Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Council Board of Directors Meeting
June 8, 2013, 7:30pm PT
Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Minutes Draft
Members in Attendance: Timothy R. DeGrado, PhD; Cara Lee Ferreira, PhD, BSc.;
Neil Petry, MS, RPh, BCNP; David W. Dick, PhD; Scott E. Snyder, PhD; Sally W. Schwarz, MS, RPh, BCNP; Xiaoyuan Chen, PhD; Zhen Cheng, PhD; Suzanne Lapi, PhD; Zhude Tu, PhD; Weibo Cai, PhD; Peter Scott, PhD
Guests in Attendance: Todd E. Peterson, PhD; Cathy Cutler, PhD; Petra Peitl, MPharm; Jeffery Norenberg, PharmD
SNMMI Staff in Attendance: Terpse Gentile
1. Welcome and Call to Order
Timothy DeGrado, PhD, President of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Council (RPSC) called the meeting to order at 7:37 PM PT and welcomed everyone to the meeting. David Dick, PhD, RPSC Secretary confirmed a quorum was present.
2. Approval of Previous RPSC Board Meeting Minutes
A motion was made to approve the RPSC conference call minutes from February 19, 2013.
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the RPSC conference call minutes from February 19. 2013.
3. RPSC Financial Report
Scott Snyder, PhD, RPSC Treasurer reviewed the financial report. Dr. Snyder stated we are doing much better than expected. Dues numbers are down. The membership for the council is approximately down $1,200. This year, the Michael J. Welch Foundation will be supporting the award in the amount of $1,000. Dr. Snyder stated RPSC is in good shape financially and will continue to monitor the budget and pay special attention to the Poster Mixer to make sure we do not go over budget.
4. Review of Membership Report
Neil Petry, RPh, BCNP gave an update on the membership report. There is concern about the drop in membership. Dr. Petry stated the need to discuss initiatives to promote membership. Dr. DeGrado suggested we contact Program Directors to persuade students to join RPSC. It was also suggested by the group to approach people outside of the SNMMI organization and encourage them to join the association. It was also suggested to announce during the RPSC-organized CE and scientific sessions that people in attendance should be encouraged to join RPSC.
5. RPSC Education at 2014 Annual and Mid-Winter Meeting
Dr. DeGrado discussed the 2013 Meeting. Dr. DeGrado was encouraged with the meeting. It was agreed that the sessions were going well and nicely attended. The SNMMI 2014 MWM topic selections will be made available on June 24 by SNMMI’s Education Department. The RPSC group discussed possible Annual Meeting suggestions, one on brain imaging and Alpha Particle Therapy. Cathy Cutler stated she would be interested in speaking at the Alpha Particle Therapy session.
6. Discussion of 2013 RPSC/CMIIT Poster Mixer
Tim DeGrado, PhD invited all RPSC members to attend the Poster Mixer and thank the sponsors personally for their contribution. SNMMI staff will send a formal thank you to all sponsors after the Poster Mixer.
7. SNMMI Councils and Centers Internship 2013-2015
Dr. DeGrado asked the group to think of a project for Jennifer Luther the new 2013-2015 RPSC intern. Dr. Jeffery Norenberg suggested membership awareness. Dr. Schwarz stated that we should assign a mentor. Neil Petry volunteered to mentor Jennifer Luther. It was suggested to reach out to the YPC Chairman, Dan Yokell, who was also a RPSC intern for additional feedback. Dr. Petry will contact Dr. Yokell and make the introduction.
8. Collaboration for EANM Radiopharmacy Committee
EANM is interested in collaborating on a radiopharm/toxicity position paper for academic clinical trials. Sally Schwarz is looking at this also through the lens of modifying or withdrawing USP monographs. It was suggest by the group to partner with NIH/NCI and develop a database. Dr. Ferreira suggested this can be a project for the new intern Jennifer Luther.
It was voted to put together a committee to discuss interaction/collaboration on regulatory issues with Dr. Schwarz as the Chairperson. Dr. Ferrier, Dr. Petry and Dr. Cutler will be on the committee. Dr. Schwarz will email the group to set up the next steps. Dr. Ferreira is going to represent RPSC at the EANM Conference in Lyon, France. The tradition was started by Dr. Predeep Garg in that the president of the RPSC Council attends the EANM Conference.
A motion was made to set up a committee to discuss interaction/collaboration on regulatory issues.
It was moved, seconded and voted to establish a committee to discuss interaction/collaboration on regulatory issues.
9. RPSC 2013 BOD Election Results
Dr. DeGrado thanked Dr. Schwarz and the nominating committee. Dr. DeGrado also thanked the outgoing board members, Dr. Scott E. Snyder, Xiaoyuan Chen and Dr. Sally Schwarz. Dr. DeGrado welcomed all the new board members.
a. Vice President
Suzanne Lapi, PhD
b. Treasurer
Peter J. Scott, PhD
c. Board Member
Weibo Cai, PhD
Duann V. Thistlethwaite
10. Review of RPSC Action Items, Tim DeGrado, PhD
a. The LinkedIn Group Page was established and has over 35 members. SNMMI Staff will work on getting new members of RPSC to join the membership.
b. RPSC Student Marketing Plan
Dr. Petry stated he will concentrate more on targeting the PI students and work with the new intern Jennifer Luther in gaining new members.
11. Other Business
Dr. Ferreira suggested that the Board Meeting up in Chicago, IL. An agree-a-date will be sent out for late August and early September to discuss the CE and CAT for Annual Meeting.
12. Adjournment
The Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Council Board of Directors meeting was adjourned at 9:23pm PT.