Fuller’s experience and duties she will perform.
ACTION:Board Member Stegall moved to approve the Regular Agenda as submitted.
Board Member Hullseconded the motion. The motion passed by majority vote as follows:
ShastaCounty Board of Education
AYES:Bradford,Hull, MacFarland, McBride, Stegall, Wilson
5.1.1Approval of July 14, 2010 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
5.2Administrative Services:
5.2.1Approval of Credentials and Oaths for Temporary Certificates
5.2.2Approval of Resolution for Interfund Temporary Cash Borrowing for 2010/11
ACTION:Board Member Hullmoved to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted.
Board Member MacFarland seconded the motion. The motion passed by majority vote as follows:
ShastaCounty Board of Education
AYES:Bradford, Hull, MacFarland, McBride, Stegall, Wilson
6.1Project VOICES
Denny Mills, Executive Director of Project VOICES/Student Support Services reviewed the services provided by Project VOICES to schools in the Cascade and Enterprise districts as well as the County Office Alternative Education programs. The grant requires collaboration with other agencies allowingconnections withinthe community. There are two more years remaining of the three year grant. An overview of staff and trainings was provided. Discussion took place regarding the alternative education student population.
A core management team with representatives from various agencies meets monthly to review data and discuss gaps. The grant requires extensive data reporting and accountability. In 2010/11 a pre-SARB program will be piloted and will alsoaddress gang issues. Executive Director Mills reviewed the services offered by the Youth Violence Prevention Council that are provided to students in County Office programs.
Dan Ostrowski, Director of Maintenance, Operations, and Facilities and Information Technology provided the following update:
Tired Derived Grant – A letter was submitted to the granting agency to specify the change in locations for the installation of tire derived material.
Oasis – The summer moves and remodeling of the boys restroom are complete. Upgrades are being done to some of the rooms with new paint, carpet, and ceiling tiles. These types of upgrades will be rotated to other rooms in future years. Additional trees will be planted in the fall. The submission for shovel ready funding for the multipurpose room was not granted. The application will be placed back in line for future funding.
Monte Vista – A slide show of the completed paint project was shared.
Magnolia Roof –A slide show of the progress on the project was shared. The roof is scheduled to be finished by November.
David Ewart, Director of Science Programs, provided the Board with packets of information on the Planetarium, WES, and the upcoming gala fund raising event sponsored by CH2MHill. He shared that Cassie Simmons was not in attendance as she was on vacation. A breakdown of attendance for the Planetarium, WES, and summer science camps was provided. The science camps serve students in grades 1-8. Plans are in place to offer camps all summer long next year.
Interns from the SMART Business Centerwho volunteered at the science camps were introduced. They shared their background and what they gained from their experience.
Director Ewart shared that the Planetarium is in need of, at minimal, an upgrade for the server that will be approximately $15,000. A replacement server would be approximately $160,000. Discussion took place regarding the disappointment with the vendor, Evans and Sutherland, as they have not provided timely or helpful responses to inquiries regarding the failing equipment. Director Ewart thanked the IT Department for their countless hours helping keep this equipment in operation.
It was noted that while there is a contingency plan in place for the organization for technology equipment, there is not one in place for Planetarium equipment. Board Member Wilson suggested exploring a Community Foundation grant as they are specifically for equipment and offered to provide contact information.
Director Ewart reported that the SMART grant is going well and will be fully funded this year. A majority of the teachers will be returning despite the numerous layoffs that have been experienced. Data shows that teacher content knowledge is high. Assistant Superintendent Flores shared that the teacher assessments developed by Director Ewart will most likely be used state-wide. An update was provided on STEM activities, Service Learning grants, and Director Ewart’s involvement with the districts as a result of these opportunities.
9.1.1Reconsider CSBA Membership Dues for 2010/11
President McBride referred to an e-mail that was provided by Robin Beeson, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, after contacting CSBA indicating that they would refund membership dues without penalty upon submission of a written request. If dues are refunded the CountyOffice would not be eligible to utilize CSBA’s policy services. The Board discussed their disgust with the recent news of the CSBA Executive Director, Scott Plotkin, being paid over $500,000 one year and using a business credit card at a casino. It was agreed that the services provided by CSBA are valuable.
