Minutes for the Joint Board of JeffersonAcademy,

A Colorado Nonprofit Corporation

February 19, 20136:00 PM

Elementary Library

I.Preliminary A., B., C., D., E., F.

Mr. Langer called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. The guests were welcomed. Roll call was taken and the following Board members were present: Ms. Atencio, Ms. Clark, Ms. Graziano, Mr. Haynes, Ms. Lewis, Mr. Moss, Mr. Vierra, Mr. Wall and Mr. Langer. The following ex-officio Board members were present: Mr. Nolan and Ms. Stringari. Ms. Lewis led the Board of Directors and guests in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Langer presented the agenda. Ms. Clark requested that the following items be added to the agenda: Board Members Attending Charter School Conference as item B; Response to Two Roads Letter as item G; JCLA Letter be added as item H; IGA Report City of Broomfield as item K. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

During Public Comment the following guests spoke:

Ms. Panzer expressed her gratitude to the Board and Ms. Stringari for the ceremony held at the new secondary site. Also, to the staff and teachers for their work on dealing with the increased enrollment. Ms. Panzer shared her dissatisfaction that the elementary was not mentioned during the ceremony, as the Elementary’s increased enrollment is helping to fund the new building. Ms. Panzer thanked the PTO for welcoming new families and their fundraising efforts. Ms. Panzer recognized Mr. Nolan for his leadership skills, and his time and efforts. Ms. Panzer addressed the vote brought before the PTO with regard tothe Charter School Conference and suggested that the PTO and Boosters come together to support further education by having money in their budgets for this item.

Ms. Maxey expressed her gratitude to the Communication Committee and stated that she looks forward to this structure on the Board’s agenda. Ms. Maxey mentioned that she had unexpectedly attended the opening of the new site with her daughter and was very excited. Ms. Maxey stated that she wasn’t ‘stoked’ about how JA arrived with the new school, but was ‘stoked’ that it occurred. Ms. Maxey expressed her gratitude to the Policy and Governance Committee.

Ms. Ferbache thanked the Board for their hard work. Ms. Ferbache stated that there is a list of educational needs with the increase in the Secondary enrollment. Ms. Ferbache suggested that we need to stop referring to the schools asElementary and Secondary, and address JA as a K-12 program.

II.General Agenda

A.Committee Reports

Communications Committee

Mr. Moss thanked the 60 participants in the focus groups. Ms. Graziano provided an overview which assessed current communication efforts, opinions of parents and staff, and possible strategies for improving communication. Ms. Malavasi reported that the committee generated a summary of themes which included maintaining academic excellence. Ms. Malavasi pointed out that the staff expressed concerns that they were not well informed. Parents stated that they would appreciate more face-to-face communication with Board members, rationale on decisions made by the Board, and direction that the school is taking. Ms. Graziano stated that the meetings were overwhelmingly positive. Ms. Graziano explained that the next steps of the committee are to receive feedback from the Board, post results for the community, and identify gaps. The committee will provide a draft of their communications plan in April and start implementation in May.

The Board expressed their gratitude for the work and effort. Discussion ensued on ways the Board could be more available to communicate with parents. It was mentioned that in the past Board members held ‘coffees’ for parents and had very few parents in attendance.

Policy and Governance Article II Members & Bylaw 3.2

Ms. Clark provided Article II Members with redline changes, along with the pros and cons for staff voting. Ms. Clark pointed out that every staff member of the corporation would have at least two years of employment and worked at least 20 hours per week. Ms. Clark also pointed out the quorum would be increased from five percent to twenty percent. It was explained that this would be on the Annual May agenda and if passed with a 5% quorum, qualified staff members would be able to vote.

Mr. Moss moved that the Board adopt the amendment to Article II Members as presented for a community vote in May. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Clark made a friendly amendment that this would include the pros and cons. Mr. Moss accepted the friendly amendment.

Mr. Langer reviewed the proposed changes to Bylaw 3.2. It was mentioned that a Board member who has a child transfer to another school may not have a personal vested interest in JA. However, a Board member who has a child graduate from high school could still be committed to JA. Discussion ensued that the Board does not change policy lightly and other policies may need to be revised to be sure they align. Mr. Haynes moved that the Board adopt this change to Bylaw 3.2 as presented. Ms. Atencio seconded the motion. It was suggested the Policy and Governance Committee review this Bylaw change. Mr. Haynes withdrew his motion. Ms. Atencio permitted the withdrawal of the motion. Mr. Langer moved that the Board submit the changes to Bylaw 3.2 as presented to the Policy and Governance Committee to review and provide recommendations to the Board before the general meeting in March. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Accountability Committee-Parent Survey

Ms. Lewis presented the Elementary and Secondary Parent Surveys. Ms. Lewis stated that the committee wanted to simplify the surveys, so perhaps more parents would complete the survey. Ms. Lewis explained that the Secondary survey would allow parents to fill out teacher specific questions and to skip over questions that do not apply. Ms. Stringari suggested that parents have the options to list both good and bad comments. Ms. Lewis requested that Board members email her comments and changes, and she will send these to the committee. The Board will approve the surveys in March and be available after spring break for parents to complete.

