Agenda of Texas State University College Panhellenic


The regular meeting was called to order by President Katherine Sawyer at LBJ 3-10.1. The roll was called by President Katherine Sawyer. A quorum was present.


Alpha Delta Pi: 2

Alpha Xi Delta: 3

Chi Omega: 2

Delta Gamma: 12

Delta Zeta: 3

Gamma Phi Beta: 2

Zeta Tau Alpha: 3

GUESTS: No guests were present.

PREVIOUS MINUTES: The minutes of the 2-20-17 meeting were approved as distributed.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer reported as follows:

Beginning balance: (previous weeks date) $32,212.69

Revenue $__0_

Expenses $_204.21

Ending balance: (this weeks date) $32,008.48

The following bills were approved for payment

·  $42.96 in reimbursement for Women’s Empowerment event

·  $185.00 in LBJ Room charges for Alpha Gamma Delta


President [kvs5]:

·  Congrats to all the RCs! Can’t wait to get to know you and get real close during recruitment!

·  New judicial things!! (GET EXCITED)

·  Have an awesome spring break! Be safe but get a good relaxing break- we all deserve it!

o  There’s officially 7 weeks until finals...could be great or terrifying depending on how your semester is currently going (heavy sigh)

First Vice President [srp91]:

·  Congrats to all of the RCs in your chapters!!!! So excited to work with them during recruitment

·  Meeting with the delegates right before this: went over some clean-up things

·  Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable spranngg break!!!

·  Welcome Alpha Gamma Delta delegate!! (come see me after this pls)

VP of Judicial Affairs [bdh75]:

·  congrats to all of the chosen RC’s we are so excited to work with them!!! :-)

·  I finished the second draft of the recruitment rules to include the ideas/suggestions from the recruitment round table (YAY)

·  I’m working on location/date of the recruitment rules reading stay tuned friends

VP of Recruitment [sgp42]:

·  Congratulations to RCs!

·  Greeks Got Talent was awesome!

·  Recruitment Roundtable Thursday March 9th 6:30-8:00 in Flowers 129

·  I hope everyone has a great Spring Break!

VP of Scholarship [mep133]:

·  Mark your calendars, Letters in the Lib will be March 29th (it’s a Wednesday) from 6-9pm! There will be attendance sheets for each chapter and I plan on doing some sort of reward for the chapter that has the highest attendance. I will inform you on the floor number and any additional information at our next meeting!

·  Also, I am super happy that I got so many professor nominations (made me teary eyed).with that being said the professor of the month for the College of Applied Arts is ______and the professor of the month for the College of Business Administration is ______. (I apologize for having to make you guys fill in the blank) *Also I apologize for my google form issues, I will fix them for next time*

·  Student Government scholarships were extended to this Friday, March 10th by noon

·  I hope everyone has a fabulous and safe spring break!

VP of Membership Development [hes38]:

·  YAY RCs!!! I’m so excited to start working with them. Their first workshop is this Wednesday, March 8th at 6:30pm in LBJ Teaching Theatre (Recruitment 101). They already know the dates but this a great time to remind them again at chapter on Tuesday.

·  Working on the packets for the recruitment 101 workshop.

·  Still working on getting in contact with KJ for the other recruitment counselor workshops. Need to talk to Lindsey and Taylor.

·  Woman and Chapter of the Month

o  Delta Zeta: Alyssa Wakefield

o  Zeta Tau Alpha: Mackenzie Beasley

o  Delta Gamma: Kennedy Smith

o  Chi Omega: Bailey Thomas

o  Gamma Phi Beta: Rachel Rood

o  Alpha Gamma Delta: No woman yet hehe

o  Alpha Delta Pi: Marisa Copeland

o  Alpha Xi Delta: Peyton Cordell


§  Woman: Delta Gamma’s Kennedy Smith

§  Chapter: Alpha Gamma Delta

VP of Finance [trh67]:

·  Entering all expenses for the past two weeks

·  Have a great Spring Break!!!

VP of Public Relations [kbd21]:

·  Follow Panhellenic and I will like all of your pics...