President McBride referred to Sacramento Bee articles provided by Board Member Stegall and proposed questions for CSBA. Superintendent Armelino reported that the CSBA Board has issued statements that they take full responsibility for what has happened and will be putting checks and balances in place from here forward. He noted that Mr. Plotkin has been a highly regarded person and is not sure what happened.
Following discussion, it was agreed that President McBride would write a pointed letter to CSBA incorporating questions submitted by Board Member Stegall expressing the Board’s concerns and requesting responses to questions. It was suggested that it be requested that CSBA send a representative to a CountyBoard meeting or that a Board Member attend a CSBA meeting to read the letter publicly. Board Member Wilson offered to attend a CSBA meeting if that is what is decided.
ACTION:Board Member Wilsonmoved that a pointed letter be sent to CSBA outlining the feelings of the Board and requests answers to questions proposed by Board Member Stegall. If a satisfactory response is not provided, reconsideration will be given to future membership to CSBA. Board Member MacFarland seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
9.1.2Consider Board Member Attendance at CCBE 2nd Annual Fall Conference – October 1-3, 2010 in Monterey
President McBride and Board Member Wilson expressed interest in attending the CCBE Conference. Board Member Hull indicated she would be an alternate. A reminder was made that Board Members are to report out to the Board after attending a conference. Board Member Wilson suggested that the Board consider presenting at conferences and include staff. This topic will be discussed further at the August 25, 2010, Board Planning Session.
ACTION:Board Member Bradfordmoved to send two Board Members to the CCBE 2nd Annual Conference as submitted in item #9.1.2. Board Member Gerard seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
9.1.3Consider Board Member Attendance at CSBA Annual Education Conference and Trade Show – December 2-4, 2010 in San Francisco
ACTION:Board Member Wilson moved to send two Board Members to the CSBA Annual Conference as submitted in item #9.1.3. Board Member Gerard seconded the motion. The motion died due to a lack of a vote.
Discussion took place regarding the benefits of having Superintendent Armelino at the conference last year with the three Board Members that attended. Superintendent Armelino indicated he will be attending an ACSA Superintendency Council meeting that coordinates with the conference and would be more than happy to attend again with Board Members and valued this time together as well.
ACTION:Board Member Wilsonamended her motion to send any Board Memberwho wants to attend the CSBA Annual Conference as submitted in item #9.1.3 with the Superintendent. The motion died due to a lack of a second.
It was determined that this item will be placed on the August 25, 2010 Board Planning Agenda for further consideration after Board Members have an opportunity to check their calendars. It was agreed that meeting the early bird discounted registration was not a priority.
10.1Grant Update
Superintendent Armelino reported that the Child Care Initiative Project state grant in the amount of $19,703 was awarded for one year.
Assistant Superintendent Flores shared that the federally funded Teaching American History Grant in the amount of $990,000 was awarded for three years and a verbal commitment has been given for an additional two years. An overview of the grant was provided that will be open to 49 4-11th grade teachers in Shasta and Siskiyou counties. The grant will fund a half-time director that will be housed at the County Office and will partner with UC Davis.
Superintendent Armelino provided updates on the following topics:
Charter Schools –The majority of the students served by the charter school; that is sponsored by a school district in Lassen County, reside in Shasta County which is unlawful. The new superintendent has contacted Superintendent Armelino and is willing to rectify the issue. A meeting will be held to establish a transition plan.
Glenhaven is a new charter school sponsored out of LassenCounty that also has a majority of ShastaCounty students enrolled. CCSESA will be working on the issue of charter schools serving a majority of their students from outside of their county.
CottonwoodSchool District has started an independent study based charter school.
Vandalism/Graffiti – The Magnolia building and Orange Street park have been the target of young neighborhood vandals who live across the street resulting in cars being broken into and graffiti. A temporary 24 hour security guard service has been hired and security cameras are being considered. Administration is working with RPD and the City of Redding to address the problem which may result in changes for accessing the building, etc. All agencies involved are familiar with the vandals.