Capital Development Committee

Mr. Wall reported that this committee met with the Boosters last week and will meet with the PTO on Friday. The committee would also like to meet with the JA Foundation and then provide a report next month on all of the fundraising efforts at JA.

PTO/Boosters Report

Ms. Graziano reviewed the PTO report. The PTO approved the purchase of two additional document cameras and two projectors. Ms. Graziano reviewed the wish list from Mr. Nolan that includes new doors for the library, 13 Smart Boards and classroom speaker systems for five classrooms. The upcoming events were pointed out.

Mr. Langer requested clarification on the PTO’s decision for not funding Board members to attend the conference. Ms. Gelston, PTO President, responded that this was brought to the PTO membership for a vote.They declined to fund this based on the Board members that would be attending are outgoing members. Also, this does not align with their vision and mission. Mr. Anderson, PTO Vice President, reiterated Ms. Gelston’s response. Ms. Gelston requested that the emails regarding this issue halt, as this issue is closed. Ms. Graziano requested as the PTO liaison, that she be copied on all emails sent to the PTO.

Ms. Lewis reviewed the Booster report. Ms. Lewis reported that there were between 800-1,000 in attendance at the ribbon cutting for the new secondary site.

B.Board Members Attending Core Knowledge Conference

Discussion ensued with which Board members would like to attend the conference. Ms. Lewis, Ms. Atencio and Mr. Haynes would like to attend. Ms. Clark stated that she would be presenting at the conference. It was noted that the Boosters did approve $600 toward the cost of the conference. The PTO did not approve funding. It was noted that two people could attend at the cost of one, by splitting up the days. Ms. Atencio suggested that those that attend the conference could report back to the Board during a workshop.

C.Annual Review of Tech Strategy and Financial Ability to Implement

Mr. Nolan presented the Elementary Tech Strategy. Mr. Nolan reviewed the items that would be targeted for next year; Primary Lab, teacher desktops, incentive computers, wireless routers, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 and training for ActivBoard.

Ms. Stringari will submit the Secondary Tech Strategy next month.

The Board voted to take a break. Mr. Moss excused himself for the remainder of the meeting.

Mr. Haynes requested that the Board move out of order and combine the following items as H. Resolution for Required Savings, K-12 Budget/Business Manager, and Reporting Mechanics – Finance Manager. Ms. Clark seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

D.Approve 2013-2014 Calendar

The Elementary and Secondary 2013-2014 calendars were reviewed. It was noted that the Elementary is required to have 969 hours and the Secondary 1,056 hours. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the Elementary and Secondary calendars for the 2013-2104 school year as presented. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

E.Home School/CCE Update

Ms. Stringari asked the Board members for questions regarding the report submitted by Terry Johns. Ms. Johns responded to the following questions. Q:Why would the meetings for enrollment take place in a couple of months and not sooner? A: Parents are most interested in March and April. Q: Why is there a wide range listed in the student count (110-140)? A: It is difficult to know which students would be Concurrent or Homeschooled. Q: Based on the interest you have received Ms. Johns, how many of those students are existing Two Roads’ students? A: That is unknown. Q: How realistic is the cost of the facilities? A: I have used the rate charged by churches.

It was suggested that volunteers from the Board assist in searching for facilities. Ms. Lewis and Mr. Haynes volunteered. It was noted that the proposed PPR amount will be higher and so the student count could be less. Ms. Johns will provide an update for the Board at the next meeting. The Board determined that a vote needs to be done by May 1. Ms. Johns requested to have a link on JA’s website for advertisement.

F.Response to Two Roads letter

Ms. Clark reported that there are no concerns with using the name Hope, as this is not violating any trademark. Ms. Clark mentioned that Two Roads may move their location. Ms. Clark stated concerns that current students at Two Roads may have been solicited for JA’s proposed homeschool program. Ms. Stringari reported the initial contact with Ms. Johns was for advice in increasing enrollment in JA’s Concurrent program. Discussion ensued with how the Board should respond to Two Roads’ letter. It was determined that Ms. Clark will draft a response, indicating that the contents of the letter have been brought to the attention of the Board and they will be checking into the matter. Ms. Clark will send the draft to Mr. Langer for editing before sending the response.

