Island Group Scenario
Unfortunate Scenario:
You are stranded on an island with the rest of the members in your group. Follow the instructions below to develop a survival plan for your group.
1. Introduce yourselves to each other. You may not have met the other members stranded on this island and as you are going to spend a potentially long time together, you should know each other's names.
2. Read the Island Characteristics given to your group.
3. Basing your decisions on the particular characteristics of your island, complete the ranking list of the items washed up with your group. Items are on the back of this sheet. You may have to come to some consensus on whether your group should make long term survival a priority or if you should focus all your attention on the possibility of rescue. Include ONE of the completed group lists with the Action Plan described below.
4. As a group, come up with a Survival Action Plan. You need to hand in ONE copy of this plan to me by the end of class. Your answers must be reached by a group consensus. If you do not have a consensus, be sure to record the wishes of those who argue for something else. Your plan should include the following information:
A. Are you going to organize the members of your group with the goal of long-term survival on island or are you going to work towards rescue?
B. Write down a list of rules you will have.
C. If the rules are broken, what will you do?
D. Based on the characteristics of your island and your group's decision on priority of rescue and long-term survival, make a list of group memberswho will be responsible for the following jobs on the island:
How will you feed yourselves?
How will you shelter yourselves?
How will you protect yourselves against dangers on the island which are listed in the island description (or those items not listed but could be out there....)
E. Once you have divided up the duties, each member should write a brief description of how they will meet the requirements of the job they have been given. (1 paragraph)
F. In your group, discuss what attributes, or characteristics, you would look for in a leader on the island. Make a list of those qualities your group decides would be important in a leader in this situation.
The items that were washed up on your Island are as follows:
Rank the ten items below in terms of their importance to your survival. Think carefully about how each items might be used and rank the items 1-10. (1 being the most important, 10 being the least).
My Ranking / The Items / Group RankingFifteen square feet of opaque plastic
One seat cushion (floating type)
Thirty feet of nylon rope
One five gallon can of fresh water
A small transistor radio
One two gallon can of gas-oil mixture
One compass
One shaving mirror
One emergency fishing kit
One case of Armed-Forces K Rations (which will feed on person for 12 days)