- Snapchat: txstpanhell

- Twitter: txstpanhell

- Facebook: txstpanhell

- Instagram: txstpanhell

·  Today is national badge day make sure to tag us so we can see everyone's cute pictures!

VP of Women’s Empowerment [jav142]:


·  I will let you know which chapter won at our next meeting!

·  I’ve loved seeing y’alls pictures and CofS has even reposted some of them so please post yours if you haven’t

·  NOMC week was a huge success and we got 1,000 signatures in 3 days!!!

·  Everyone please have a safe and fun spring break!

·  IFC Clothing Drive- Benefitting the Southside Community Center- March 20th-24th

o  Delivering boxes to your chapter houses on March 19th!!!

o  Pick-up is Friday 24th!!

o  Anything but underwear PLEASE.

VP of Recruitment Elect [smp150]:

·  Learning about campus director

·  Recruitment round table:)

Advisor [lmt60]:

·  Happy International Badge Day!!!!

·  Greek Programming board apps are going out soon… look for those.

o  A LOT of positions will be opening up so encourage your members to apply

·  Greek Awards Packet-

o  February 24th- distributed- set up consultation BEFORE March 24th

§  For overall chapter awards

o  Individual awards- March 22nd is when those are due… it involves an interview component so that is why they need to be turned in so early

o  April 21st- Awards Banquet!!!!!!

·  April 15th- ROSTERS NEED TO BE FINALIZED!!!!!!!!!!!

o  Submit paperwork by April 15th





·  Joint Judicial Board- JUST TO HANDLE UNIVERSITY POLICIES, no Panhellenic related issue will be discussed in these meetings

o  Unregistered parties, anything that affects more than one council as a whole

o  Questions?

§  Is this all councils? YES ALL FOUR COUNCILS.

o  Brooke Hanley: Girls who are on JBOARD in your chapters, now we can talk about Jboard things so HMU.

o  Motion to propose a vote: Delta Zeta

o  Second the motion to propose a vote: Zeta Tau Alpha



Chapter News:

Alpha Delta Pi

·  Sunday 3/5: trip to RMH @ 11am

·  Monday 3/6: exec meeting @6:30pm at the pi house

·  Tuesday 3/7: chapter @5:15 at the ADPi chapter building


Alpha Xi Delta:

·  Sunday 3/5: Recruitment Workshop 1-4 @ the Xi House

·  Sunday 3/5: Exec meeting 6:00 @ the Xi House

·  Tuesday 3/7: Chapter 6:00 at the Xi House


Chi Omega:

·  3/6: Exec meeting 8pm @ Chi O house

·  3/7: Chapter meeting 6pm @ Chi O house


Delta Gamma:

·  Monday 3/6: NPC Badge day & the beginning of rituals week

·  Tuesday 3/7: Chapter meeting @ 7pm

·  Thursday 3/9: Alpha sig / gamma phi lip sync @ 6pm


Delta Zeta:

·  Monday 3/6: New Member meeting at the house @ 7pm

·  Monday 3/6: Exec at the house @ 8pm

·  Tuesday 3/7: Chapter 6:15pm @ Solid Rock Church, Big/Little Sisterhood Event @8PM


Gamma Phi Beta:

·  Sunday 3/5: Exec meeting 6pm @ the Phi

·  Tuesday 3/7: Chapter 6pm

·  Thursday 3/9: Lip Sync! 6-8pm @ the Performing Arts Center

·  Spring Break!!

Zeta Tau Alpha:

·  Sunday 3/5: New Member meeting 6-7 pm @ the Z

·  Monday 3/6: New Member study party 7-8pm @ the Z // Exec meeting a 8pm @ the Z

·  Tuesday 3/7: Chapter at 6:15pm @ the Z // NM initiation test 8pm @ the Z

·  Happy Spring Break! Everyone be safe :-)


Alpha Gamma Delta- Jenna Clumpner (jac429)

Tuesday- Chapter and sisterhood event

Excited to accept 119 girls!!!!!

The next meeting will be 3-20-17 in LBJ 3-10.1 at 5:30pm.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:02pm.

Samantha Perkins, First Vice President.

Approval: 3.7.17