G.JCLA Letter

Ms. Clark reviewed the proposed letter to send to JeffersonCountyregarding the installation of security doors and cameras for district schools, but fails to include charter schools. Ms. Clark stated several schools are in support and this would also be addressed at the Charter School Conference on Thursday. Ms. Clark stated that the goal would be to have the letter be sent to Jefferson County and have this itembe included on their agenda on March 7th.

Ms. Lewis moved that the Board approve the letter as presented. Ms. Graziano seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. It was suggested that information go out to our parents, so that they may attend the Jeffco Board meeting to show their support.

H.Resolution for Required Savings, K-12 Budget/Business Manager, Reporting Mechanics – Finance Manager

Mr. Haynes suggested that JA place 20% of the bond payment into savings. It was pointed out that this is in the five-year budget plan to work up to 20%. Discussion ensued regarding giving the staff a raise and the funds needed to repurpose the old high school building for the Elementary before placing a specific amount of money into savings. Mr. Nolan also mentioned the goal of reducing class sizes beginning in the 2014 school year. It was recommended to task the Finance Committee into looking to contracting a part time business manager. It was suggested that an accounting piece be simplified in communicating with our families. Mr. Nolan and Ms. Stringari will submit a draft of their next years’ budgets in March.

I.Schedule SRC Meetings with Principals

The SRC meeting for the Secondary will be on April 2nd at 8:30 a.m. and on April 3 at 8:30 a.m. for the Elementary.

J.Report from City of Broomfield

Ms. Clark provided a report on Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA). Ms. Clark explained that every builder in the City Broomfield pays fees for every unit built. Fifty percent of this fund may be used for public use facilities by a school District. JA is the only school in the City of Broomfield in Jefferson County School District R-1. These funds could possibly be used for some of our facilities, if we allow joint use with the City of Broomfield. JA is negotiating an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) under which JA will receive reimbursement for the cost of the soccer field and for payment to put in lighting for the field. These funds may be used in the future to build a track and a second gym. The City of Broomfield would be second in line in the use of these facilities and Jeffco third (when JA is not using them). Ms. Clark stated that they have made headway in negotiations, and the City of Broomfield is already allowing JA to use the baseball fields, and they may allow use of the auditorium at the library. The question arose on if there would be a term limit. The draft documents will be presented at the March meeting.

III.First Reading


IV.Second Reading



A.K-12 Financials & Budget

It was stated that these were reviewed at the workshop held last week. There were no comments or concerns.

B.Principals’ Reports

Mr. Nolan stated that he has met with teachers for their input in repurposing the old secondary building. Mr. Nolan pointed out that the district is replacing the back door of the kitchen, at no cost to JA, as the kitchen area belongs to the district. Mr. Nolan mentioned that he will be looking into utilizing the security system left by the secondary and additional cameras.

Ms. Stringari demonstrated the security system that she has access to even by her smart phone. Ms. Stringari stated that the Broomfield officers have been out at the secondary site each morning during drop off. Ms. Stringari explained that they are considering a new program for the junior high that will have math every day and English/history alternating days. This would allow students in math to receive assistance in class and also provide students who excel with more curriculum. Ms. Stringari stated that thiswould also be more in line with Core Knowledge and the Coordinated Humanities program.

VI.Miscellaneous Board Items

A.Approval of Minutes January 15, 2013, January 24, 2013 and February 12, 2013

Mr. Langer presented the Minutes of January 15, 2013, January 24, 2014 and February 12, 2013. Revisions were made. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the Minutes of January 15, 2013, January 24, 2013 and February 12, 2013 as amended. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

B.Debriefing of Board Agenda and Action Items

These items were reviewed and revised.

Mr. Langer moved that the Board move into Executive Session at 10:28 p.m. for the purpose of Contract Negotiations C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e). It was noted that Personnel Issues C.R.S. 24-6-204 (4)(f) Monthly Administration Review was not needed. Mr. Vierra seconded the motion that passed with the following roll call vote: Ms. Atencio – yes, Ms. Clark – yes, Ms. Graziano – yes, Mr. Haynes – yes, Ms. Lewis – yes, Mr. Vierra - yes, Mr. Wall - yes and Mr. Langer - yes. The required 2/3 to move into Executive Session was met.

VII.Executive Session

Mr. Haynes moved that the Board move out of Executive Session at 10:59 p.m. Mr. Vierra seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Langer moved that the Board adjourn at 11:00 p.m. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Shelly Cohen, Clerk

JeffersonAcademy Board of Directors.