Facility Agreements with Districts – Problems have been encountered with districts that house County Office programs providing minimal notice when a program has to relocate as a result of district needs. The issue is mostly with special education and preschool programs. Based on the Board’s direction, administration is working to have at minimal five-year agreements in place; however, not all districts are open to long-term agreements. The Board indicated that their direction is to continue seeking long-term agreements and if this means looking for other partnerships, they understand.
Superintendent Armelino and Board President McBride reported on the orientation they had with the Student Board Members who will start attending Board meeting regularly in September.
12.1Administration Services:
12.1.1 General Fund Board Report
De’An Miller, Director of Business Services reported that there is not a lot of activity in the first month of the fiscal year.
12.1.2Quarterly Report on Requests from Community/Agency for Funding-In-Kind Services
Superintendent Armelino reported that the only request for the quarter was from the Youth Violence Prevention County. The Board requested in the future that the report include the amount of funding/in-kind services that was approved.
12.1.3Board Policy 1330.1 Community Relations – Joint Use Agreements (First Reading)
Superintendent Armelino report that currently there is not a policy in place that addresses joint use agreements. As the CountyOffice receives several requests, a policy is being recommended. Some requests for use of meeting rooms at the Magnolia building are being denied and/or charges are being put in place as meeting rooms are in high demand. There have been some instances when an internal department has had to hold a meeting or event off site and incur costs when meeting rooms are booked by outside groups.
12.2Instructional Services
12.2.1Quarterly Report on Williams Uniform Complaints
There were no complaints reported.
13.1Board Correspondence
President McBride shared a State of the District report that she received from Redding District.
13.2Board Discussion
Board Member Bradford inquired about the Interfund Temporary Cash Borrowing Resolution that was on the Consent Agenda. It was explained that this is a standard practice that is recommended by FCMAT and is precautionary in the event funding is not received from the state. The practice allows for borrowing from internal funds and is separate of a TRANS which allows borrowing from an outside agency.
Board Member MacFarland asked if there was any feedback on the recent Expulsion Appeal Hearing. Superintendent Armelino reported that the district had some concerns with the outcome and would be contacting the Board to share these concerns.
Board Member MacFarland shared that he will be moving in October and his new residence is still in Area 2.
Board Member Gerard reported that she saw Myra Hopps, a retired Early Childhood Services Teacher, who had good things to say about Kathy Thompson and Linda McBride.
13.3 Board President Comments
There were no comments.
13.4Board Member Comments
Board Member Gerard commented that Assistant Superintendent Flores wrote a nice Letter to the Editor addressing statistics on the Open Enrollment Act. Superintendent Armelino reported that the state will be issuing a revised list of effected schools on September 15, 2010. The emergency regulations do not require school districts to accept Open Enrollment Act transfer applications for the 2010/11 school year.
Superintendent Armelino reported that he was quoted in an article on the “Jobs Bill.” The bill will provide $1.2 billion for California and is a one-year fix. The California Department of Education has not yet determined how the funds will be allocated.
Superintendent Armelino indicated that he will provide a list at the next meeting of district superintendent changes.
Hearing of Persons Wishing to Address the Board
Nadine Tucker’s attendance at the meeting was noted.
15.Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
Future agenda items were noted earlier in the meeting.
16.Reminders/Upcoming Events
August 12, 2010 – All Call at MagnoliaPark (7:30 a.m. breakfast/8:30 a.m. meeting)
September 28, 2010, 5:00-6:00 p.m. – EXCEL Back-to-School Night
17.Next Meetings:
August 25, 2010, 9:00 a.m. – Board Planning Session at Sierra Pacific Industries,
19794 Riverside Dr., Anderson, CA96007
September 8, 2010, 1:00 p.m. – Regular Board Meeting at ShastaCounty Office of
Education, 1644 Magnolia Ave., Redding, CA 96001
President McBride adjourned the meeting at 3:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Armelino, Shasta County Superintendent of Schools
Ex-Officio Secretary to the Board